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North to Alaska - Sherrila Only - Day 22 (June 7)

Monday - An Elvis CD was the perfect accompaniment for our morning drive over the rock-and-roll road to Anchorage along Turnagain Arm, 127 miles of bright sunshine and white snow patches interspersed with the vivid blues, greens and chrome-yellows of wildflowers. The drive was uneventful until we arrived at the Ship Creek Landings RV Park where Margaret dropped the Jellybean keys down next to her seat under the belt reel. As she groped to dislodge them the truck alarm went off alerting everyone in the neighborhood to our presence. After that clamorous beginning we spent the rest of the day quietly, in the crowded laundry/internet room. Later G & S, "taking a vacation from their vacation", went to a movie while we two drove around town.