Soyuz |
Put to music: Guitar backed by Xylophone, with a wooden block,
clapping, and cheap 60's style space sound effects.
(funny accented high voice rolling all the r's)
OH... I'm a happy astronaut I float about the earth I jump and float and fly around, so happy in my mirth! I float and float and fly and fly and fly and float and float and fly and fly my ship away!OH... I'm a happy astronaut I fly my ship real far My gas bill's huge, it's hard to park, but ... it's faster than my car! I float and float and drive and drive and park and pay and pay and park and pay some more, and then embark to find my way out in the dark and fly my ship away!
OH... I'm a happy astronaut I often bring my pets I like to watch them float around and get caught in my nets I float and float and fly and fly and pay and park and park and pay and bring my pets and watch them puke and help to target Russian nukes and blow up Houston and Dubuque and pay some more, and then embark. to find my way out in the dark, and fly my ship away!
La la la ... laah!