"The Happy Spot Opera"
By the happy spot (duh)
This is all very much open for revision, addition, or smashing.
Any suggestions about anything at all are welcome :)
Cast notes:
Don Prego Manicotti, Tenor.
The dashing goddamn male lead.
Impeccable hair, loud voice, sometimes moves like Ace Ventura.
Sanriolena, Soprano.
The mysterious, passive lead female waif. (These two
are in 976-LOVE.)
Duke Pompouso Of Gallabutt, Bass.
The cold-hearted male character,
related to one or both of the above, who gives in to their irrational
lovey-dovey pleas somewhere in the middle of the opera, just before the
plot spirals out of control and everyone kills themselves.
Don Prego's fencing partner and partner-in-crime, he is first skeptical
and then jealous of Prego's budding love with Sanriolena.
Later gives in and helps his friend, after hiding in a bush and watching
them fawn over each other, only to leap out, point at them and declare,
"WOW! YOU TWO REALLY >ARE< SERIOUS!", laugh heartily, and be chased off
by Prego. Pulls around a little toy dog on a string, which he employs to
secretly transport love notes between Prego and Sanrio.
Dressed like a rich enlightenment-age aristocrat, with poofy arms and
neon stockings.
Lady Platypeina, Mezzo.
She is Sanriolena's servant, though she's about
four times Sanriolena's age. Hmm.
Jockappo, Baritone.
The boring, stolid male character. He has an official
position (probably captain of the guards or something) but the government
never, ever comes into the plot.
He has a really tall, cylindrical black hat strapped on his head, under
which he keeps his one and only weakness: Twinkies.
Got to have it knocked off in a battle, shaming him and driving him out
of his government position.
Wario, Bass.
He is E-VIL. He is courting one of the above characters, but
ends up fighting Jockappo and being stabbed, then singing about it for
twenty minutes before he finally collapses.
Yellow shirt and blue overalls, big clunky shoes. Ridiculous cardboard
jagged moustache. Walks like a scooby-doo character.
The Prisoner:
- Unjustly jailed in a cell that Jockappo guards, he later
turns out to be Lady Platypeina's husband, AND DON PREGO'S FATHER.
The Lady Platypeina had to have him jailed so that he wouldn't spoil her
plans to get Sanriolena's fortune married into the family. The Prisoner
doesn't want this to happen because he knows some terrible secret about
Sanriolena's family, and he hires Wario to kill his ex, the Lady
thusly sparing his son from a bad marriage. Unfortunately for him,
Don Prego and Sanriolena really are in love, and the murder of the Lady
only strengthens their resolve.
What's worse, the Lady's dying scream summons Jockappo the guard, who
manages to slay Wario! (see above)
The Prisoner's part isn't an easy one, since he has to say all his lines
through the duct-tape gag that they put on him when they threw him in
Foofina, Alto. The nun, the nun!
Acts like a hard-boiled PI in a habit some of the time, with a
voice-over a-la Bladerunner on occasion. Is investigating the secret in
Sanriolena's family. Every once in a whole she goes completely ballistic
and wacko, leading in to the more surreal song-and-dance numbers.
Glampenfomp, High Soprano.
She's in the opera for one scene, and delivers
a piece of paper to Lady Platypeina, sings about it for two hours, and
then leaves, never to be seen again.
Got to have him as a character. Pompous, overbearing, and
Long white beard and robes, with mickey-mouse ears. Spits all his lines
through teeth gritted around a black pipe. Probably gets a stick or a
staff of some sort so he can swing it around and look like he's in charge.
Has to incur the signature line: "Oh god!-- It's God!" from every single
person he addresses.
God's Assistant:
A bored-looking secratary dressed like Towa-Tei, whose job,
among other things, is to hold a sign reading "GOD" with an arrow on it
pointing at God so other people get the picture. Name's Hecubus or
something. Gets a soliquoly about how hard it is to be a secretary of
God, right at the beginning of the play.
Story Synopsis:
I think a good opera would actually start with God. God and Towa Tei as
his servant. Then he creates the people who are going to star in the
opera. Maybe it's neo-creational, and instead of Adam and Eve, you get a
whole host of wackos.
ACT I, Scene 1.
Some people come on stage and dance and stuff. They sing senseless shit
"When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way, on 42nd street, into
the woods, out of the woods, because we are the angels of music. You gotta
be sincere, Bobby, Booby, Bobby baby Bobby booby, Bobby come home for
dinner, just be the three of us. I'm gonna wash Evita right out of my
hair, and by the way, it's not spaghetti, it's linguini."
This erupts into
a drunken festival. A dancing dwarf runs in playing the accordian, and
everyone begins dancing around the Sugarplum Fairy. However, everyone
keeps drinking and they all get so shitfaced that they end up whipping out
guns and shooting each other in a hideous bloodbath. The only survivors of
this mad festival of inevitable hedonism are Sanriolena, her faithful
servant Lady Platypeina, and a statue that suddenly comes to life and
invites itself home to dinner. Lady Platypeina accepts the invitation.
They leave. Sanriolena leaves. The corpses re-animate themselves and sing
a tale, a tale of a fateful trip, that started blah blah blah blah aboard
this tiny ship. Then they die again.
Then they are resurrected. Then they
sing some more and die, again. Then God appears and screams, "Oh, my
headache! Feels like there's a rat in my brain." He leaves. The corpses
rot, and flies gather. They sing a song and dance and stuff.
Scene 2.
Nun Foofina arrives at the New Age Buddhist Retreat Center, looking for
Sanriolena. She spies Sanriolena with the Don, lovingly smashing
wine bottles over each other's heads.
They sing about how their love is
star-crossed, since he is a servant girl, and she is a stunning member of
royalty. Also, she is a Moor, and he is a Hittite. Also, he a Catholic,
and she is a Unitarian. Also, she is a Republican, and he is a Feudalist.
Also, she is a Raiders fan, and he is an Apple IIgs snob. (Lots of
potential conflict, see?)
Foofina suddenly bursts onto stage, totally
spoiling the mood, and she proceeds to do a neat trick with liquid
EZ-cheeze and some diet pills.
Everyone is killed off at the end of the opera when
God decides he's sick of them, and then Adam and Eve are created and God
tells the angels to "scratch all the notes you've taken so far, it's all
bullshit, we're starting over."
Releasing his pent up frustration and disgust, Towa Tei bludgeons God
to death with his sign. Adam and Eve go 'eek!' and sprint off the
stage and into the audience.
The angels stand around dumbfounded for a second, then start shouting with joy.
Towa Tei goes around collecting high-fives, but
falls off stage and impales himself on a lighting fixture.
This! lousy play's
been ta - ken too far,
I've had quite enough!
Scratch! all the notes
you've ta - ken so far,
you pudgy fat fucks!
It's all bull-shit
yes sir
god sir
You must kill it
yes sir
now sir
God: (pointing to last living cast member)
You worthless sack of crap!
You're never coming back!
Kill all the extras,
Burn all the props,
Scratch the whole thing!
Angels, get your mops!
(reminiscent of Devo's peek-a-boo:)
(God: hands on hips)
God: (On angel's last 'sir')
Angels and God:
Angels: (falling over each other trying to clean up, while God laughs)
On with the show!
On with the show!
On with the show!
(Towa Tei smacks God with a giant foam prop)
(crash, thud, etc)
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