Logging started. Version 0.7b65 (Build 733) Windows Built Dec 27 1999 18:09:31. 29.01.00 19:07:45 0 Teams loaded. 29.01.00 19:07:45 Checking vital files. 29.01.00 19:07:45 Checking IX86ver1.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:45 Checking PMACver4.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:45 Checking icons.bni: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:45 Checking icons.ngi: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:46 Checking star107b.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:47 Checking sc4-5.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:47 Checking sc5-6.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:47 Checking sc6-7b.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:47 Checking bw4-5.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:47 Checking bw5-6.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:47 Checking bw6-7b.mpq: OK. 29.01.00 19:07:48 Checking Userfiles. 29.01.00 19:07:48 15 Userfiles. 29.01.00 19:07:48 Setup Blizzard and Westwood listener 30.01.00 20:01:14 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:01:19 Login of PC_Freak from (1 Users) 30.01.00 20:02:11 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:02:12 Logout of PC_Freak from 30.01.00 20:02:16 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:02:17 Login of garote from (1 Users) 30.01.00 20:02:20 Login of PC_Freak from (2 Users) 30.01.00 20:02:24 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Moo 30.01.00 20:02:28 garote/Channel slugs-1: phneep! 30.01.00 20:02:28 PC_Freak says moo 30.01.00 20:02:32 garote likes cheese 30.01.00 20:02:35 PC_Freak: /root 30.01.00 20:02:39 PC_Freak: /say root 30.01.00 20:02:44 PC_Freak: /b/ 30.01.00 20:02:44 PC_Freak: /c 30.01.00 20:02:45 PC_Freak: /d 30.01.00 20:02:45 PC_Freak: /e 30.01.00 20:02:46 PC_Freak: /f 30.01.00 20:02:46 PC_Freak: /g 30.01.00 20:02:48 PC_Freak: /h 30.01.00 20:02:48 PC_Freak: /i 30.01.00 20:02:50 PC_Freak: /j 30.01.00 20:02:51 PC_Freak: /kill 30.01.00 20:02:57 garote has a brain embolism+?={+TÜf¦¦ 30.01.00 20:02:57 PC_Freak is the root of all money. 30.01.00 20:03:05 garote is the money of all money 30.01.00 20:03:08 PC_Freak is the kill-9 of money 30.01.00 20:03:13 garote/Channel slugs-1: arrrghh! 30.01.00 20:03:16 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "My wallet's cache is disabled." 30.01.00 20:03:20 garote/Channel slugs-1: chmod a+rwx *money* 30.01.00 20:03:28 garote/Channel slugs-1: :) 30.01.00 20:03:37 garote/Channel slugs-1: chown garote *money* 30.01.00 20:03:45 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: chown .world *money* 30.01.00 20:03:52 garote/Channel slugs-1: ah yes 30.01.00 20:04:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: Va va voom 30.01.00 20:04:07 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: chmod a+wx *money* 30.01.00 20:04:10 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: No "+r" 30.01.00 20:04:21 garote/Channel slugs-1: chmod 666 money 30.01.00 20:04:22 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:04:26 garote/Channel slugs-1: hrrrmmm 30.01.00 20:04:31 garote likes cheese 30.01.00 20:04:31 Login of Milo from (3 Users) 30.01.00 20:04:57 garote is gonna make a game ... but which map? 30.01.00 20:05:04 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: >%chown -666 *gates* 30.01.00 20:05:05 garote/Channel slugs-1: My map's way too frickin' big for three. 30.01.00 20:05:07 Milo/Channel slugs-1: Hello, I am the HAL 9000 computer. How may I service you? 30.01.00 20:05:09 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: >Unable to comply 30.01.00 20:05:30 garote/Channel slugs-1: ar "the treasure, matey" 30.01.00 20:05:31 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: >Building in ....oh, nevermind. 30.01.00 20:05:40 Milo/Channel slugs-1: I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that. 30.01.00 20:05:45 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "I can't build there; something's in the way" 30.01.00 20:06:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: perl -ajdiowjexdw foo.c 30.01.00 20:06:15 garote/Channel slugs-1: "I can't build that!" 30.01.00 20:06:26 garote/Channel slugs-1: "Ah Cain't Build That!" 30.01.00 20:06:31 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "'Join the army,' they said..." 30.01.00 20:06:38 garote/Channel slugs-1: "... see the world, they said!" 30.01.00 20:06:41 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "I'd rather be sailing!" 30.01.00 20:06:48 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Stop rocking the boat!" 30.01.00 20:06:52 Logout of Milo from 30.01.00 20:06:52 garote/Channel slugs-1: "Stop ROCKing the UUART!" 30.01.00 20:07:11 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Captain! The UART's cannae take these speeds!" 30.01.00 20:07:13 garote/Channel slugs-1: "Don't you have a kingdom to exec."? 30.01.00 20:07:18 garote/Channel slugs-1: exec foo? 30.01.00 20:07:24 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hmmm. Only if you're an apple II user. 30.01.00 20:07:40 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Halloween blood-sucker script: VAMPIRE.BAT 30.01.00 20:08:09 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Message rejected: misspelled word on line 24451, column 3 30.01.00 20:08:22 garote: /msg garote FOo! 30.01.00 20:08:32 garote: /msg PC_Freak FOo II! 30.01.00 20:08:39 garote/Channel slugs-1: I pity the FOO.c! 30.01.00 20:08:58 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:09:07 Passwordmismatch for [SluG]Traveler 30.01.00 20:09:12 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (3 Users) 30.01.00 20:09:13 New Game from garote: WHamBam! 30.01.00 20:09:17 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: blah 30.01.00 20:09:33 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: blah 30.01.00 20:09:34 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: blah 30.01.00 20:09:35 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: blah 30.01.00 20:09:37 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: blah 30.01.00 20:09:42 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: blah I say 30.01.00 20:09:52 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: and blah 30.01.00 20:11:57 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: assert(1); /* My friend said to always do this... */ 30.01.00 20:12:24 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:12:29 Login of Milo from (4 Users) 30.01.00 20:12:45 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Space Debris 30.01.00 20:12:45 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Space Debris 30.01.00 20:12:45 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Space Debris 30.01.00 20:12:45 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Space Debris 30.01.00 20:41:08 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:42:17 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:42:57 New Player Fang. created from 30.01.00 20:42:57 Login of Fang from (5 Users) 30.01.00 20:43:30 Logout of Fang from 30.01.00 20:43:35 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 20:47:28 Login of Fang from (5 Users) 30.01.00 21:01:33 GameReport from PC_Freak: 30.01.00 21:01:33 garote PLAYING 30.01.00 21:01:33 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 30.01.00 21:01:33 PC_Freak LOSS 30.01.00 21:01:33 Milo PLAYING 30.01.00 21:01:36 New Game from Fang: gdr 30.01.00 21:01:55 CloseGame from PC_Freak 30.01.00 21:01:55 Game is NULL 30.01.00 21:01:55 Logout of PC_Freak from 30.01.00 21:03:14 ,43,12,6,2,2,1,4e07da12,7,Fang Fading Realm 30.01.00 21:21:49 GameReport from garote: 30.01.00 21:21:49 garote LOSS 30.01.00 21:21:49 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 30.01.00 21:21:49 PC_Freak LOSS 30.01.00 21:21:49 Milo PLAYING 30.01.00 21:21:50 CloseGame from garote 30.01.00 21:21:50 Game is NULL 30.01.00 21:23:16 GameReport from Milo: 30.01.00 21:23:16 garote LOSS 30.01.00 21:23:16 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.01.00 21:23:16 PC_Freak LOSS 30.01.00 21:23:16 Milo LOSS 30.01.00 21:23:18 New Game from garote: Meeeeeeeep!! 30.01.00 21:23:20 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 30.01.00 21:23:20 garote LOSS 30.01.00 21:23:20 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.01.00 21:23:20 PC_Freak LOSS 30.01.00 21:23:20 Milo LOSS 30.01.00 21:23:36 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 30.01.00 21:23:36 Game is NULL 30.01.00 21:26:36 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.01.00 21:26:41 Login of PC_Freak from (5 Users) 30.01.00 21:27:05 GameReport from Fang: 30.01.00 21:27:05 Fang DRAW 30.01.00 21:27:06 CloseGame from Fang 30.01.00 21:27:06 Game is NULL 30.01.00 23:03:53 GameReport from Fang: 30.01.00 23:03:53 garote LOSS 30.01.00 23:03:53 PC_Freak WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Milo WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Fang WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 GameReport from PC_Freak: 30.01.00 23:03:53 garote LOSS 30.01.00 23:03:53 PC_Freak WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Milo WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Fang WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 30.01.00 23:03:53 garote LOSS 30.01.00 23:03:53 PC_Freak WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Milo WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Fang WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 GameReport from garote: 30.01.00 23:03:53 garote LOSS 30.01.00 23:03:53 PC_Freak WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Milo WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 Fang WIN 30.01.00 23:03:53 GameReport from Milo: 30.01.00 23:03:56 CloseGame from garote 30.01.00 23:03:56 Game is NULL 30.01.00 23:03:56 New Game from PC_Freak: Meeeeeeeep!! 30.01.00 23:03:59 CloseGame from PC_Freak 30.01.00 23:03:59 Game is Meeeeeeeep!! 30.01.00 23:03:59 New Game from Milo: Meeeeeeeep!! 30.01.00 23:06:18 CloseGame from Milo 30.01.00 23:06:18 Game is Meeeeeeeep!! 30.01.00 23:15:40 New Game from garote: B;lack FLag 30.01.00 23:16:09 ,66,15,6,1,5,1,4e07da12,7,garote Twilight Star 30.01.00 23:16:09 ,66,15,6,1,5,1,4e07da12,7,garote Twilight Star 30.01.00 23:16:09 ,66,15,6,1,5,1,4e07da12,7,garote Twilight Star 30.01.00 23:16:09 ,66,15,6,1,5,1,4e07da12,7,garote Twilight Star 30.01.00 23:16:09 ,66,15,6,1,5,1,4e07da12,7,garote Twilight Star 30.01.00 23:23:58 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 30.01.00 23:23:58 garote PLAYING 30.01.00 23:23:58 PC_Freak PLAYING 30.01.00 23:23:58 Milo PLAYING 30.01.00 23:23:58 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 30.01.00 23:23:58 Fang PLAYING 30.01.00 23:31:57 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 31.01.00 00:07:24 GameReport from Milo: 31.01.00 00:07:24 garote PLAYING 31.01.00 00:07:24 PC_Freak PLAYING 31.01.00 00:07:24 Milo LOSS 31.01.00 00:07:24 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 31.01.00 00:07:24 Fang PLAYING 31.01.00 00:12:49 CloseGame from Milo 31.01.00 00:12:49 Game is NULL 31.01.00 00:12:49 Logout of Milo from 31.01.00 00:18:11 GameReport from Fang: 31.01.00 00:18:11 garote PLAYING 31.01.00 00:18:11 PC_Freak PLAYING 31.01.00 00:18:11 Milo LOSS 31.01.00 00:18:11 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 31.01.00 00:18:11 Fang LOSS 31.01.00 00:18:38 CloseGame from Fang 31.01.00 00:18:38 Game is NULL 31.01.00 00:18:38 Logout of Fang from 31.01.00 00:26:58 GameReport from garote: 31.01.00 00:26:58 garote WIN 31.01.00 00:26:58 PC_Freak LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 Milo LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 Fang LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 GameReport from PC_Freak: 31.01.00 00:26:58 garote WIN 31.01.00 00:26:58 PC_Freak LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 Milo LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 31.01.00 00:26:58 Fang LOSS 31.01.00 00:27:00 CloseGame from garote 31.01.00 00:27:00 Game is NULL 31.01.00 00:27:41 Logout of garote from 31.01.00 00:28:11 CloseGame from PC_Freak 31.01.00 00:28:11 Game is NULL 31.01.00 00:28:11 Logout of PC_Freak from
Logging started. Version 0.7b65 (Build 733) Windows Built Dec 27 1999 18:09:31. 04.02.00 20:26:59 0 Teams loaded. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking vital files. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking IX86ver1.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking PMACver4.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking icons.bni: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking icons.ngi: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking star107b.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking sc4-5.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking sc5-6.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking sc6-7b.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking bw4-5.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking bw5-6.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking bw6-7b.mpq: OK. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Checking Userfiles. 04.02.00 20:26:59 16 Userfiles. 04.02.00 20:26:59 Setup Blizzard and Westwood listener 05.02.00 01:03:06 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 05.02.00 01:03:14 Login of Fang from (1 Users) 05.02.00 01:03:35 Logout of Fang from 06.02.00 20:43:37 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 20:43:43 Login of PC_Freak from (1 Users) 06.02.00 20:46:10 CloseGame from PC_Freak 06.02.00 20:46:10 Game is NULL 06.02.00 20:46:10 Logout of PC_Freak from 06.02.00 20:46:26 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 20:47:41 Passwordmismatch for Milo 06.02.00 20:47:57 Login of Milo from (1 Users) 06.02.00 20:48:12 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i am so smart 06.02.00 20:48:15 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i am so smart 06.02.00 20:48:17 Milo/Channel slugs-1: smrt 06.02.00 20:48:20 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i mean smart 06.02.00 20:48:22 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 20:48:41 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (2 Users) 06.02.00 20:48:54 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 20:48:57 Login of PC_Freak from (3 Users) 06.02.00 20:49:00 Milo/Channel slugs-1: where do u want to go today, Dave? 06.02.00 20:49:12 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Where shall I take you today, Dave? 06.02.00 20:49:15 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Where to today, dave? 06.02.00 20:49:21 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: I think you would enjoy going here, Dave. 06.02.00 20:49:28 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: I think you should go here today, Dave. 06.02.00 20:49:32 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Go eh 06.02.00 20:49:36 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Go here, Dave. 06.02.00 20:49:41 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: This is where you will go today. 06.02.00 20:49:41 Milo/Channel slugs-1: lets just open this here airlock 06.02.00 20:49:41 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: I think I would enjoy capping you in the A.. 06.02.00 20:49:52 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: -_^ 06.02.00 20:49:54 Milo/Channel slugs-1: Daisy 06.02.00 20:49:56 Milo/Channel slugs-1: daisy 06.02.00 20:50:01 Milo/Channel slugs-1: give me your answer do 06.02.00 20:50:01 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: ^_^ 06.02.00 20:50:06 Milo/Channel slugs-1: im half crazy 06.02.00 20:50:09 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Melony..." 06.02.00 20:50:10 Milo/Channel slugs-1: all for the love of you 06.02.00 20:50:21 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "What can the problem be/sweet melony, why won't you go out with me?" 06.02.00 20:50:26 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: I'm half crazy all for the shooting of you 06.02.00 20:50:33 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: (Dang; I can't remember enough of the words.) 06.02.00 20:50:41 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: lalalala..lalalal 06.02.00 20:50:51 Milo/Channel slugs-1: as i walk through the valley where i harvest my grain 06.02.00 20:51:06 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i took a look at my wife and realized she's very plain 06.02.00 20:51:07 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: .........I saw her in the shower reaching for some soap/I knew she had to be the girl for me/and to think I prob'ly never/would have found her, if I hadn't bought that telescope." 06.02.00 20:51:16 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: but that's just perfect for an amish like me 06.02.00 20:51:26 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "But that's just perfect for an Ahmish like me/you know I shun fancy things like electricity." 06.02.00 20:51:47 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "At four-thirty in the mornin' I'm milkin' cows/Jebadiah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows, fool!" 06.02.00 20:52:01 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "And I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that/Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone!" 06.02.00 20:52:16 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline/Got a Bible in my hand, and a beard on my chin." 06.02.00 20:52:23 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 20:52:29 Login of garote from (4 Users) 06.02.00 20:52:33 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "But if I finish all of my chores, and you finish thine/Then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699." 06.02.00 20:52:40 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: (Chorus) 06.02.00 20:52:49 garote/Channel slugs-1: We been spendin' most out lives ... waiting for this damned Starcraft to load... 06.02.00 20:53:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: It's all about the CD-ROM drive, and I think the computer's network load 06.02.00 20:53:07 garote/Channel slugs-1: (is too high) 06.02.00 20:53:15 Milo/Channel slugs-1: what network load, who is here? 06.02.00 20:53:17 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: *lol* 06.02.00 20:53:17 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: we keep sending most our lives living in an amish pasidise we churn butter once or twice living in a amish paradise 06.02.00 20:53:52 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "A local boy kicked me in the butt last week; I just smiled at him, and I turned the other cheek!" 06.02.00 20:54:11 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "I really don't care, in fact I wish him well/Cause I'll be laughing my head off, when he's burning in Heck" 06.02.00 20:54:19 New Game from garote: Moof Moof! 06.02.00 20:55:19 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,,garote Water's Edge 06.02.00 20:55:19 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,,garote Water's Edge 06.02.00 20:55:20 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,,garote Water's Edge 06.02.00 20:55:20 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,,garote Water's Edge 06.02.00 21:36:15 GameReport from Milo: 06.02.00 21:36:15 garote PLAYING 06.02.00 21:36:15 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.02.00 21:36:15 Milo LOSS 06.02.00 21:36:15 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 06.02.00 21:57:21 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 21:58:43 Milo/Channel slugs-1: this is boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring 06.02.00 21:59:08 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 50:1 neil comes back and kills everyone 06.02.00 21:59:17 Login of Fang from (5 Users) 06.02.00 21:59:29 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 30:1 rob slaughters garrett 06.02.00 22:01:41 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 1:2 garrett kicks everyone's butt all the way back to the stoneage 06.02.00 22:02:47 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 1:1... 