This was a chunk of Applesoft Basic and a chunk of Assembly Language that worked in tandem to put the Apple IIgs in graphics display mode and then transport chunks of memory onto the screen. Its main purpose is to sneak around in memory after rebooting the machine, to examine how the program that was previously running moments earlier was storing its graphics.
Among other controls, it had a "wrapping interval", so you could move chunks of memory onto the display in intervals that matched the width of whatever graphics you were trying to examine. For example, if you were looking at a piece of art that was 80 pixels (40 bytes) wide, you could dial the interval down to 40 and the art would unscramble itself and appear on the screen as the artist intended.
3 S = 8263 4 G = 49193 5 L = 8216 6 POKE G,193 10 D$ = CHR$ (4) 20 PRINT : PRINT D$;"bload ga,a$2000" 30 B = 7:X = 12:P = 9:Y = 246 40 W = 16 50 POKE 0,W: POKE 1,0 60 POKE L,Y: POKE L + 1,X + (P * 16): POKE L + 2,B 70 CALL 8192 75 GET A$ 76 IF A$ = "0" THEN POKE G,65: GOTO 120 80 IF A$ = "4" AND W > 4 THEN W = W - 2 85 IF A$ = "6" AND W < 256 THEN W = W + 2 90 IF A$ = "1" THEN Y = Y - 1: IF Y = - 1 THEN Y = 255:A$ = "8" 92 IF A$ = "3" THEN Y = Y + 1: IF Y = 256 THEN Y = 0:A$ = "2" 94 IF A$ = "8" THEN X = X - 1: IF X = - 1 THEN X = 15:A$ = "7" 96 IF A$ = "2" THEN X = X + 1: IF X = 16 THEN X = 0:A$ = "9" 98 IF A$ = "7" THEN P = P - 1: IF P = - 1 THEN P = 15:A$ = "=" 99 IF A$ = "9" THEN P = P + 1: IF P = 16 THEN P = 0:A$ = "/" 100 IF A$ = "=" AND B > 2 THEN B = B - 1 101 IF A$ = "/" AND B < 34 THEN B = B + 1 102 IF A$ = "+" AND M > 0 THEN M = M - 1: POKE 2,M: CALL S 103 IF A$ = "-" AND M < 190 THEN M = M + 1: POKE 2,M: CALL S 110 GOTO 50 120 PRINT : PRINT "Stopped at:" 121 A = (P * 4096) + (X * 256) + Y 122 C = (M + 1) * W 123 PRINT "Bank:";B: PRINT "Data Width:";W: PRINT "Address:";A 124 PRINT "(Page:";P;")(Line:";X;")(Byte:";Y;")" 125 PRINT "Length marker at:";M 126 PRINT "Lenth x Width = ";C 130 PRINT : PRINT "To capture screen:" 140 PRINT "]mtr" 150 PRINT "*00/1000<e1/2000.9fffm" 160 PRINT "*bsave ga.save1,a$1000,l$8000" 170 PRINT : PRINT "To capture data:" 175 PRINT "]mtr" 180 PRINT "*00/1000<"; 183 Q$ = "0123456789ABCDEF" 184 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (B / 16) + 1,1); MID$ (Q$,(B - INT (B / 16) * 16) + 1,1);"/"; 185 D = C + A: IF D > 65535 THEN D = D - 65535 186 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (A / 4096) + 1,1);:A = A - INT (A / 4096) * 4096 187 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (A / 256) + 1,1);:A = A - INT (A / 256) * 256 188 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (A / 16) + 1,1);:A = A - INT (A / 16) * 16 189 PRINT MID$ (Q$,A + 1,1);"."; 190 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (D / 4096) + 1,1);:D = D - INT (D / 4096) * 4096 191 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (D / 256) + 1,1);:D = D - INT (D / 256) * 256 192 PRINT MID$ (Q$, INT (D / 16) + 1,1);:D = D - INT (D / 16) * 16 193 PRINT MID$ (Q$,D + 1,1);"m" 194 PRINT "*bsave funky";W;"w,a$1000,l";C
Here's the Assembly Language portion, which was loaded into memory address $2000.
CLC XCE SEP #30 (shortm shortx) LDA #E1 PHA PLB REP #30 (longm longx) LDA #0000 STA 02 STA 04 STZ 06 LDX 02 LDY 04 LDA 079CF6,X STA 2000,Y INX INX INY INY INC 06 INC 06 LDA 06 CMP 00 BNE 2017 {-15} LDA 02 CLC ADC 00 STA 02 LDA 04 CLC ADC #00A0 CMP #7900 BCC 200F {-2F} SEP #30 (shortm shortx) LDA #00 PHA PLB SEC XCE RTS CLC XCE REP #30 (longm longx) LDA 02 AND #00FF STA 02 ASL ASL ADC 02 ASL ASL ASL ASL ASL ADC 00 TAX LDA #FEEF STA E12000,X SEP #30 (shortm shortx) SEC XCE RTS