Super Merryo Trolls

Making The Fog Source Code

You may think it's crude, but AppleSoft BASIC was all we needed to accomplish the task of converting the drawing of the fog into the code we used inside Merryo Trolls.

5 L = 6114
6 F$ = "prg/bits/fogimport.s"
10 D$ = CHR$ (4)
20 HOME : PRINT : PRINT D$;"bload px/world4.fog,a";L;",b$500,l$7800,t$c1"
25 PRINT "Converting (this may take awhile, so grab a snack or do some BBSing.)"
30 PRINT D$;"open ";F$
35 PRINT D$;"write ";F$
47 PRINT "* This source actually written by a basic program."
48 PRINT "* ... So watch your ass."
50 PRINT : PRINT "FogTabls";
60 FOR T = 0 TO 9
70 PRINT " DA ";
80 FOR U = 0 TO 7
85 PRINT "FogT";U + (T * 8);",";
93 PRINT : PRINT "BackLoop";
100 FOR X = 0 TO 79
103 PRINT " iny": PRINT " iny": PRINT " iny": PRINT " nop"
105 PRINT : PRINT "FogT";X;
106 Z = X + 1: IF Z = 80 THEN Z = 0
110 FOR Y = 0 TO 191
115 U = PEEK (L + (X * 2) + (Y * 160))
118 V = PEEK (L + (Z * 2) + (Y * 160))
119 IF U > 0 AND V = 0 THEN GOTO 125
120 NEXT Y: GOTO 145
125 PRINT " ldx ForeFld+";46080 - (Y * 240);",y"
130 PRINT " lda FogTable,x"
136 PRINT " sta ForeFld+";46080 - (Y * 240);",y"
140 NEXT Y
145 PRINT " tyx"
150 FOR Y = 0 TO 191
155 U = PEEK (L + (X * 2) + (Y * 160))
160 V = PEEK (L + (Z * 2) + (Y * 160))
165 IF U = 0 AND V > 0 THEN GOTO 175
170 NEXT Y: GOTO 190
175 PRINT " ldal BackFld+";46080 - (Y * 240);",x"
180 PRINT " sta ForeFld+";46080 - (Y * 240);",x"
185 NEXT Y
190 NEXT X
194 PRINT " jmp BackLoop"
195 PRINT : PRINT D$;"close ";F$
200 PRINT "Done!": END

This program created the code for moving the stripes, and a jump table so we could start drawing the fog from any stripe.