06.02.00 22:04:55 New Game from Fang: jg 06.02.00 22:05:02 ,44,11,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,,Fang Mission 2a: Playing with Fire 06.02.00 22:08:45 GameReport from Fang: 06.02.00 22:08:45 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 22:08:46 CloseGame from Fang 06.02.00 22:08:46 Game is NULL 06.02.00 22:09:01 CloseGame from Fang 06.02.00 22:09:01 Game is NULL 06.02.00 22:09:01 Logout of Fang from 06.02.00 22:09:35 Milo/Channel slugs-1: qwertyuiop[] 06.02.00 22:09:41 Milo/Channel slugs-1: asdfghjkl;' 06.02.00 22:09:53 Milo/Channel slugs-1: zxcvbnm,./ 06.02.00 22:11:46 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 06.02.00 22:11:46 garote PLAYING 06.02.00 22:11:46 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.02.00 22:11:46 Milo LOSS 06.02.00 22:11:46 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:41 GameReport from PC_Freak: 06.02.00 22:15:41 garote WIN 06.02.00 22:15:41 PC_Freak LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:41 Milo LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:41 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:46 GameReport from garote: 06.02.00 22:15:46 garote WIN 06.02.00 22:15:46 PC_Freak LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:46 Milo LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:46 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 06.02.00 22:15:52 CloseGame from garote 06.02.00 22:15:52 Game is NULL 06.02.00 22:16:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: gREEN BEEFY THINGS!! 06.02.00 22:16:18 garote/Channel slugs-1: in my POO! 06.02.00 22:16:42 garote/Channel slugs-1: poooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 06.02.00 22:16:53 garote/Channel slugs-1: Pooooooooo 06.02.00 22:16:55 garote/Channel slugs-1: Poop 06.02.00 22:16:57 garote/Channel slugs-1: poop? 06.02.00 22:16:59 garote/Channel slugs-1: yeah! 06.02.00 22:18:10 New Game from garote: odirtimgvehrtvert 06.02.00 22:19:27 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 22:19:33 Login of Fang from (5 Users) 06.02.00 23:04:03 GameReport from garote: 06.02.00 23:04:03 garote WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 Milo WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 PC_Freak WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 [SluG]Traveler WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 Fang WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 GameReport from PC_Freak: 06.02.00 23:04:03 garote WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 Milo WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 PC_Freak WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 [SluG]Traveler WIN 06.02.00 23:04:03 Fang WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 GameReport from Fang: 06.02.00 23:04:04 garote WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 Milo WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 PC_Freak WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 [SluG]Traveler WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 Fang WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 GameReport from Milo: 06.02.00 23:04:04 garote WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 Milo WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 PC_Freak WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 [SluG]Traveler WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 Fang WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 06.02.00 23:04:04 garote WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 Milo WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 PC_Freak WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 [SluG]Traveler WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 Fang WIN 06.02.00 23:04:04 New Game from garote: odirtimgvehrtvert 06.02.00 23:04:09 CloseGame from garote 06.02.00 23:04:09 Game is odirtimgvehrtvert 06.02.00 23:04:10 Logout of Fang from 06.02.00 23:07:47 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 06.02.00 23:07:47 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:07:47 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 06.02.00 23:07:59 CloseGame from PC_Freak 06.02.00 23:07:59 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:07:59 Logout of PC_Freak from 06.02.00 23:08:18 CloseGame from garote 06.02.00 23:08:18 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:08:18 Logout of garote from 06.02.00 23:08:28 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 23:08:39 CloseGame from Milo 06.02.00 23:08:39 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:08:39 Logout of Milo from 06.02.00 23:08:49 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.02.00 23:08:57 Login of garote from (1 Users) 06.02.00 23:11:24 New Game from garote: drgdrg 06.02.00 23:11:39 Login of Fang from (2 Users) 06.02.00 23:12:06 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:12:06 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:18:24 GameReport from Fang: 06.02.00 23:18:24 garote DRAW 06.02.00 23:18:24 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 23:18:24 GameReport from garote: 06.02.00 23:18:24 garote DRAW 06.02.00 23:18:24 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 23:18:26 CloseGame from garote 06.02.00 23:18:26 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:18:40 New Game from garote: hdrtbdrtb 06.02.00 23:18:58 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:18:58 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:36:07 GameReport from Fang: 06.02.00 23:36:07 garote DRAW 06.02.00 23:36:07 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 23:37:10 GameReport from garote: 06.02.00 23:37:10 garote DRAW 06.02.00 23:37:10 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 23:37:12 CloseGame from garote 06.02.00 23:37:12 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:37:26 New Game from garote: hdfbfhththfh 06.02.00 23:37:35 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:37:36 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:45:48 GameReport from Fang: 06.02.00 23:45:48 garote DRAW 06.02.00 23:45:48 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 23:45:58 GameReport from garote: 06.02.00 23:45:58 garote DRAW 06.02.00 23:45:58 Fang DRAW 06.02.00 23:46:00 CloseGame from garote 06.02.00 23:46:00 Game is NULL 06.02.00 23:46:00 New Game from Fang: hdfbfhththfh 06.02.00 23:46:05 CloseGame from Fang 06.02.00 23:46:05 Game is hdfbfhththfh 06.02.00 23:46:12 New Game from garote: fhfth 06.02.00 23:46:26 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 06.02.00 23:46:26 ,64,13,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Cutthroat 07.02.00 00:03:50 GameReport from garote: 07.02.00 00:03:50 garote DRAW 07.02.00 00:03:50 Fang DRAW 07.02.00 00:03:52 CloseGame from garote 07.02.00 00:03:52 Game is NULL 07.02.00 00:04:14 CloseGame from garote 07.02.00 00:04:14 Game is NULL 07.02.00 00:04:14 Logout of garote from 07.02.00 00:04:21 GameReport from Fang: 07.02.00 00:04:21 garote DRAW 07.02.00 00:04:21 Fang DRAW 07.02.00 00:04:22 CloseGame from Fang 07.02.00 00:04:22 Game is NULL 07.02.00 00:04:32 CloseGame from Fang 07.02.00 00:04:32 Game is NULL 07.02.00 00:04:32 Logout of Fang from
Logging started. Version 0.7b65 (Build 733) Windows Built Dec 27 1999 18:09:31. 12.02.00 18:40:42 Initializing Teams. 12.02.00 18:40:42 0 Teams loaded. 12.02.00 18:40:43 Checking vital files. 12.02.00 18:40:43 Checking IX86ver1.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:43 Checking PMACver4.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:43 Checking icons.bni: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:43 Checking icons.ngi: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking star107b.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking sc4-5.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking sc5-6.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking sc6-7b.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking bw4-5.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking bw5-6.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:45 Checking bw6-7b.mpq: OK. 12.02.00 18:40:46 Checking Userfiles. 12.02.00 18:40:46 16 Userfiles. 12.02.00 18:40:46 Setup Blizzard and Westwood listener 12.02.00 19:02:25 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:02:25 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:02:25 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:02:25 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:02:25 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:02:25 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 19:02:26 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:02:26 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:02:26 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:02:26 Could not load SuperFiend(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\SuperFiend) 12.02.00 19:02:26 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:02:26 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:02:26 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:02:26 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:02:27 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:02:27 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:02:37 Could not load SuperFiend(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\SuperFiend) 12.02.00 19:02:37 New Player SuperFiend. created from 12.02.00 19:02:37 Login of SuperFiend from (1 Users) 12.02.00 19:02:39 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:02:39 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:02:39 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:02:39 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:03:20 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 19:03:20 Game is NULL 12.02.00 19:03:20 Logout of SuperFiend from 12.02.00 19:09:13 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:09:13 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:09:14 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:09:17 Login of SuperFiend from (1 Users) 12.02.00 19:09:31 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 19:09:31 Game is NULL 12.02.00 19:09:32 Logout of SuperFiend from 12.02.00 19:09:37 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:09:37 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:09:38 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:09:41 Login of SuperFiend from (1 Users) 12.02.00 19:11:43 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:11:43 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:11:43 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:11:43 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 12.02.00 19:19:30 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 19:19:30 Game is NULL 12.02.00 19:19:30 Logout of SuperFiend from 12.02.00 19:19:32 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:19:32 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:19:33 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:19:34 Login of SuperFiend from (1 Users) 12.02.00 19:19:37 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 19:19:37 Game is NULL 12.02.00 19:19:38 Logout of SuperFiend from 12.02.00 19:26:38 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:38 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:38 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:38 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:39 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:39 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 19:26:40 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:26:40 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:40 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:40 Could not load yuyuhakusho(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\yuyuhakusho) 12.02.00 19:26:40 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:40 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:26:40 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:40 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:41 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:41 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:26:46 Login of garote from (1 Users) 12.02.00 19:26:47 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:47 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:48 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:48 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:26:48 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:48 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:49 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:49 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:49 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:49 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 19:26:52 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:26:52 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:52 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:52 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 12.02.00 19:26:52 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:52 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:26:52 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:26:52 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:26:52 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:26:52 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:26:53 garote/Channel slugs-1: Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 12.02.00 19:26:58 Login of PC_Freak from (2 Users) 12.02.00 19:27:00 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:27:00 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:27:00 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:27:00 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:27:07 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: ??? 12.02.00 19:27:30 Logout of PC_Freak from 12.02.00 19:27:34 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:27:34 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:27:34 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:27:35 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 12.02.00 19:27:38 Login of PC_Freak from (2 Users) 12.02.00 19:27:39 Logout of garote from 12.02.00 19:27:54 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:27:54 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:27:54 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:27:54 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:27:54 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:27:54 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 19:27:55 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:27:55 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:27:55 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:27:55 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:27:55 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:27:55 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 12.02.00 19:27:56 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:27:56 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:27:59 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:27:59 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:28:02 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: I don't think I have sound 12.02.00 19:28:05 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:28:05 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:28:05 Passwordmismatch for Milo 12.02.00 19:28:05 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:28:09 Login of SuperFiend from (2 Users) 12.02.00 19:28:10 Login of Milo from (3 Users) 12.02.00 19:28:11 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:28:11 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:28:11 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:28:12 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:28:12 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:28:12 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:28:12 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:28:12 Could not load yuyuhakusho(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\yuyuhakusho) 12.02.00 19:28:13 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Hey 12.02.00 19:28:15 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: =P 12.02.00 19:28:15 Login of garote from (4 Users) 12.02.00 19:28:16 Milo/Channel slugs-1: hello 12.02.00 19:28:19 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Wait a minute. 12.02.00 19:28:19 Milo/Channel slugs-1: welcome 12.02.00 19:28:22 garote/Channel slugs-1: Superfiend?? 12.02.00 19:28:25 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: How many people are coming? 12.02.00 19:28:29 garote/Channel slugs-1: Ah 12.02.00 19:28:35 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 5 here 12.02.00 19:28:35 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: jas.. 12.02.00 19:28:37 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: checking sound... 12.02.00 19:28:39 Logout of PC_Freak from 12.02.00 19:28:40 garote/Channel slugs-1: There's 5 of us in here... 12.02.00 19:28:43 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:28:43 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:28:43 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:28:44 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 12.02.00 19:28:45 garote/Channel slugs-1: Ken perhaps later. 12.02.00 19:28:46 Login of PC_Freak from (4 Users) 12.02.00 19:28:49 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I can get another but that'll be 7. 12.02.00 19:28:50 garote/Channel slugs-1: Don't know about brian/kurt 12.02.00 19:28:54 Milo/Channel slugs-1: aka scary clown 12.02.00 19:28:56 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Ok; I've got sound at least out of one ear... 12.02.00 19:28:58 garote/Channel slugs-1: 7's alright. 12.02.00 19:29:02 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:29:02 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:29:03 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:29:03 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:29:03 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:29:03 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 19:29:04 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:29:04 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:29:04 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:29:04 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: K... 12.02.00 19:29:04 Could not load EcT(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\EcT) 12.02.00 19:29:04 Could not load silver_stars(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\silver_stars) 12.02.00 19:29:04 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:29:04 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:29:04 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:29:04 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:29:05 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:29:05 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:29:06 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: brb 12.02.00 19:29:11 PC_Freak slaps $me around with a holy macaroni! 12.02.00 19:29:14 Passwordmismatch for [SluG]Traveler 12.02.00 19:29:15 garote/Channel slugs-1: PC_Freak: BOOOMMM!! BANG BANG BANG!! CeerrAAASSSHHH! 12.02.00 19:29:18 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (5 Users) 12.02.00 19:29:19 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:29:19 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:29:20 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:29:20 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:29:29 PC_Freak slaps $me around with a holy macaroni, BatMan! 12.02.00 19:29:37 garote likes cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeze 12.02.00 19:29:48 garote/Channel slugs-1: Unh unh unh! Awl knight longe! 12.02.00 19:29:58 Milo/Channel slugs-1: holy squishy zerg batman 12.02.00 19:29:59 PC_Freak slaps $me around with a holy macaroni, Batman, that's the worst case of gingivitis I've seen since I last had a headache this big! 12.02.00 19:30:01 garote/Channel slugs-1: er. yeah. 12.02.00 19:30:12 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: (and bad coding, too!) 12.02.00 19:30:14 garote/Channel slugs-1: But I took excedrin, and I can't eget up! 12.02.00 19:30:16 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: (It's just like candy...) 12.02.00 19:30:17 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: My brother is coming. 12.02.00 19:30:26 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: He lives in so cal and uses dial up but he doesn't lag very often. 12.02.00 19:30:27 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 19:30:29 garote/Channel slugs-1: *wonk wonk wonk* 12.02.00 19:30:32 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Reemeener that name... 12.02.00 19:30:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: Dial up = BAD. 12.02.00 19:30:44 garote/Channel slugs-1: BAD BAD BAD on anything other than 1 on 1. 12.02.00 19:30:55 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Supposed to get DSL as soon as its available. 12.02.00 19:31:00 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: He doesn't lag that bad. 12.02.00 19:31:05 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: he algs we boot 12.02.00 19:31:08 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: In fact, he only does it once or twice per game. 12.02.00 19:31:09 garote/Channel slugs-1: elgs? 12.02.00 19:31:10 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: lags that is 12.02.00 19:31:12 PC_Freak frowns "If there's a pirhana swarm, he could get lagged *bad*... 12.02.00 19:31:12 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:12 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:15 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:31:15 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:15 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:16 Could not load KikUrAss[SZ](C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\KikUrAss[SZ]) 12.02.00 19:31:16 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:31:16 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:31:16 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:16 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:17 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:31:17 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:31:19 Could not load KikUrAss[SZ](C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\KikUrAss[SZ]) 12.02.00 19:31:24 garote/Channel slugs-1: Right-o. And there WILL BE ONE MUHAHAHAHAHAAA 12.02.00 19:31:27 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: i.e my swarm 12.02.00 19:31:31 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: -_^ 12.02.00 19:31:36 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Uh-oh... 12.02.00 19:31:36 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: If he's lagging too bad he'll go on gay.net. 12.02.00 19:31:37 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: ^_^ 12.02.00 19:31:38 Milo/Channel slugs-1: oh please, pirhana swarms never happen 8) 12.02.00 19:31:40 garote gets out his phaser, set on "deep fat fry" 12.02.00 19:31:50 Could not load KikUrAss(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\KikUrAss) 12.02.00 19:31:50 New Player KikUrAss. created from 12.02.00 19:31:50 Login of KikUrAss from (6 Users) 12.02.00 19:31:52 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:52 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:53 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:31:53 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:31:55 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:55 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:55 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:55 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:55 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "How do I set my laser printer on 'stun'?" 12.02.00 19:31:55 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:31:55 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 19:31:57 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:31:57 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:57 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:57 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 12.02.00 19:31:57 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:31:57 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 19:31:57 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:31:57 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:31:57 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:31:57 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 19:31:58 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: heylo 12.02.00 19:31:58 garote/Channel slugs-1: Wheeeee! 12.02.00 19:32:05 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Hey. 12.02.00 19:32:06 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 19:32:07 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hey rob 12.02.00 19:32:08 Passwordmismatch for Wirewyrm 12.02.00 19:32:10 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: ? 12.02.00 19:32:11 garote/Channel slugs-1: So- that's siz 12.02.00 19:32:12 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i cant use my normal name 12.02.00 19:32:12 garote/Channel slugs-1: er, six 12.02.00 19:32:14 Passwordmismatch for Wirewyrm 12.02.00 19:32:17 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: ? 12.02.00 19:32:20 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: You have to make another. 12.02.00 19:32:22 Passwordmismatch for Wirewyrm 12.02.00 19:32:22 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i did 12.02.00 19:32:26 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright 12.02.00 19:32:27 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: It's not a b.net server so it's not on record. 12.02.00 19:32:29 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: This isn't Battle.net... 12.02.00 19:32:34 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright 12.02.00 19:32:37 Milo/Channel slugs-1: its something greater 12.02.00 19:32:37 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Well, there's records, but not THE records... 12.02.00 19:32:38 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: thnx go 12.02.00 19:32:38 garote/Channel slugs-1: This is the isolated lab server. 12.02.00 19:32:42 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: b.net sux ass 12.02.00 19:32:45 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: b.net keeps it all on their computers and this isn't one of those. 12.02.00 19:32:45 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: to slow 12.02.00 19:32:50 Passwordmismatch for Wirewyrm 12.02.00 19:32:52 garote/Channel slugs-1: Try clicking on the ad banner (when it goes BLANK that is. ERROr error error! :) ) 12.02.00 19:32:57 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: See, his lag is 1 green. 12.02.00 19:33:00 More than 3 failed login attempts for Fang. Connection set to fake mode. 12.02.00 19:33:05 More than 3 failed login attempts for Fang. Connection set to fake mode. 12.02.00 19:33:10 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright we gona play? 12.02.00 19:33:11 garote/Channel slugs-1: 1 green. In a chat mode. Hmm. 12.02.00 19:33:18 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: =P 12.02.00 19:33:23 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Same as milos and yours 12.02.00 19:33:28 garote/Channel slugs-1: ALright. Let's set up a map. 12.02.00 19:33:32 Milo/Channel slugs-1: uh oh, we're all going green 12.02.00 19:33:35 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I got one. 12.02.00 19:33:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: Who gets the honors? 12.02.00 19:33:35 More than 3 failed login attempts for Wirewyrm. Connection set to fake mode. 12.02.00 19:33:41 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Notice *I* have no lag. Of couse, I'm also not talking... 12.02.00 19:33:43 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: We can try my new map. 12.02.00 19:33:46 garote/Channel slugs-1: Ah, I think it's PC_Freak's turn. 12.02.00 19:33:51 KikUrAss: /whisper SuperFiend theres kids from school? 12.02.00 19:33:54 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:33:54 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:33:54 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:33:54 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 12.02.00 19:33:57 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass yeah 12.02.00 19:34:04 Could not load Zing(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Zing) 12.02.00 19:34:04 New Player Zing. created from 12.02.00 19:34:04 More than 3 failed login attempts for Zing. Connection set to fake mode. 12.02.00 19:34:06 garote/Channel slugs-1: Fiend: how big's yer map? 12.02.00 19:34:11 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Hey, whaddaya know? 12.02.00 19:34:13 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 256x256 8 person. 12.02.00 19:34:15 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: big 12.02.00 19:34:16 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Slug, your turn 12.02.00 19:34:17 More than 3 failed login attempts for Zing. Connection set to fake mode. 12.02.00 19:34:19 garote/Channel slugs-1: *shrug* wot the hell! 12.02.00 19:34:26 Milo/Channel slugs-1: its big, no bigger than that, it was big 12.02.00 19:34:32 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:34:32 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:34:33 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: teams? 12.02.00 19:34:33 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:34:33 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 12.02.00 19:34:35 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: And finally, Super.... 12.02.00 19:34:37 garote/Channel slugs-1: er, they don't get any bigger than that, Milo. 12.02.00 19:34:41 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 3v3 or 2v2v2? 12.02.00 19:34:45 Milo/Channel slugs-1: where's fang? 12.02.00 19:34:54 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Good q... 12.02.00 19:34:54 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: or 1v1v1v1v1v1 12.02.00 19:34:56 garote/Channel slugs-1: Just coming in now. about 1 min. 12.02.00 19:35:01 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Still installing, I guess. 12.02.00 19:35:08 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:35:08 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:35:08 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:35:09 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 12.02.00 19:35:20 Passwordmismatch for Wirewyrm 12.02.00 19:35:23 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hrm, making teams ain't gonna be easy. :) 12.02.00 19:35:28 garote/Channel slugs-1: We could try a free-for-all 12.02.00 19:35:28 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Slug< That's only 6... 12.02.00 19:35:30 Login of Wirewyrm from (7 Users) 12.02.00 19:35:30 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: yeah cus i sux 12.02.00 19:35:31 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:35:31 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:35:31 Filerequest from 12.02.00 19:35:31 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 19:35:34 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Well, how good do you guys feel you are? 12.02.00 19:35:40 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Cause kik and I are decent enough. 12.02.00 19:35:41 Milo/Channel slugs-1: it'll be 1v1v1v1v1vbigass fleetv bigger big ass fleet 12.02.00 19:35:44 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: good you can count 12.02.00 19:35:47 garote/Channel slugs-1: "KikUrAss" and he sux? ;) 12.02.00 19:35:48 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: I'm so good, I beat myself! 12.02.00 19:35:52 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: sorry, took a while... 12.02.00 19:35:54 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: wait; that sounds bad.. 12.02.00 19:35:56 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: heh 12.02.00 19:35:57 garote/Channel slugs-1: WONK WONK WONK 12.02.00 19:36:01 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hehe 12.02.00 19:36:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: Errrr, 12.02.00 19:36:08 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: You know what I mean... 12.02.00 19:36:10 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Take the best out of you and it can be 3v4 12.02.00 19:36:11 garote/Channel slugs-1: Alrighty. Set up the map, Fiend. 12.02.00 19:36:14 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: k 12.02.00 19:36:16 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: yes we do........ 12.02.00 19:36:23 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: you guys play fastest game speed, right? 12.02.00 19:36:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: Yepo 12.02.00 19:36:28 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: *NODNODNODNOD* 12.02.00 19:36:29 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: duh? 12.02.00 19:36:29 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: good 12.02.00 19:36:30 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 19:36:31 Milo/Channel slugs-1: but of cousre 12.02.00 19:36:37 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Just making sure. 12.02.00 19:36:37 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 19:36:39 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: ok 12.02.00 19:36:41 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright 12.02.00 19:36:42 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: lamo 12.02.00 19:36:44 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: make the game 12.02.00 19:36:44 New Game from SuperFiend: BUAHAHAHHAH 12.02.00 19:36:46 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: that's cool... 12.02.00 19:36:47 garote smokes his crack REEEAL GOOD to get ready for the speed hit 12.02.00 19:36:48 Milo/Channel slugs-1: da, fast is beink good 12.02.00 19:36:48 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 19:36:58 garote/Channel slugs-1: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTT.... 12.02.00 19:37:00 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: well? 12.02.00 19:37:01 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: weneverplayanythingbutthefastestbecausewe'realloncaffeeneallthetime..... 12.02.00 19:37:05 garote/Channel slugs-1: HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh 12.02.00 19:37:13 garote/Channel slugs-1: *choke* 12.02.00 19:37:18 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: knowwhatImean,Vern? 12.02.00 19:37:23 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: wehaveacaffineIVhookedup 12.02.00 19:37:25 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: whats the name? 12.02.00 19:37:25 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 19:37:25 Game is BUAHAHAHHAH 12.02.00 19:37:31 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: What's the deal guys? 12.02.00 19:37:34 garote/Channel slugs-1: heyvern,heyvern,heyvern,hey&BLAM& 12.02.00 19:37:34 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: name 12.02.00 19:37:36 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "The name's the same." huh? 12.02.00 19:37:36 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: ?????????????????????? 12.02.00 19:37:42 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: name's the same? 12.02.00 19:37:49 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: name same? 12.02.00 19:37:49 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i can zip around this system faster than a nano second. wanna see it again? 12.02.00 19:37:51 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: same as the name 12.02.00 19:37:51 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: dunno... 12.02.00 19:37:56 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: name : asdf 12.02.00 19:37:57 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: same name? 12.02.00 19:38:05 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: asdf 12.02.00 19:38:06 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: asdf 12.02.00 19:38:08 New Game from SuperFiend: asdf 12.02.00 19:38:12 garote/Channel slugs-1: PIck one. As long at it's not "private", we'll see it listed on the game screen. 12.02.00 19:38:16 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Milo< No; "I can lap this system before you can process a word--*BLIP*--wannaseemedoitagain? 12.02.00 19:38:17 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass name: asdf 12.02.00 19:38:27 Wirewyrm: /stats 12.02.00 19:38:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: Where'd 'Ass go? 12.02.00 19:38:40 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: ??? 12.02.00 19:38:46 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: ^_^ 12.02.00 19:38:58 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Hello? 12.02.00 19:39:03 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Guys... 12.02.00 19:42:14 CloseGame from KikUrAss 12.02.00 19:42:14 Game is asdf 12.02.00 19:42:15 Logout of KikUrAss from 12.02.00 19:42:31 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass where you going? 12.02.00 19:43:14 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 19:43:14 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 19:43:16 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 19:43:17 Could not load KikUrAss[SZ](C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\KikUrAss[SZ]) 12.02.00 19:43:20 Login of KikUrAss from (7 Users) 12.02.00 19:49:13 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass OUr strat? 12.02.00 19:49:25 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend kik som serious ass 12.02.00 19:49:55 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend race?? 12.02.00 19:55:51 GameReport from KikUrAss: 12.02.00 19:55:51 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 19:55:51 KikUrAss DISC 12.02.00 19:55:51 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 19:55:51 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 19:55:51 garote PLAYING 12.02.00 19:55:51 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 19:55:51 PC_Freak PLAYING 12.02.00 19:55:53 CloseGame from KikUrAss 12.02.00 19:55:53 Game is NULL 12.02.00 19:56:30 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend fukin gay gl 12.02.00 19:56:43 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass what happen? 12.02.00 19:56:50 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend im gona go play on b.net icq msg me when ur done 12.02.00 19:57:00 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass k 12.02.00 19:57:11 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend i kept pressing p to make probes and then the gay fukin game dropped me 12.02.00 19:58:33 CloseGame from KikUrAss 12.02.00 19:58:33 Game is NULL 12.02.00 19:58:34 Logout of KikUrAss from 12.02.00 20:06:27 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 20:06:27 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 20:06:28 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 20:06:28 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 20:06:28 Filerequest from 12.02.00 20:06:28 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 12.02.00 20:06:29 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 20:06:29 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 20:06:29 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 20:06:29 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 12.02.00 20:06:29 Filerequest from 12.02.00 20:06:29 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 20:06:29 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 20:06:29 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 20:06:30 Filerequest from 12.02.00 20:06:30 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 20:06:39 Login of vladTheImpaled from (7 Users) 12.02.00 20:06:40 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 20:06:40 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 20:06:41 Filerequest from 12.02.00 20:06:41 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 12.02.00 20:29:06 GameReport from garote: 12.02.00 20:29:06 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 20:29:06 KikUrAss DISC 12.02.00 20:29:06 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 20:29:06 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 20:29:06 garote LOSS 12.02.00 20:29:06 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 20:29:06 PC_Freak PLAYING 12.02.00 20:30:46 GameReport from PC_Freak: 12.02.00 20:30:46 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 20:30:46 KikUrAss DISC 12.02.00 20:30:46 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 20:30:46 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 20:30:46 garote LOSS 12.02.00 20:30:46 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 20:30:46 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 20:32:04 New Game from garote: Razzamafooba 12.02.00 20:32:35 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 20:32:35 Game is Razzamafooba 12.02.00 20:33:19 New Game from garote: KErplunk! 12.02.00 20:58:53 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Unga-flunga 12.02.00 21:08:45 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 21:08:45 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 21:08:48 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 21:08:48 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 21:08:48 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 21:08:49 Filerequest from 12.02.00 21:08:49 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 12.02.00 21:08:49 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 21:08:49 File Connection accepted 12.02.00 21:08:50 Filerequest from 12.02.00 21:08:50 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 12.02.00 21:08:53 Login of KikUrAss from (8 Users) 12.02.00 21:12:05 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: HEY 12.02.00 21:12:11 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: IS MY BROTHER PLAYING RIGHT NOW? 12.02.00 21:12:14 KikUrAss: /MSG SUPERFIEND 12.02.00 21:12:20 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass 12.02.00 21:12:23 KikUrAss: /MSG SUPERFIEND R U STIL IN THAT GAME?? 12.02.00 21:12:25 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass sill going 12.02.00 21:12:42 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass almost done though 12.02.00 21:12:44 KikUrAss: /MSG SUPERFIEND BY URSELF? 12.02.00 21:15:35 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: lemme check 12.02.00 21:15:56 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: yes 12.02.00 21:16:25 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: YEAH I KNOW 12.02.00 21:16:25 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: NOW 12.02.00 21:16:27 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: I MSGED HIM 12.02.00 21:16:29 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: sory 12.02.00 21:16:31 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: for caps 12.02.00 21:17:47 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: afk 12.02.00 21:18:48 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: pc wana play a game until they get bak? 12.02.00 21:22:01 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 12.02.00 21:22:01 SuperFiend LOSS 12.02.00 21:22:01 KikUrAss DISC 12.02.00 21:22:01 Milo WIN 12.02.00 21:22:01 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 21:22:01 garote LOSS 12.02.00 21:22:01 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 21:22:01 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 21:22:01 GameReport from SuperFiend: 12.02.00 21:22:01 SuperFiend LOSS 12.02.00 21:22:01 KikUrAss DISC 12.02.00 21:22:01 Milo WIN 12.02.00 21:22:01 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 21:22:01 garote LOSS 12.02.00 21:22:01 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 21:22:01 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 21:22:01 GameReport from Wirewyrm: 12.02.00 21:22:01 GameReport from Milo: 12.02.00 21:22:02 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 21:22:02 Game is NULL 12.02.00 21:22:03 New Game from Milo: asdf 12.02.00 21:22:05 CloseGame from Milo 12.02.00 21:22:05 Game is asdf 12.02.00 21:22:05 New Game from [SluG]Traveler: asdf 12.02.00 21:22:06 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 12.02.00 21:22:06 Game is asdf 12.02.00 21:22:09 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: jeff 12.02.00 21:22:11 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I'm back. 12.02.00 21:22:14 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Hehe. 12.02.00 21:22:24 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend how r they good? 12.02.00 21:22:27 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hey 12.02.00 21:22:32 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: how did u do 12.02.00 21:22:33 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: without 12.02.00 21:22:34 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass We could of killed them. 12.02.00 21:22:36 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: a partener 12.02.00 21:22:44 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: whew 12.02.00 21:22:45 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass Wiped one of them out. 12.02.00 21:22:51 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 21:22:56 KikUrAss: /whisper SuperFiend alright lets challenge them then 12.02.00 21:23:02 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: time 4 death 12.02.00 21:23:02 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Why is vlad lagged off the map? 12.02.00 21:23:04 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Another game? 12.02.00 21:23:12 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: antoher 12.02.00 21:23:13 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: game 12.02.00 21:23:15 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: u guyz 12.02.00 21:23:15 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: hey stop reaching over and typing 12.02.00 21:23:16 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: got luky 12.02.00 21:23:18 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i got out 12.02.00 21:23:27 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 21:23:27 Game is KErplunk! 12.02.00 21:23:30 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Yeah, someone kick him? 12.02.00 21:23:45 New Game from garote: UCSC 12.02.00 21:23:46 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: you made the map 12.02.00 21:23:51 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Yeah. 12.02.00 21:23:52 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: tyou hosted too 12.02.00 21:23:57 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: rob they 12.02.00 21:23:57 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: right 12.02.00 21:23:59 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: u hoster 12.02.00 21:24:01 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: only you had power to kick 12.02.00 21:24:02 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: who kicked urass? 12.02.00 21:24:03 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hosted 12.02.00 21:24:09 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hey 12.02.00 21:24:10 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: lets go 12.02.00 21:24:11 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: again 12.02.00 21:24:15 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I didn't kick him though. 12.02.00 21:24:17 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: or not 12.02.00 21:24:20 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Where'd they go 12.02.00 21:24:27 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: go to join game jeff 12.02.00 21:24:27 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: who knows 12.02.00 21:24:34 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: game at ucsc 12.02.00 21:24:38 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: join on in 12.02.00 21:24:55 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass come to join game 12.02.00 21:25:03 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass hurry up 12.02.00 21:25:25 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend what is the name 12.02.00 21:25:41 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass Where are you? 12.02.00 21:27:05 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass I'm going straight for dark templars. 12.02.00 21:28:30 garote picks his toenails 12.02.00 21:28:46 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass Straight for dark templars. 12.02.00 21:29:10 CloseGame from KikUrAss 12.02.00 21:29:10 Game is NULL 12.02.00 21:29:10 Logout of KikUrAss from 12.02.00 21:29:39 Connection attempt from 12.02.00 21:29:39 Starcraft Connection accepted 12.02.00 21:29:41 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 12.02.00 21:29:45 Login of KikUrAss from (8 Users) 12.02.00 21:29:59 SuperFiend: /stats 12.02.00 21:30:26 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend imgona b zerg 12.02.00 21:30:32 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass K 12.02.00 21:30:39 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend ill get muts and u get dark 12.02.00 21:30:57 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass But don't forget to have some kind of D. 12.02.00 21:31:13 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend i wil ull c ive been trying brood l8ly 12.02.00 21:32:29 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass some sort of d though 12.02.00 21:32:38 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend i wil 12.02.00 22:16:39 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 12.02.00 22:16:39 garote PLAYING 12.02.00 22:16:39 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 22:16:39 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 22:16:39 PC_Freak PLAYING 12.02.00 22:16:39 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 22:16:39 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 22:16:39 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:16:39 KikUrAss PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:21 GameReport from garote: 12.02.00 22:17:21 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:17:21 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:21 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:21 PC_Freak PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:21 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:21 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:21 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:17:21 KikUrAss PLAYING 12.02.00 22:17:42 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 22:17:42 Game is NULL 12.02.00 22:28:27 New Game from garote: BEEFY-T 12.02.00 22:38:26 GameReport from KikUrAss: 12.02.00 22:38:26 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:38:26 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 22:38:26 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 22:38:26 PC_Freak PLAYING 12.02.00 22:38:26 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 22:38:26 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 22:38:26 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:38:26 KikUrAss LOSS 12.02.00 22:38:45 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: heylo 12.02.00 22:38:49 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 22:38:49 Game is BEEFY-T 12.02.00 22:39:07 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: which one 12.02.00 22:39:09 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: had all 12.02.00 22:39:10 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: the damn 12.02.00 22:39:13 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: defilers 12.02.00 22:39:14 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: ????? 12.02.00 22:39:29 garote/Channel slugs-1: er,,, 12.02.00 22:39:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: defilers... uh... 12.02.00 22:39:38 garote/Channel slugs-1: Oh yeah. That would be me! 12.02.00 22:39:43 garote/Channel slugs-1: :) 12.02.00 22:39:44 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: damn u 12.02.00 22:39:47 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: after i kilt u 12.02.00 22:39:50 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: my hydras 12.02.00 22:39:51 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: had like 12.02.00 22:39:53 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: 2 health 12.02.00 22:40:02 garote/Channel slugs-1: There's a lot more you can do with defilers. 12.02.00 22:40:08 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: yeah 12.02.00 22:40:10 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: swarm 12.02.00 22:40:13 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: is the best 12.02.00 22:40:14 garote/Channel slugs-1: 1 defiler can knock the shit out of a fleet. 12.02.00 22:40:15 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: take out 12.02.00 22:40:18 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: ne base 12.02.00 22:40:27 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hydras under swarm 12.02.00 22:40:30 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: is a bitch 12.02.00 22:40:32 garote/Channel slugs-1: exactly. 12.02.00 22:40:35 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: my turn to make the game 12.02.00 22:40:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: Smart man. 12.02.00 22:40:38 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: :) 12.02.00 22:40:43 GameReport from Milo: 12.02.00 22:40:43 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:40:43 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 22:40:43 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 22:40:43 PC_Freak PLAYING 12.02.00 22:40:43 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 22:40:43 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 22:40:43 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:40:43 KikUrAss LOSS 12.02.00 22:40:54 garote/Channel slugs-1: Don't pick one of those bleak, resource-heavy maps, please... 12.02.00 22:41:09 garote/Channel slugs-1: We did that already and people were bored in the lab here :) 12.02.00 22:41:13 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hehe 12.02.00 22:41:15 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: thats what 12.02.00 22:41:18 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i was gona pik 12.02.00 22:41:20 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hydras 12.02.00 22:41:22 garote/Channel slugs-1: *splat splat splat* ooo look, a fish! *splat splat splat* 12.02.00 22:41:23 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: with swarm 12.02.00 22:41:25 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: r ez 12.02.00 22:41:26 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: then 12.02.00 22:41:57 Milo/Channel slugs-1: kik, how old r u? 12.02.00 22:42:01 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass Let's do bgh 12.02.00 22:42:07 garote/Channel slugs-1: Q: Why do you guys abbreviate everything? 12.02.00 22:42:24 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: its fun 12.02.00 22:42:27 Milo/Channel slugs-1: qwertyuiop[]\ 12.02.00 22:42:31 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend where r u at? 12.02.00 22:42:33 Milo/Channel slugs-1: asdfghjkl;' 12.02.00 22:42:37 Milo/Channel slugs-1: zxcvbnm,./ 12.02.00 22:42:39 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass still in game 12.02.00 22:42:44 garote/Channel slugs-1: Milo: What's THAT an abbreviation for? 12.02.00 22:42:48 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass ask them if they want to play bgh 12.02.00 22:42:51 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hey 12.02.00 22:42:53 Milo/Channel slugs-1: you're mom 12.02.00 22:42:53 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: were playing 12.02.00 22:42:54 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh 12.02.00 22:42:56 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright 12.02.00 22:42:57 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: damnit 12.02.00 22:42:59 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i say that 12.02.00 22:43:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: ALlrighty, last round's almost over. GRab a map 12.02.00 22:43:01 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: guess what 12.02.00 22:43:02 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: ?????? 12.02.00 22:43:05 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh 12.02.00 22:43:07 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh 12.02.00 22:43:09 Milo/Channel slugs-1: bgh? 12.02.00 22:43:15 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bg h bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh 12.02.00 22:43:21 GameReport from SuperFiend: 12.02.00 22:43:21 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 SuperFiend LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 PC_Freak WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 KikUrAss LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 GameReport from Wirewyrm: 12.02.00 22:43:21 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 SuperFiend LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 PC_Freak WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 KikUrAss LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 GameReport from PC_Freak: 12.02.00 22:43:21 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 SuperFiend LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 PC_Freak WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 KikUrAss LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 12.02.00 22:43:21 garote LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 SuperFiend LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 PC_Freak WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 22:43:21 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:21 KikUrAss LOSS 12.02.00 22:43:23 CloseGame from SuperFiend 12.02.00 22:43:23 Game is NULL 12.02.00 22:43:23 New Game from PC_Freak: UCSC 12.02.00 22:43:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: [B]etter [g]et [H]orny? 12.02.00 22:43:28 CloseGame from PC_Freak 12.02.00 22:43:28 Game is UCSC 12.02.00 22:43:31 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh 12.02.00 22:43:36 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh 12.02.00 22:43:55 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh bgh bgh bbgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh 12.02.00 22:43:55 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: You guys up for big game hunters? 12.02.00 22:43:56 Milo/Channel slugs-1: what the heck does bgh mean 12.02.00 22:43:57 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: good game 12.02.00 22:44:00 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh bgh 12.02.00 22:44:00 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: i think 12.02.00 22:44:03 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: bgh = big game huntesr 12.02.00 22:44:03 garote/Channel slugs-1: [B]acground [G]runts [H]elp my hearing? 12.02.00 22:44:05 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: big game hunterz 12.02.00 22:44:07 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: sucks to bhgh 12.02.00 22:44:11 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: weak map 12.02.00 22:44:11 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: no 12.02.00 22:44:14 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright 12.02.00 22:44:15 garote/Channel slugs-1: I _said_ no insane resource maps. 12.02.00 22:44:16 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i make 12.02.00 22:44:19 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hey 12.02.00 22:44:20 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: for weak pl 12.02.00 22:44:22 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: ppl 12.02.00 22:44:22 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: When did you say that? 12.02.00 22:44:22 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: just do it 12.02.00 22:44:32 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: cmon 12.02.00 22:44:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: Alright, here I go 12.02.00 22:44:34 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: one game 12.02.00 22:44:36 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: no 12.02.00 22:44:36 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: brb 12.02.00 22:44:37 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: wait 12.02.00 22:44:39 New Game from garote: Mooo! 12.02.00 22:44:39 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: let me 12.02.00 22:44:45 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: make 12.02.00 22:44:48 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: cmon 12.02.00 22:44:50 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: im 13 12.02.00 22:44:57 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i need the advantage 12.02.00 22:44:57 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass he's gonna kick you 12.02.00 22:45:03 Milo/Channel slugs-1: we dont use resource abundant maps, then it becomes a building war 12.02.00 22:45:06 KikUrAss: /whisper SuperFiend y???????? 12.02.00 22:45:12 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: no 12.02.00 22:45:14 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: not a building 12.02.00 22:45:14 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: It's always a building war. 12.02.00 22:45:15 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: war 12.02.00 22:45:17 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: a skilz war 12.02.00 22:45:19 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Thos who build fastest win. 12.02.00 22:45:20 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: not really 12.02.00 22:45:29 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: it's ok 12.02.00 22:45:30 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: skilz to know what u doing 12.02.00 22:45:32 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: cmon 12.02.00 22:45:40 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: we'll all end up using protoss 12.02.00 22:45:48 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: no 12.02.00 22:45:50 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: not me 12.02.00 22:45:50 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass forget it 12.02.00 22:45:56 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: alright 12.02.00 22:45:59 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: gogogogog 12.02.00 22:45:59 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass You're gonna get kicked. 12.02.00 22:46:03 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: he made a game 12.02.00 22:46:07 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: k 12.02.00 22:46:52 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass It's ok. We could have killed them that one if they hadn't complained. 12.02.00 22:46:57 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass =) 12.02.00 22:47:35 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend in 8 mor yeaz 12.02.00 22:47:47 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass huh? 12.02.00 22:47:47 KikUrAss: /msg superfiend these guyz wil b sory the denied me bgh 12.02.00 22:48:07 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass Heh. 12.02.00 22:48:30 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass I'm going hydra drop 12.02.00 22:49:12 garote likes POOO 12.02.00 22:50:17 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass They sure do say weird things. 12.02.00 23:01:35 SuperFiend: /refresh 12.02.00 23:01:40 SuperFiend: /refresh 12.02.00 23:01:44 SuperFiend: /repost 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:17 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:02:18 ,,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Untamed Wilds 12.02.00 23:30:57 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass they're not fun 12.02.00 23:31:00 GameReport from PC_Freak: 12.02.00 23:31:00 garote PLAYING 12.02.00 23:31:00 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 23:31:00 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 23:31:00 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 23:31:00 KikUrAss PLAYING 12.02.00 23:31:00 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 23:31:00 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:31:00 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:14 GameReport from garote: 12.02.00 23:37:14 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:37:14 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:14 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:14 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:14 KikUrAss PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:14 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:14 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:37:14 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 12.02.00 23:37:17 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 23:37:17 Game is NULL 12.02.00 23:39:25 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 12.02.00 23:39:25 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:25 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:25 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:25 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:25 KikUrAss PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:25 Milo PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:25 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:25 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:41 GameReport from Milo: 12.02.00 23:39:41 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:41 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:41 Wirewyrm PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:41 SuperFiend PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:41 KikUrAss PLAYING 12.02.00 23:39:41 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:41 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:41 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 GameReport from SuperFiend: 12.02.00 23:39:46 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 SuperFiend WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 KikUrAss WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 GameReport from Wirewyrm: 12.02.00 23:39:46 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 SuperFiend WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 KikUrAss WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 12.02.00 23:39:46 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 SuperFiend WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 KikUrAss WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 GameReport from KikUrAss: 12.02.00 23:39:46 garote LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 [SluG]Traveler WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Wirewyrm WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 SuperFiend WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 KikUrAss WIN 12.02.00 23:39:46 Milo LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 PC_Freak LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:46 vladTheImpaled LOSS 12.02.00 23:39:48 New Game from [SluG]Traveler: Mooo! 12.02.00 23:39:49 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 12.02.00 23:39:49 Game is Mooo! 12.02.00 23:40:14 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: gg 12.02.00 23:40:17 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bgh 12.02.00 23:40:18 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: now 12.02.00 23:40:25 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass Give up on it. 12.02.00 23:40:32 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass They know they can't outproduce us. 12.02.00 23:40:35 New Game from garote: Moooo 12.02.00 23:40:45 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 23:40:45 Game is Moooo 12.02.00 23:40:48 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: sorry, did i accidentally do a rush? 12.02.00 23:41:01 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: no u were legal 12.02.00 23:41:03 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I'd like to know what's wrong with a drop. 12.02.00 23:41:05 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: u went after ten mins 12.02.00 23:41:14 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: ok cool... 12.02.00 23:41:24 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: coulda done that earlier though 12.02.00 23:41:34 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Well, someone attacked my expansion so that made it fair game for me. 12.02.00 23:41:38 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: heh heh 12.02.00 23:41:39 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Where are they? 12.02.00 23:41:52 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: And I don't see what's wrong with a drop or recall. 12.02.00 23:41:57 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: You spend your psi how you want to. 12.02.00 23:42:08 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Carriers, lings, ultralisks, zealots. Or whatever you want. 12.02.00 23:42:08 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: I didn't realize it was a rush; I didn't know the observers could do that. 12.02.00 23:42:14 New Game from garote: SPL0NK! 12.02.00 23:42:14 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: err 12.02.00 23:42:18 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: it *wasn't* a rush... 12.02.00 23:42:18 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Overlords? 12.02.00 23:42:33 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: I didn't know the--overlords, observers, whatever--could carry anything. 12.02.00 23:42:33 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: You didn't know overlords could carry units? 12.02.00 23:42:41 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Freak, now you do. 12.02.00 23:42:43 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 12.02.00 23:42:50 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: And you'll be better next time because of it. 12.02.00 23:45:14 CloseGame from garote 12.02.00 23:45:14 Game is SPL0NK! 12.02.00 23:45:14 New Game from [SluG]Traveler: SPL0NK! 12.02.00 23:45:15 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 12.02.00 23:45:15 Game is SPL0NK! 12.02.00 23:45:23 New Game from garote: MOOF 12.02.00 23:45:31 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: he pushed wrong button 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:36 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 12.02.00 23:47:37 ,,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,garote Expedition 13.02.00 00:11:26 SuperFiend: /msg kikurass I dunno sometimes. 13.02.00 00:23:43 GameReport from Wirewyrm: 13.02.00 00:23:43 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:23:43 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:25:39 Wirewyrm/Channel slugs-1: echo off 13.02.00 00:25:54 Wirewyrm: /echooff 13.02.00 00:26:01 Wirewyrm: /echo off 13.02.00 00:26:10 Wirewyrm: /echooff 13.02.00 00:26:16 Wirewyrm: /command 13.02.00 00:26:20 Wirewyrm: /dir 13.02.00 00:26:23 Wirewyrm: /list 13.02.00 00:27:44 New Game from Wirewyrm: kgi 13.02.00 00:27:51 ,44,11,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,4,Wirewyrm Mission 2b: The Rescue 13.02.00 00:39:38 GameReport from garote: 13.02.00 00:39:38 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:38 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:43 CloseGame from garote 13.02.00 00:39:43 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:39:57 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 13.02.00 00:39:57 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:39:57 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 GameReport from Milo: 13.02.00 00:40:02 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 GameReport from SuperFiend: 13.02.00 00:40:07 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 13.02.00 00:40:07 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 GameReport from PC_Freak: 13.02.00 00:40:07 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 GameReport from KikUrAss: 13.02.00 00:40:07 garote DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 PC_Freak DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Milo DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 [SluG]Traveler DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 SuperFiend DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 KikUrAss DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:07 vladTheImpaled DRAW 13.02.00 00:40:09 New Game from PC_Freak: MOOF 13.02.00 00:40:16 CloseGame from PC_Freak 13.02.00 00:40:16 Game is MOOF 13.02.00 00:40:28 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: the 13.02.00 00:40:29 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: 13 13.02.00 00:40:31 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: yr old 13.02.00 00:40:34 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: had the most points 13.02.00 00:40:47 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: gg 13.02.00 00:40:50 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: rob 13.02.00 00:40:55 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: ? 13.02.00 00:40:55 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: how did i hav the most points? 13.02.00 00:41:03 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: and thats how u play terran!!!!!!!!!!!! 13.02.00 00:41:03 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I don't know. 13.02.00 00:41:12 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I sux0rs with terran. 13.02.00 00:41:31 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: God, I've only eaten two pop tarts today. 13.02.00 00:41:37 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: r we gona play again 13.02.00 00:41:39 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hehe 13.02.00 00:41:40 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: :) 13.02.00 00:41:46 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: 4 pieces of pizza 13.02.00 00:41:50 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Punk. 13.02.00 00:41:51 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Nope; I'm outta here now. 13.02.00 00:41:52 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: njust for dinner 13.02.00 00:41:57 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: what 13.02.00 00:42:00 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: step up 13.02.00 00:42:09 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: i wana play again 13.02.00 00:42:14 garote/Channel slugs-1: Lose the attitude, kik, or I'll boot yer butt. 13.02.00 00:42:26 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Heh. 13.02.00 00:42:28 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: You guys are no fun. 13.02.00 00:42:30 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 13.02.00 00:42:33 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: it was at my brother man 13.02.00 00:42:34 garote/Channel slugs-1: :P 13.02.00 00:42:35 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: calm down 13.02.00 00:42:40 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: didnt say nething to u 13.02.00 00:42:44 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i say we drag kik to rocky horror 13.02.00 00:42:49 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "nothing" 13.02.00 00:43:24 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: So what now? 13.02.00 00:43:31 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: r we gona play again? 13.02.00 00:43:38 garote/Channel slugs-1: I don't think so 13.02.00 00:43:45 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: we are hungry 13.02.00 00:43:47 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: y not?? 13.02.00 00:43:48 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Heh. 13.02.00 00:43:50 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I'm starved. 13.02.00 00:43:57 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Two measely pop tarts. 13.02.00 00:43:57 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: it is denny's time 13.02.00 00:44:01 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Ew! 13.02.00 00:44:04 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Dennys! 13.02.00 00:44:05 garote/Channel slugs-1: YEaaaaaaaahhhh!! 13.02.00 00:44:07 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Check your dishes. 13.02.00 00:44:07 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: And I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna go to bed. 13.02.00 00:44:11 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Mine had boogers last time. 13.02.00 00:44:11 garote/Channel slugs-1: Time to grab the Ken-meister 13.02.00 00:44:20 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 13.02.00 00:44:20 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:44:20 Logout of vladTheImpaled from 13.02.00 00:44:23 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Alrighty then, ggs guys. 13.02.00 00:44:23 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: 8) 13.02.00 00:44:23 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: yeah 13.02.00 00:44:25 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: but rob 13.02.00 00:44:27 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: ? 13.02.00 00:44:28 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: u enjoyed them 13.02.00 00:44:29 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: tho 13.02.00 00:44:41 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I did not. I hate dishes with boogers on them. 13.02.00 00:44:47 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hehe 13.02.00 00:44:51 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: gnight 13.02.00 00:44:52 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: I swear, my spoon had a chunk of food the size of a quarter. 13.02.00 00:44:56 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: Later guys. 13.02.00 00:44:59 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: See you on icq kik 13.02.00 00:45:04 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: aight 13.02.00 00:45:05 CloseGame from SuperFiend 13.02.00 00:45:05 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:45:05 Logout of SuperFiend from 13.02.00 00:45:06 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: bye all 13.02.00 00:45:09 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: im outers 13.02.00 00:45:33 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: do u guys know nels? 13.02.00 00:45:33 garote ponders the idea of making a "lab attendees only" rule 13.02.00 00:45:57 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: who? 13.02.00 00:45:57 garote/Channel slugs-1: That way we get to see the greif stricken face of those whom we chomp 13.02.00 00:45:58 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hey do u guys know nels 13.02.00 00:46:01 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: nels 13.02.00 00:46:25 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: I know some one named nels 13.02.00 00:46:29 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: hehe 13.02.00 00:46:35 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: at ur school 13.02.00 00:46:40 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: u know him a little bit better now 13.02.00 00:46:52 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: can I have a last name? 13.02.00 00:47:11 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Welp, I'm off. Bye! 13.02.00 00:47:13 CloseGame from PC_Freak 13.02.00 00:47:13 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:47:13 Logout of PC_Freak from 13.02.00 00:47:32 garote/Channel slugs-1: adois! 13.02.00 00:47:43 garote is about to confirm the lab-only rule 13.02.00 00:47:58 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 13.02.00 00:47:58 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:47:58 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 13.02.00 00:47:59 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: setterlund 13.02.00 00:48:04 garote confirms it 13.02.00 00:48:06 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: sorry 13.02.00 00:48:06 CloseGame from garote 13.02.00 00:48:06 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:48:06 Logout of garote from 13.02.00 00:48:08 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: for the late 13.02.00 00:48:14 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: talkin to rob 13.02.00 00:48:40 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: milo 13.02.00 00:48:43 CloseGame from Milo 13.02.00 00:48:43 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:48:43 Logout of Milo from 13.02.00 00:48:43 KikUrAss/Channel slugs-1: u know nels? 13.02.00 00:49:02 KikUrAss: /msg [slug]traveler setterlund 13.02.00 00:49:04 CloseGame from KikUrAss 13.02.00 00:49:04 Game is NULL 13.02.00 00:49:04 Logout of KikUrAss from 13.02.00 00:52:40 Connection attempt from 13.02.00 00:52:40 Starcraft Connection accepted 13.02.00 00:52:42 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 13.02.00 01:08:06 GameReport from Wirewyrm: 13.02.00 01:08:06 Wirewyrm DRAW 13.02.00 01:08:10 CloseGame from Wirewyrm 13.02.00 01:08:10 Game is NULL 13.02.00 01:08:20 CloseGame from Wirewyrm 13.02.00 01:08:20 Game is NULL 13.02.00 01:08:20 Logout of Wirewyrm from 13.02.00 02:36:46 Connection attempt from 13.02.00 02:36:46 Starcraft Connection accepted 13.02.00 02:36:48 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 13.02.00 02:36:48 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 13.02.00 02:36:58 Login of Wirewyrm from (1 Users) 13.02.00 02:37:38 Logout of Wirewyrm from
Logging started. Version 0.7b65 (Build 733) Windows Built Dec 27 1999 18:09:31. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Initializing Teams. 02.03.00 01:22:46 0 Teams loaded. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking vital files. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking IX86ver1.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking PMACver4.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking icons.bni: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking icons.ngi: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking star107b.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking sc4-5.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking sc5-6.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking sc6-7b.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking bw4-5.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking bw5-6.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking bw6-7b.mpq: OK. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Checking Userfiles. 02.03.00 01:22:46 20 Userfiles. 02.03.00 01:22:46 Setup Blizzard and Westwood listener 03.03.00 22:00:22 Connection attempt from 03.03.00 22:00:22 Starcraft Connection accepted 03.03.00 22:00:22 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 03.03.00 22:00:25 Login of garote from (1 Users) 03.03.00 22:00:44 New Game from garote: lku 03.03.00 22:01:15 GameReport from garote: 03.03.00 22:01:15 garote DRAW 03.03.00 22:01:17 CloseGame from garote 03.03.00 22:01:17 Game is NULL 03.03.00 22:01:25 CloseGame from garote 03.03.00 22:01:25 Game is NULL 03.03.00 22:01:25 Logout of garote from 04.03.00 12:18:32 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 12:18:32 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 12:18:36 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 12:18:36 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 12:18:37 Filerequest from 04.03.00 12:18:37 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 04.03.00 12:18:41 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 12:18:42 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 12:18:42 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 12:18:43 Filerequest from 04.03.00 12:18:43 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 04.03.00 12:18:44 Could not load rincon(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\rincon) 04.03.00 12:18:45 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 12:18:45 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 12:18:45 Filerequest from 04.03.00 12:18:45 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 04.03.00 12:19:14 Login of shithead from (1 Users) 04.03.00 12:19:17 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 12:19:17 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 12:19:17 Filerequest from 04.03.00 12:19:17 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 04.03.00 12:19:52 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Hey, dudes...shithead was here. See ya tonight! 04.03.00 12:20:14 CloseGame from shithead 04.03.00 12:20:14 Game is NULL 04.03.00 12:20:15 Logout of shithead from 04.03.00 14:15:12 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 14:15:12 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 14:15:13 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 14:15:13 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 14:15:13 Filerequest from 04.03.00 14:15:13 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 04.03.00 14:15:17 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 14:15:17 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 14:15:17 Could not load yuyuhakusho(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\yuyuhakusho) 04.03.00 14:15:17 Could not load Truetnt(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Truetnt) 04.03.00 14:15:17 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 14:15:18 Filerequest from 04.03.00 14:15:18 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 04.03.00 14:15:18 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 14:15:18 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 14:15:18 Filerequest from 04.03.00 14:15:18 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 04.03.00 14:15:31 Login of Milo from (1 Users) 04.03.00 14:15:36 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 14:15:36 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 14:15:36 Filerequest from 04.03.00 14:15:36 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 04.03.00 14:17:11 New Game from Milo: tr 04.03.00 14:17:18 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 14:17:18 Game is tr 04.03.00 14:17:36 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 14:17:36 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 14:17:36 Filerequest from 04.03.00 14:17:36 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 14:19:22 New Game from Milo: tr 04.03.00 14:35:18 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 14:35:18 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 14:35:19 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 14:35:19 Game is NULL 04.03.00 14:35:41 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 15:13:43 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 15:13:43 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 15:13:45 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 15:13:45 Game is NULL 04.03.00 15:14:01 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 15:23:18 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 15:23:18 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 15:23:20 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 15:23:20 Game is NULL 04.03.00 15:23:34 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 15:23:55 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 15:23:55 Game is tree 04.03.00 15:24:03 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 15:31:23 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 15:31:23 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 15:31:25 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 15:31:25 Game is NULL 04.03.00 15:31:42 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 15:47:04 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 15:47:04 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 15:47:06 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 15:47:06 Game is NULL 04.03.00 15:47:22 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 15:55:31 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 15:55:31 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 15:55:33 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 15:55:33 Game is NULL 04.03.00 15:55:46 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 16:12:49 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 16:12:49 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 16:12:50 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 16:12:50 Game is NULL 04.03.00 16:13:05 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 16:49:46 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 16:49:46 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 16:49:48 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 16:49:48 Game is NULL 04.03.00 16:50:04 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 17:07:23 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 17:07:23 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 17:07:24 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 17:07:24 Game is NULL 04.03.00 17:07:34 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 17:07:34 Game is NULL 04.03.00 17:07:34 Logout of Milo from 04.03.00 17:08:22 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 17:08:22 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 17:08:23 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 17:08:23 Could not load yuyuhakusho(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\yuyuhakusho) 04.03.00 17:08:23 Could not load Truetnt(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Truetnt) 04.03.00 17:08:30 Login of Milo from (1 Users) 04.03.00 17:08:51 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 17:44:25 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 17:44:25 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 17:44:26 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 17:44:26 Game is NULL 04.03.00 17:44:59 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 17:44:59 Game is NULL 04.03.00 17:44:59 Logout of Milo from 04.03.00 19:41:22 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 19:41:22 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 19:41:23 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 19:41:25 Could not load yuyuhakusho(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\yuyuhakusho) 04.03.00 19:41:25 Could not load Truetnt(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Truetnt) 04.03.00 19:41:31 Login of Milo from (1 Users) 04.03.00 19:42:06 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 19:48:19 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 19:48:19 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 19:48:21 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 19:48:22 Could not load rincon(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\rincon) 04.03.00 19:48:28 Login of shithead from (2 Users) 04.03.00 19:50:33 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 19:50:33 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 19:50:33 Filerequest from 04.03.00 19:50:33 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 19:54:26 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 19:54:26 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 19:54:27 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 19:54:27 Game is NULL 04.03.00 19:54:49 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 19:55:36 Logout of shithead from 04.03.00 20:09:54 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:09:54 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:09:56 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 20:09:57 Could not load rincon(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\rincon) 04.03.00 20:10:02 Login of shithead from (2 Users) 04.03.00 20:13:30 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:13:30 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:07 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:14:07 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:07 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:14:07 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:07 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:14:07 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 04.03.00 20:14:12 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 20:14:12 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:14:12 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:12 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:14:12 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 04.03.00 20:14:12 Could not load EcT(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\EcT) 04.03.00 20:14:13 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:14:13 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:13 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:14:13 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 04.03.00 20:14:18 Login of PC_Freak from (3 Users) 04.03.00 20:14:22 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:14:22 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:23 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 20:14:23 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:14:23 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:14:24 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:14:24 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 04.03.00 20:14:24 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 04.03.00 20:14:24 Could not load EcT(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\EcT) 04.03.00 20:14:25 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Moo. 04.03.00 20:14:47 Login of garote from (4 Users) 04.03.00 20:14:54 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: Who are you? 04.03.00 20:15:03 garote/Channel slugs: Hey shithead!!! 04.03.00 20:15:10 garote/Channel slugs: Wow, you made it!! 04.03.00 20:15:16 garote/Channel slugs: er ... if yer still around ... 04.03.00 20:15:50 PC_Freak quotes "I'm happy that we've established who I am. Now. Mind telling me who *you* are? 04.03.00 20:16:04 garote likes "spam" 04.03.00 20:16:11 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: ...but only if you feel like i. 04.03.00 20:16:12 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: it 04.03.00 20:16:18 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:16:18 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:16:22 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:16:22 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:16:22 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:16:22 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 20:16:23 shithead/Channel slugs: holy shiiiiiit 04.03.00 20:16:26 PC_Freak sings "SPAM in the place where I live.... 04.03.00 20:16:43 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:16:43 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:16:43 shithead/Channel slugs: sorry, watchin tv while i wait 04.03.00 20:16:44 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 20:16:45 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 04.03.00 20:16:51 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:16:51 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:16:51 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:16:51 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 20:17:01 shithead/Channel slugs: what's up, guys? 04.03.00 20:18:27 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:18:27 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:18:29 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 20:18:30 Could not load yuyuhakusho(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\yuyuhakusho) 04.03.00 20:18:49 garote/Channel slugs: hey hey hey! 04.03.00 20:18:50 Could not load Trisha(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Trisha) 04.03.00 20:18:50 New Player Trisha. created from 04.03.00 20:18:50 Login of Trisha from (5 Users) 04.03.00 20:19:02 shithead/Channel slugs: yeh, yeh, yeh 04.03.00 20:19:05 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: And that's Fat Albert, comin' for ya! "Hey, hey, hey!" 04.03.00 20:19:18 Trisha/Channel slugs: hello everybody 04.03.00 20:19:22 shithead/Channel slugs: hey trisha 04.03.00 20:19:33 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 20:19:33 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 20:19:35 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 20:19:35 Game is NULL 04.03.00 20:19:48 Trisha happily hums to herself until everyone gets ready to play 04.03.00 20:19:59 PC_Freak: /whisper PC_Freak Alpha beta charlie delta epsilon 04.03.00 20:19:59 Milo/Channel slugs-1: ping! anyone there? 04.03.00 20:20:02 garote/Channel slugs: Hey shithead - you haven't seen my new map! :) 04.03.00 20:20:09 shithead/Channel slugs: coming to y'all live from L.A. 04.03.00 20:20:11 shithead/Channel slugs: nope 04.03.00 20:20:12 garote/Channel slugs: It rocks. 04.03.00 20:20:15 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: From LA? Dang... 04.03.00 20:20:16 garote/Channel slugs: Well, it 04.03.00 20:20:23 garote/Channel slugs: it's full of rocks at any rate :) 04.03.00 20:20:23 Trisha/Channel slugs: what ? 04.03.00 20:20:24 Milo/Channel slugs: where is everyone? 04.03.00 20:20:26 shithead/Channel slugs: i'll have to download it first, eh? 04.03.00 20:20:32 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: Garote< Does this other guy need the map, too? He didn't use one of the spawn disks... 04.03.00 20:20:38 Trisha waves hands frantically 04.03.00 20:20:42 Trisha/Channel slugs: i'm right here 04.03.00 20:20:46 garote/Channel slugs: No prob, as long as he's patchd to 1.07. 04.03.00 20:20:48 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 20:20:48 Game is NULL 04.03.00 20:20:48 Logout of Milo from 04.03.00 20:20:52 garote/Channel slugs: The map will download while we're in chat 04.03.00 20:20:53 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:20:53 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:20:53 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:20:53 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 20:20:53 shithead/Channel slugs: trisha, how do you do that? 04.03.00 20:21:01 garote/Channel slugs: shithead: type "/me barfs" 04.03.00 20:21:02 Trisha/Channel slugs: type / then me 04.03.00 20:21:05 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: Interseting... 04.03.00 20:21:10 PC_Freak: / then me 04.03.00 20:21:15 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: / then me 04.03.00 20:21:20 Trisha/Channel slugs: yes provactative 04.03.00 20:21:21 Login of Milo from (5 Users) 04.03.00 20:21:23 shithead shits 04.03.00 20:21:27 shithead/Channel slugs: cool 04.03.00 20:21:34 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: -_^ 04.03.00 20:21:35 Trisha/Channel slugs: sicko 04.03.00 20:21:38 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: Um, Trisha... 04.03.00 20:21:45 Trisha/Channel slugs: what? 04.03.00 20:21:51 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: "provactative"? 04.03.00 20:22:11 Trisha/Channel slugs: yeah yeah..i can't speel so whta? 04.03.00 20:22:17 shithead/Channel slugs: how ya been, trish 04.03.00 20:22:24 Trisha/Channel slugs: okay...busy with school 04.03.00 20:22:24 shithead/Channel slugs: miss y'all 04.03.00 20:22:27 Trisha/Channel slugs: what's up with you? 04.03.00 20:22:32 Trisha/Channel slugs: miss y'all too 04.03.00 20:22:38 shithead/Channel slugs: oh, you know, married with kids... 04.03.00 20:22:39 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: U_U 04.03.00 20:22:41 Milo/Channel slugs: what is this, a fucking AOL chat room? 04.03.00 20:22:47 Trisha smiles 04.03.00 20:22:55 shithead/Channel slugs: no cussing, please 04.03.00 20:22:55 Trisha/Channel slugs: that's soo nice!! 04.03.00 20:22:58 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: hey, doodz, got any porn? 04.03.00 20:23:08 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: i am 31337 04.03.00 20:23:09 Milo/Channel slugs: um, no comment 04.03.00 20:23:10 shithead/Channel slugs: pc freak, wanna fuck 04.03.00 20:23:14 Trisha/Channel slugs: oh f*** off 04.03.00 20:23:24 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:23:24 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:23:24 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:23:24 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 20:23:40 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: /reality=on 04.03.00 20:23:48 shithead/Channel slugs: f*** me, no, f*** you, mother f***er 04.03.00 20:23:53 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: (several lights turn off, others turn on) 04.03.00 20:23:54 Milo tired 04.03.00 20:24:11 shithead/Channel slugs: anyone remember this one? 04.03.00 20:24:16 Milo barfs on server 04.03.00 20:24:18 Trisha/Channel slugs: cute pc 04.03.00 20:24:22 shithead/Channel slugs: shit, the other brown meat 04.03.00 20:24:22 Trisha/Channel slugs: veryyyyy cute 04.03.00 20:24:26 Trisha rolls eyes 04.03.00 20:24:34 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: quick, turn on the Infinite Improbability Drive! 04.03.00 20:24:36 Trisha/Channel slugs: okay okay lets play 04.03.00 20:24:39 Milo checks trish out 04.03.00 20:24:43 shithead/Channel slugs: play 04.03.00 20:24:44 shithead/Channel slugs: play 04.03.00 20:24:45 shithead/Channel slugs: play 04.03.00 20:24:46 shithead/Channel slugs: play 04.03.00 20:24:47 Trisha/Channel slugs: pervert 04.03.00 20:24:47 garote/Channel slugs: Probably from a movie with lots of guns and hormones in it, starring some italian cool people. 04.03.00 20:24:51 Trisha gags 04.03.00 20:24:54 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: One is missing... 04.03.00 20:25:00 Milo prays trish doesnt barf 04.03.00 20:25:04 shithead/Channel slugs: all italians are cool. funny how that happens 04.03.00 20:25:07 Trisha barfs on milo 04.03.00 20:25:07 garote barfs Trish doesn't pray 04.03.00 20:25:13 garote/Channel slugs: woops 04.03.00 20:25:17 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: lol 04.03.00 20:25:20 Milo says uck 04.03.00 20:25:29 Trisha/Channel slugs: okay play time 04.03.00 20:25:33 Trisha claps hands 04.03.00 20:25:34 shithead/Channel slugs: where's warhawk? 04.03.00 20:25:36 Milo/Channel slugs: kinky 04.03.00 20:25:37 Trisha/Channel slugs: dead 04.03.00 20:25:39 Trisha/Channel slugs: ?? 04.03.00 20:25:41 garote/Channel slugs: Wanna do my big map? Tony, er I mean shithead, hasn't seen it. 04.03.00 20:25:43 Trisha/Channel slugs: alseep??? 04.03.00 20:25:43 shithead/Channel slugs: don't tell me he's studying ro something 04.03.00 20:25:46 Trisha/Channel slugs: hardly 04.03.00 20:25:47 Trisha/Channel slugs: ?? 04.03.00 20:25:48 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: |ö| 04.03.00 20:25:48 garote/Channel slugs: Warhark = I dunno. 04.03.00 20:26:00 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: L5R, mayhaps? 04.03.00 20:26:02 shithead/Channel slugs: will there be a delay in loading the map 04.03.00 20:26:13 Milo/Channel slugs: who knows 04.03.00 20:26:26 shithead/Channel slugs: we're working with a 37k connection as it is 04.03.00 20:26:33 garote/Channel slugs: l8R, yah, I suspect. 04.03.00 20:26:34 Trisha/Channel slugs: really?? that much? 04.03.00 20:26:36 shithead/Channel slugs: don't want to push it...you guys' hate me. 04.03.00 20:26:37 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: 37k? That's odd... 04.03.00 20:26:44 garote/Channel slugs: 38.4 he means. 04.03.00 20:26:55 shithead/Channel slugs: garote...the new place has high speed internet access 04.03.00 20:26:55 Trisha/Channel slugs: i don't hate you 04.03.00 20:26:59 garote/Channel slugs: really???? 04.03.00 20:27:03 Trisha/Channel slugs: yeppers 04.03.00 20:27:08 shithead/Channel slugs: no, it's really 37.3k 04.03.00 20:27:08 Milo/Channel slugs: do u hate me? 04.03.00 20:27:15 shithead/Channel slugs: on a 56k modem, of course 04.03.00 20:27:21 Trisha/Channel slugs: ummmm....so how about that local sports team 04.03.00 20:27:51 shithead/Channel slugs: who, the banana slugs? 04.03.00 20:27:53 garote/Channel slugs: New d00d comin in 04.03.00 20:27:58 Trisha/Channel slugs: sure why not 04.03.00 20:28:02 Milo/Channel slugs: they're slimy 04.03.00 20:28:05 shithead/Channel slugs: donde esta este dood 04.03.00 20:28:05 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:28:05 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:28:05 Trisha/Channel slugs: i hear they are doing good/bad 04.03.00 20:28:06 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:28:06 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:28:06 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:28:06 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 04.03.00 20:28:08 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 20:28:08 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:28:08 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:28:08 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:28:08 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\icons.bni Size 23196 04.03.00 20:28:08 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 04.03.00 20:28:08 Could not load EcT(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\EcT) 04.03.00 20:28:09 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:28:09 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:28:09 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:28:09 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\DATA\tos.txt Size 350 04.03.00 20:28:12 Trisha/Channel slugs: in that sport(s) 04.03.00 20:28:14 Milo/Channel slugs: lets get it on already 04.03.00 20:28:16 garote/Channel slugs: Man, I gotta wait for C to get off the fone, then I can contact her and she can call Ken, kurt, etc. 04.03.00 20:28:16 Milo/Channel slugs: sheesh 04.03.00 20:28:19 Login of SuperFiend from (6 Users) 04.03.00 20:28:21 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 20:28:21 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 20:28:21 Filerequest from 04.03.00 20:28:21 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000001.smk Size 37520 04.03.00 20:28:23 garote picks a map 04.03.00 20:28:28 SuperFiend: /join #slugs 04.03.00 20:28:29 shithead/Channel slugs: what phone 04.03.00 20:28:38 SuperFiend: /whois milo 04.03.00 20:28:42 SuperFiend: /join #slugs 04.03.00 20:28:43 Milo/Channel slugs: freak, u know kurts #? 04.03.00 20:28:45 shithead/Channel slugs: what do you do, ICP her? 04.03.00 20:28:46 New Game from garote: few bar 04.03.00 20:28:47 SuperFiend: /join slugs 04.03.00 20:28:50 shithead/Channel slugs: ICQ 04.03.00 20:28:56 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: Harm. 04.03.00 20:28:58 SuperFiend: /join #slugs 04.03.00 20:29:01 SuperFiend: /join #slugs 04.03.00 20:29:03 Milo/Channel slugs: roffle!! Icp = INSANE CLOWN POSSE 04.03.00 20:29:05 shithead/Channel slugs: who was that 04.03.00 20:29:05 SuperFiend: /join slugs 04.03.00 20:29:11 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: Ewwwww... 04.03.00 20:29:15 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: So fiendish. 04.03.00 20:29:20 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: 8( 04.03.00 20:29:22 shithead/Channel slugs: who dat 04.03.00 20:29:23 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: .whois superfiend 04.03.00 20:29:26 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: =) 04.03.00 20:29:29 SuperFiend: /whois superfiend 04.03.00 20:29:30 PC_Freak: /whois superfiend 04.03.00 20:29:35 PC_Freak: /whois pc_freak 04.03.00 20:29:38 PC_Freak: /whois pc_* 04.03.00 20:29:39 PC_Freak: /whois * 04.03.00 20:29:40 shithead/Channel slugs: whoyouissuperfiend 04.03.00 20:29:41 Milo/Channel slugs: a newbie to this server, not new to battlenet tho 04.03.00 20:29:41 PC_Freak: /who * 04.03.00 20:29:42 SuperFiend is nice, kind, loving, and oh so seductive. 04.03.00 20:29:50 Trisha/Channel slugs: oohh baby 04.03.00 20:29:56 Trisha/Channel slugs: bye now...go to map all 04.03.00 20:31:10 garote haX with Apple JaX 04.03.00 21:32:45 GameReport from Trisha: 04.03.00 21:32:45 garote PLAYING 04.03.00 21:32:45 PC_Freak PLAYING 04.03.00 21:32:45 Milo PLAYING 04.03.00 21:32:45 Trisha LOSS 04.03.00 21:32:45 SuperFiend PLAYING 04.03.00 21:32:45 shithead PLAYING 04.03.00 21:36:17 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 21:36:17 garote PLAYING 04.03.00 21:36:17 PC_Freak PLAYING 04.03.00 21:36:17 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 21:36:17 Trisha LOSS 04.03.00 21:36:17 SuperFiend PLAYING 04.03.00 21:36:17 shithead PLAYING 04.03.00 21:39:12 GameReport from PC_Freak: 04.03.00 21:39:12 garote PLAYING 04.03.00 21:39:12 PC_Freak LOSS 04.03.00 21:39:12 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 21:39:12 Trisha LOSS 04.03.00 21:39:12 SuperFiend PLAYING 04.03.00 21:39:12 shithead PLAYING 04.03.00 21:55:48 GameReport from shithead: 04.03.00 21:55:48 garote PLAYING 04.03.00 21:55:48 PC_Freak LOSS 04.03.00 21:55:48 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 21:55:48 Trisha LOSS 04.03.00 21:55:48 SuperFiend PLAYING 04.03.00 21:55:48 shithead LOSS 04.03.00 21:56:39 shithead/Channel slugs: i need a frickin break 04.03.00 21:56:45 shithead/Channel slugs: be right back 04.03.00 22:02:00 New Game from Trisha: Liz's Game of Wonder 04.03.00 22:05:52 GameReport from garote: 04.03.00 22:05:52 garote WIN 04.03.00 22:05:52 PC_Freak LOSS 04.03.00 22:05:52 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 22:05:52 Trisha LOSS 04.03.00 22:05:52 SuperFiend LOSS 04.03.00 22:05:52 shithead LOSS 04.03.00 22:05:52 GameReport from SuperFiend: 04.03.00 22:05:56 CloseGame from garote 04.03.00 22:05:56 Game is NULL 04.03.00 22:06:08 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 22:06:08 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 22:06:08 Filerequest from 04.03.00 22:06:08 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 22:08:02 Trisha got a visual she didn't like 04.03.00 22:08:28 Trisha gets visuals that she didn't want/need 04.03.00 22:08:46 Trisha: /dswa 04.03.00 22:11:10 PC_Freak mutters "We're dead..." 04.03.00 22:32:15 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 22:32:15 Trisha PLAYING 04.03.00 22:32:15 PC_Freak PLAYING 04.03.00 22:32:15 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 22:32:15 shithead PLAYING 04.03.00 22:32:15 SuperFiend PLAYING 04.03.00 22:32:15 garote PLAYING 04.03.00 22:33:15 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 22:33:19 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 22:33:19 Game is tree 04.03.00 22:33:29 New Game from Milo: tree 04.03.00 22:33:57 ,,,6,1,b,1,4e07da12,4,Milo Killing Fields 04.03.00 22:41:37 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 22:41:37 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 22:41:38 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 22:41:38 Game is NULL 04.03.00 22:41:48 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 22:41:48 Game is NULL 04.03.00 22:41:48 Logout of Milo from 04.03.00 22:48:13 GameReport from SuperFiend: 04.03.00 22:48:13 Trisha PLAYING 04.03.00 22:48:13 PC_Freak PLAYING 04.03.00 22:48:13 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 22:48:13 shithead PLAYING 04.03.00 22:48:13 SuperFiend LOSS 04.03.00 22:48:13 garote PLAYING 04.03.00 22:55:34 GameReport from PC_Freak: 04.03.00 22:55:34 Trisha WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 PC_Freak WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 shithead WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 SuperFiend LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 garote LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 GameReport from garote: 04.03.00 22:55:34 Trisha WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 PC_Freak WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 shithead WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 SuperFiend LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 garote LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 GameReport from Trisha: 04.03.00 22:55:34 Trisha WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 PC_Freak WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 Milo LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 shithead WIN 04.03.00 22:55:34 SuperFiend LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:34 garote LOSS 04.03.00 22:55:36 CloseGame from Trisha 04.03.00 22:55:36 Game is NULL 04.03.00 22:55:42 CloseGame from PC_Freak 04.03.00 22:55:42 Game is NULL 04.03.00 22:56:27 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 22:56:27 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 22:56:29 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 22:56:31 Could not load rincon(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\rincon) 04.03.00 22:56:39 Login of shithead from (5 Users) 04.03.00 22:57:06 garote/Channel slugs: Narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf narf 04.03.00 22:57:21 garote/Channel slugs: somebody pick a map!! 04.03.00 22:57:22 shithead/Channel slugs: nice job, team asswreckers 04.03.00 22:58:21 shithead/Channel slugs: i got disconnected just long enough not to get a victory mark..pooh 04.03.00 22:59:34 shithead/Channel slugs: you were taking suggestions for other games to play... 04.03.00 22:59:41 shithead/Channel slugs: Half-Life kicks ass. 04.03.00 22:59:45 shithead/Channel slugs: 1999 game of the year 04.03.00 22:59:52 garote/Channel slugs: half-life, eh? 04.03.00 22:59:55 shithead/Channel slugs: better than any old dukey nukdy 04.03.00 23:00:03 shithead/Channel slugs: trust me 04.03.00 23:00:09 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: half life sucks mplayer 04.03.00 23:00:23 garote/Channel slugs: Hey milo, get yer ass back in! 04.03.00 23:00:50 Logout of shithead from 04.03.00 23:00:58 garote/Channel slugs: alright. Neil's gonna get his 'tribes' CD. 04.03.00 23:01:05 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:01:08 garote/Channel slugs: So we're gonna do a meatgrinder game while he goes. 04.03.00 23:01:09 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:01:10 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 23:01:11 garote/Channel slugs: Everybody dive in 04.03.00 23:01:11 Could not load rincon(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\rincon) 04.03.00 23:01:16 Login of shithead from (5 Users) 04.03.00 23:01:27 Trisha/Channel slugs: okaly dokaly 04.03.00 23:01:33 shithead/Channel slugs: just got kicked out for another sec 04.03.00 23:01:53 New Game from garote: narf 04.03.00 23:02:18 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:02:18 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:02:20 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 23:02:20 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 04.03.00 23:02:24 Login of Milo from (6 Users) 04.03.00 23:02:34 Logout of shithead from 04.03.00 23:02:43 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:02:43 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:02:44 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 23:02:46 Could not load rincon(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\rincon) 04.03.00 23:02:51 Login of shithead from (6 Users) 04.03.00 23:03:10 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:03:10 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:03:10 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:03:10 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:03:11 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:21:21 GameReport from garote: 04.03.00 23:21:21 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 GameReport from Trisha: 04.03.00 23:21:21 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 GameReport from SuperFiend: 04.03.00 23:21:21 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 GameReport from Milo: 04.03.00 23:21:21 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 GameReport from shithead: 04.03.00 23:21:21 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 Milo DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:21 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:21:25 CloseGame from garote 04.03.00 23:21:25 Game is NULL 04.03.00 23:21:45 garote/Channel slugs: Anyone care to play again? Neil's not here yet 04.03.00 23:21:46 shithead/Channel slugs-1: that was cool 04.03.00 23:21:48 Trisha/Channel slugs: yeah 04.03.00 23:21:58 shithead/Channel slugs-1: i'd buy that for a dollar 04.03.00 23:21:59 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: he's back. 04.03.00 23:22:08 shithead/Channel slugs: i'd buy that for a dollar 04.03.00 23:22:13 shithead/Channel slugs: let's go again 04.03.00 23:22:23 garote/Channel slugs: Alright!!!!!!!!! KURT"S HERE! 04.03.00 23:22:41 shithead/Channel slugs: excellenttttttt 04.03.00 23:22:44 garote/Channel slugs: Time to show Kurt bunker command 04.03.00 23:22:55 New Game from garote: KILL 04.03.00 23:22:56 shithead/Channel slugs: no warhawk, eh? 04.03.00 23:23:05 shithead/Channel slugs: hot date, i guess 04.03.00 23:23:09 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:23:09 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:23:10 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 23:23:11 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 04.03.00 23:23:13 SuperFiend: /stats 04.03.00 23:23:18 SuperFiend: /stats 04.03.00 23:23:47 Login of vladTheImpaled from (7 Users) 04.03.00 23:24:27 CloseGame from Milo 04.03.00 23:24:27 Game is NULL 04.03.00 23:24:27 Logout of Milo from 04.03.00 23:24:47 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:24:47 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:24:47 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:24:47 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:24:47 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:24:47 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:39:02 GameReport from garote: 04.03.00 23:39:02 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 GameReport from Trisha: 04.03.00 23:39:02 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 GameReport from SuperFiend: 04.03.00 23:39:02 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 GameReport from PC_Freak: 04.03.00 23:39:02 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 04.03.00 23:39:02 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 GameReport from shithead: 04.03.00 23:39:02 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:02 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:39:05 New Game from garote: KILL 04.03.00 23:39:06 CloseGame from garote 04.03.00 23:39:06 Game is KILL 04.03.00 23:39:06 New Game from PC_Freak: KILL 04.03.00 23:39:25 CloseGame from PC_Freak 04.03.00 23:39:25 Game is KILL 04.03.00 23:39:27 garote/Channel slugs: Kurt wants to do it again 04.03.00 23:39:30 Trisha/Channel slugs: yeah 04.03.00 23:39:31 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:39:31 File Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:39:31 Filerequest from 04.03.00 23:39:31 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 04.03.00 23:39:32 CloseGame from SuperFiend 04.03.00 23:39:32 Game is NULL 04.03.00 23:39:32 Logout of SuperFiend from 04.03.00 23:39:32 shithead/Channel slugs: who won that 04.03.00 23:39:40 garote/Channel slugs: okay, one more, then we get to have Kurt in the action 04.03.00 23:39:46 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:39:47 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:39:47 shithead/Channel slugs: who won 04.03.00 23:39:48 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 23:39:49 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Phoboy7) 04.03.00 23:39:49 Could not load EcT(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\EcT) 04.03.00 23:39:53 Trisha/Channel slugs: okay with me....and no lcue 04.03.00 23:39:53 New Game from garote: Green Poopie 04.03.00 23:40:03 Login of SuperFiend from (6 Users) 04.03.00 23:40:04 shithead/Channel slugs: who won 04.03.00 23:40:07 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: I think I won... 04.03.00 23:40:44 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:40:44 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:40:44 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:40:44 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:40:44 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:40:45 ,33,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,5,garote Bunker Command II 04.03.00 23:53:11 GameReport from garote: 04.03.00 23:53:11 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 04.03.00 23:53:11 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 GameReport from PC_Freak: 04.03.00 23:53:11 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 GameReport from Trisha: 04.03.00 23:53:11 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 GameReport from SuperFiend: 04.03.00 23:53:11 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:11 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:12 GameReport from shithead: 04.03.00 23:53:12 garote DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:12 vladTheImpaled DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:12 SuperFiend DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:12 shithead DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:12 PC_Freak DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:12 Trisha DRAW 04.03.00 23:53:13 CloseGame from garote 04.03.00 23:53:13 Game is NULL 04.03.00 23:53:15 New Game from shithead: Green Poopie 04.03.00 23:53:16 CloseGame from shithead 04.03.00 23:53:16 Game is Green Poopie 04.03.00 23:53:22 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: tribes@ 04.03.00 23:53:24 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: tribes! 04.03.00 23:53:26 SuperFiend/Channel slugs-1: tribes! 04.03.00 23:53:31 SuperFiend: /join slugs 04.03.00 23:53:32 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: tribes! 04.03.00 23:53:37 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: tribes! 04.03.00 23:53:39 garote/Channel slugs: every time I died I took my whole set out to kill stuff. Seemed to work pretty well. 04.03.00 23:53:40 shithead/Channel slugs: fun fun fun 04.03.00 23:53:43 garote/Channel slugs: tries? 04.03.00 23:53:51 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: tribes! 04.03.00 23:53:55 garote/Channel slugs: set it up 04.03.00 23:53:58 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: tribes! 04.03.00 23:54:17 SuperFiend/Channel slugs: feel like setting it up? 04.03.00 23:54:18 garote/Channel slugs: set that mofo up 04.03.00 23:54:23 PC_Freak/Channel slugs: Ok. 04.03.00 23:54:24 CloseGame from PC_Freak 04.03.00 23:54:24 Game is NULL 04.03.00 23:54:24 Logout of PC_Freak from 04.03.00 23:55:00 garote/Channel slugs: well, tony, looks like Neil's setting up Tribes. 04.03.00 23:55:05 garote/Channel slugs: Dunno how long it'll take 04.03.00 23:55:20 shithead/Channel slugs: was dat 04.03.00 23:55:22 shithead/Channel slugs: teams 04.03.00 23:55:39 garote/Channel slugs: looks like Neil's gonna install it on another rack ... mean's he'll just be out of the next game. 04.03.00 23:55:50 garote/Channel slugs: Lemme set up another BW match while he's doing that. 04.03.00 23:56:04 shithead/Channel slugs: okee 04.03.00 23:57:02 Trisha/Channel slugs: dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum 04.03.00 23:57:03 New Game from garote: funky town(tm) 04.03.00 23:57:08 Trisha/Channel slugs: dum de dum de dum 04.03.00 23:57:27 Trisha/Channel slugs: ho hum de dum de doo 04.03.00 23:57:35 shithead/Channel slugs: shut it!!! 04.03.00 23:57:39 Trisha/Channel slugs: hey 04.03.00 23:57:49 Trisha/Channel slugs: just tryingto lighten the mood a bit 04.03.00 23:57:49 shithead/Channel slugs: or I'll give you something to ho hum de fucking hum about 04.03.00 23:57:56 Trisha/Channel slugs: okay garrett says to join the game 04.03.00 23:57:58 shithead/Channel slugs: jk 04.03.00 23:58:00 Trisha/Channel slugs: and shut yer hole 04.03.00 23:58:48 Connection attempt from 04.03.00 23:58:48 Starcraft Connection accepted 04.03.00 23:58:49 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 04.03.00 23:58:50 Could not load Mrxellos(C:\STAR\SERVER\PLAYERS\Mrxellos) 04.03.00 23:58:54 Login of Milo from (6 Users) 04.03.00 23:59:24 Logout of SuperFiend from 05.03.00 00:01:30 CloseGame from garote 05.03.00 00:01:30 Game is funky town(tm) 05.03.00 00:01:31 New Game from Trisha: funky town(tm) 05.03.00 00:01:31 CloseGame from Trisha 05.03.00 00:01:31 Game is funky town(tm) 05.03.00 00:01:39 New Game from garote: OOF! 05.03.00 00:01:44 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs: go gman 05.03.00 00:02:15 ,46,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote River War 05.03.00 00:02:15 ,46,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote River War 05.03.00 00:02:15 ,46,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote River War 05.03.00 00:02:15 ,46,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote River War 05.03.00 00:02:15 ,46,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote River War 05.03.00 00:37:37 GameReport from Trisha: 05.03.00 00:37:37 garote PLAYING 05.03.00 00:37:37 Trisha LOSS 05.03.00 00:37:37 Milo PLAYING 05.03.00 00:37:37 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 05.03.00 00:37:37 shithead PLAYING 05.03.00 00:38:56 CloseGame from Trisha 05.03.00 00:38:56 Game is NULL 05.03.00 00:38:56 Logout of Trisha from 05.03.00 01:09:04 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 05.03.00 01:09:04 garote PLAYING 05.03.00 01:09:04 Trisha LOSS 05.03.00 01:09:04 Milo PLAYING 05.03.00 01:09:04 vladTheImpaled LOSS 05.03.00 01:09:04 shithead PLAYING 05.03.00 01:10:07 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 05.03.00 01:10:07 Game is NULL 05.03.00 01:10:07 Logout of vladTheImpaled from 05.03.00 01:22:38 GameReport from garote: 05.03.00 01:22:38 garote LOSS 05.03.00 01:22:38 Trisha LOSS 05.03.00 01:22:38 Milo PLAYING 05.03.00 01:22:38 vladTheImpaled LOSS 05.03.00 01:22:38 shithead PLAYING 05.03.00 01:22:39 CloseGame from garote 05.03.00 01:22:39 Game is NULL 05.03.00 01:23:28 GameReport from shithead: 05.03.00 01:23:28 garote LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:28 Trisha LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:28 Milo WIN 05.03.00 01:23:28 vladTheImpaled LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:28 shithead LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:32 GameReport from Milo: 05.03.00 01:23:32 garote LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:32 Trisha LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:32 Milo WIN 05.03.00 01:23:32 vladTheImpaled LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:32 shithead LOSS 05.03.00 01:23:41 CloseGame from Milo 05.03.00 01:23:41 Game is NULL 05.03.00 01:24:51 Milo/Channel slugs: that was a first 05.03.00 01:25:00 shithead/Channel slugs: nice job milo 05.03.00 01:49:35 garote/Channel slugs: tech writer - 05.03.00 01:49:44 garote/Channel slugs: actually, I think we'll be needing a tech writer eventually. 05.03.00 01:49:54 shithead/Channel slugs: I figured so. 05.03.00 01:50:11 shithead/Channel slugs: That's precisely the reason there's a frickin bidding war over a tech writer. 05.03.00 01:50:20 shithead/Channel slugs: they all need em and there ain't enough to go around 05.03.00 01:50:36 garote/Channel slugs: But what does a tech writer do that, say, I can't do? 05.03.00 01:50:38 shithead/Channel slugs: to make things worse this week, I was contacted by another recruiter 05.03.00 01:50:44 garote/Channel slugs: I'd drop programming if it meant $50/hour! 05.03.00 01:51:08 shithead/Channel slugs: More than most engineers think (wink) 05.03.00 01:51:25 garote raises an eyebrow 05.03.00 01:51:28 shithead/Channel slugs: Information architecture, my boy 05.03.00 01:51:37 garote/Channel slugs: take that cigar out of your mouth ::) 05.03.00 01:51:44 shithead/Channel slugs: There's a whole system behind it 05.03.00 01:51:48 shithead/Channel slugs: theories, etc 05.03.00 01:51:50 garote/Channel slugs: you can't fool me :) 05.03.00 01:51:51 shithead/Channel slugs: puff 05.03.00 01:52:05 shithead/Channel slugs: they all think they can just "do it" themselves 05.03.00 01:52:24 shithead/Channel slugs: and they always end up hiring "the cleaner" (me) to fix their mess 05.03.00 01:52:36 garote/Channel slugs: if I can say that programming is easy, you can at least admit that what you do is write READMEs all day >:) 05.03.00 01:52:49 shithead/Channel slugs: hee hee 05.03.00 01:53:00 garote/Channel slugs: So come clean. What's it take? 05.03.00 01:53:04 shithead/Channel slugs: I just stand there with my hand out 05.03.00 01:53:12 garote laughs 05.03.00 01:53:19 garote/Channel slugs: I jsut disturbed the lab people 05.03.00 01:53:22 shithead/Channel slugs: let's see...english skill (you've got that) 05.03.00 01:53:39 shithead/Channel slugs: techie background (you have that too) 05.03.00 01:53:50 garote/Channel slugs: large chair-shaped ass? Got that. 05.03.00 01:53:50 shithead/Channel slugs: anal compulsive personality? You know I do 05.03.00 01:54:11 shithead/Channel slugs: constant revisions, minute details 05.03.00 01:54:30 shithead/Channel slugs: and a couple quarters worth of info architecture theory 05.03.00 01:54:40 shithead/Channel slugs: not much, but you've got more than most 05.03.00 01:54:44 garote/Channel slugs: *wham wham wham* DON'T PUT THE COMMA INSIDE THE QUOTES, GOD DAMMIT!! we got 500 tech support calls on that last week!! 05.03.00 01:55:05 shithead/Channel slugs: bottom line: you could do it, but why would you when you could spend more time programming 05.03.00 01:55:16 shithead/Channel slugs: that's what it breaks down to 05.03.00 01:55:30 garote/Channel slugs: "But it says type DEVICE=BARF, in the manual!" 05.03.00 01:55:32 shithead/Channel slugs: a lot of engineers don't speak english as a first language 05.03.00 01:55:40 garote nods. 05.03.00 01:55:49 garote/Channel slugs: I know that phemonena 05.03.00 01:55:55 garote/Channel slugs: phonomenae 05.03.00 01:55:56 shithead/Channel slugs: if you saw how much work our guys had 05.03.00 01:55:57 garote/Channel slugs: phenaonme 05.03.00 01:55:59 garote/Channel slugs: pheromone 05.03.00 01:56:00 garote/Channel slugs: er, 05.03.00 01:56:03 shithead/Channel slugs: everyone wants a piece of them 05.03.00 01:56:09 shithead/Channel slugs: they work long hours, weekends 05.03.00 01:56:19 shithead/Channel slugs: sure, they get paid well, but c'mon, there's a limit 05.03.00 01:56:31 garote/Channel slugs: Yeah, take HTML coders for example. 05.03.00 01:56:46 garote/Channel slugs: They get paid in kitten chow. 05.03.00 01:56:46 shithead/Channel slugs: and the last thing they want to do at the end of the day si prepare their notes in comprehendible english 05.03.00 01:56:58 garote/Channel slugs: comprehensible. 05.03.00 01:57:06 shithead/Channel slugs: thanks 05.03.00 01:57:10 shithead/Channel slugs: i'm getting sleepy 05.03.00 01:57:17 garote/Channel slugs: or: comprehendable (perhaps) 05.03.00 01:57:28 shithead/Channel slugs: you're hired 05.03.00 01:57:36 garote/Channel slugs: spank you :) 05.03.00 01:57:47 garote/Channel slugs: Alright, have a good night y'all. Thanks for the game. 05.03.00 01:57:50 shithead/Channel slugs: you're sweltcome 05.03.00 01:58:03 shithead/Channel slugs: thanks to you guys too 05.03.00 01:58:13 shithead/Channel slugs: I still can't believe there's no lag 05.03.00 01:58:32 shithead/Channel slugs: why no frickin lag? 05.03.00 01:58:37 garote/Channel slugs: Yeah, there was _zero_ lag. it was impressive. 05.03.00 01:58:41 shithead/Channel slugs: battlenet used to lag with that many dudes 05.03.00 01:58:52 garote/Channel slugs: It's all about efficient network protocols. 05.03.00 01:58:59 shithead/Channel slugs: maybe it's cause warhawk wasn't playing 05.03.00 01:59:05 garote/Channel slugs: pffft!! 05.03.00 01:59:10 shithead/Channel slugs: is your system set up differenly? 05.03.00 01:59:26 shithead/Channel slugs: well, he does typically have about 4000 units flying around the screen 05.03.00 01:59:30 garote/Channel slugs: Well, once we leave the chatrooms, all the communication takes place between the players. 05.03.00 01:59:45 shithead/Channel slugs: eh? 05.03.00 01:59:47 garote/Channel slugs: Six out of seven players had IP addresses differing by 1. 05.03.00 01:59:51 garote/Channel slugs: Can't get any closer than that. 05.03.00 02:00:02 shithead/Channel slugs: guess I don't understand enough about it all yet 05.03.00 02:00:11 garote/Channel slugs: well, it's like this. 05.03.00 02:00:18 garote/Channel slugs: Ya got a big ball of string. 05.03.00 02:00:19 shithead/Channel slugs: feed me 05.03.00 02:00:22 garote/Channel slugs: ONe long string. 05.03.00 02:00:29 garote/Channel slugs: Ya got seven posts. 05.03.00 02:00:42 garote/Channel slugs: Then ya got a battle net server. 05.03.00 02:01:06 garote/Channel slugs: You take yer 1 long string, and tie all 7 posts to the battlenet server in a star. 05.03.00 02:01:17 shithead/Channel slugs: mmm hmmm 05.03.00 02:01:26 garote/Channel slugs: Run it to post 1, then back. post 2, then back, post 3, then back.\ 05.03.00 02:01:32 garote/Channel slugs: Then we start a game. POOF! 05.03.00 02:01:42 garote/Channel slugs: The server disppears 05.03.00 02:02:03 garote/Channel slugs: But the spot where it was, see that? where all the lines interect? 05.03.00 02:02:11 garote/Channel slugs: er, intersect? 05.03.00 02:02:24 shithead/Channel slugs: so the battlenet servers with random people have longer strings than the ucsc lab, right? 05.03.00 02:02:40 garote/Channel slugs: Exactly. 1 piece of string = all information must go to all players 05.03.00 02:02:52 garote/Channel slugs: with 6 people so close to each other, 05.03.00 02:02:56 shithead/Channel slugs: and shit is travelling great distances, getting lost, found, etc 05.03.00 02:03:03 garote/Channel slugs: we use MUCH MUCH less string. 05.03.00 02:03:07 shithead/Channel slugs: so a few outside guys don't really slow things down 05.03.00 02:03:17 garote/Channel slugs: now you get it. 05.03.00 02:03:19 shithead/Channel slugs: and people in China would seriously fuck things up 05.03.00 02:03:24 garote/Channel slugs: right. 05.03.00 02:03:33 shithead/Channel slugs: would it be cool if I invited my friend next time 05.03.00 02:03:41 garote/Channel slugs: No problem. 05.03.00 02:03:43 shithead/Channel slugs: don't know if he'll do it 05.03.00 02:03:51 shithead/Channel slugs: he's one of those work forever kinda guys 05.03.00 02:04:00 shithead/Channel slugs: left him in the dust a long time ago 05.03.00 02:04:09 garote/Channel slugs: We played with 1 guy in San Diego and 1 guy off in the dorms two weeks ago. Lag made the game about ... oh, %8 slower. at times. 05.03.00 02:04:13 shithead/Channel slugs: starcraftingly speaking 05.03.00 02:04:30 shithead/Channel slugs: cause of Warhawk I'll bet 05.03.00 02:11:49 CloseGame from shithead 05.03.00 02:11:49 Game is NULL 05.03.00 02:11:49 Logout of shithead from 05.03.00 02:11:50 garote/Channel slugs: :) 05.03.00 02:12:02 garote gives shithead a very manly slap on the back 05.03.00 02:12:05 garote/Channel slugs: *ahem* 05.03.00 02:12:11 garote/Channel slugs: heehee 05.03.00 02:12:49 Milo is a dork! 05.03.00 02:12:51 Milo is a dork! 05.03.00 02:12:56 Milo eats cheese! 05.03.00 02:12:58 Milo likes to poo! 05.03.00 02:13:05 Milo left his chat logged in! 05.03.00 02:13:10 Milo is going to go byebye 05.03.00 02:13:11 Milo: /exit 05.03.00 02:13:13 CloseGame from Milo 05.03.00 02:13:13 Game is NULL 05.03.00 02:13:13 Logout of Milo from 05.03.00 02:13:33 CloseGame from garote 05.03.00 02:13:33 Game is NULL 05.03.00 02:13:33 Logout of garote from 05.03.00 16:55:09 Connection attempt from 05.03.00 16:55:09 Starcraft Connection accepted 05.03.00 16:55:09 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 05.03.00 16:55:37 Login of garote from (1 Users) 05.03.00 16:56:14 New Game from garote: brutal 05.03.00 16:56:43 ,,,6,1,b,1,4e07da12,4,garote New Aegean Sea 05.03.00 18:41:00 GameReport from garote: 05.03.00 18:41:00 garote DRAW 05.03.00 18:41:03 CloseGame from garote 05.03.00 18:41:03 Game is NULL 05.03.00 18:42:19 Connection attempt from 05.03.00 18:42:19 File Connection accepted 05.03.00 18:42:19 Filerequest from 05.03.00 18:42:19 Sending C:\STAR\SERVER\BANNER\ad000002.smk Size 28444 05.03.00 18:42:20 Logout of garote from
16.04.00 22:05:32 Game is dfhgdgdxf 16.04.00 22:05:38 New Game from Milo: adfgsdfhsd 16.04.00 22:05:46 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,Milo Black Lotus 16.04.00 22:06:19 GameReport from garote: 16.04.00 22:06:19 Milo LOSS 16.04.00 22:06:19 PC_Freak PLAYING 16.04.00 22:06:19 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 16.04.00 22:06:19 garote LOSS 16.04.00 22:06:23 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 16.04.00 22:06:23 Milo LOSS 16.04.00 22:06:23 PC_Freak WIN 16.04.00 22:06:23 [SluG]Traveler WIN 16.04.00 22:06:23 garote LOSS 16.04.00 22:06:23 GameReport from PC_Freak: 16.04.00 22:06:23 Milo LOSS 16.04.00 22:06:23 PC_Freak WIN 16.04.00 22:06:23 [SluG]Traveler WIN 16.04.00 22:06:23 garote LOSS 16.04.00 22:06:28 CloseGame from PC_Freak 16.04.00 22:06:28 Game is NULL 16.04.00 22:06:39 'bot/Channel slugs-1: hey milo 16.04.00 22:06:41 GameReport from Milo: 16.04.00 22:06:41 Milo DRAW 16.04.00 22:06:43 CloseGame from Milo 16.04.00 22:06:43 Game is NULL 16.04.00 22:09:40 New Game from Milo: booga booga boo 16.04.00 22:09:57 CloseGame from Milo 16.04.00 22:09:57 Game is booga booga boo 16.04.00 22:10:09 New Game from Milo: booga booga boo 16.04.00 22:13:00 CloseGame from Milo 16.04.00 22:13:00 Game is booga booga boo 16.04.00 22:14:47 New Game from Milo: quick and dirty 8) 16.04.00 22:14:59 garote/Channel slugs: kapweeeeeeein 16.04.00 22:15:06 garote/Channel slugs: err? 16.04.00 22:15:11 garote/Channel slugs: Hmm 16.04.00 22:15:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: Funky chicken 16.04.00 22:15:29 'bot/Channel slugs-1: yeah 16.04.00 22:15:34 garote/Channel slugs-1: 'bot bot bot bot bot! 16.04.00 22:15:41 'bot/Channel slugs-1: bu gok 16.04.00 22:15:47 garote/Channel slugs-1: man 'bot 16.04.00 22:15:59 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:15:59 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:00 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:00 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:00 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:00 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:01 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:01 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:01 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:01 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:01 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:02 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:06 garote/Channel slugs-1: great. empty man page. 16.04.00 22:16:09 'bot/Channel slugs-1: '\ 16.04.00 22:16:10 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:10 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ; 16.04.00 22:16:10 'bot/Channel slugs-1: '; 16.04.00 22:16:11 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ; 16.04.00 22:16:11 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:11 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ; 16.04.00 22:16:12 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:12 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ; 16.04.00 22:16:12 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ' 16.04.00 22:16:13 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ; 16.04.00 22:16:19 garote/Channel slugs-1: Buh buh buh bOOOOOOT! 16.04.00 22:16:24 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: man man 16.04.00 22:16:30 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ';ok go and boot yourself 16.04.00 22:16:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: haw haw, bot has no stars! 16.04.00 22:16:41 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ****** 16.04.00 22:16:43 'bot/Channel slugs-1: * 16.04.00 22:16:44 'bot/Channel slugs-1: * 16.04.00 22:16:49 'bot/Channel slugs-1: * 16.04.00 22:16:49 garote/Channel slugs-1: er 16.04.00 22:16:50 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ***** 16.04.00 22:17:03 garote/Channel slugs-1: haw haw bot has no ˜'s 16.04.00 22:17:12 garote/Channel slugs-1: bot has no ¬s? 16.04.00 22:17:23 'bot/Channel slugs-1: }qÝ 16.04.00 22:17:24 garote/Channel slugs-1: ººººh, I'm impressed 16.04.00 22:17:28 'bot/Channel slugs-1: š 16.04.00 22:17:32 garote/Channel slugs-1: ƒuck you! 16.04.00 22:17:45 'bot/Channel slugs-1: <êë4µµo± 16.04.00 22:17:47 garote/Channel slugs-1: Eat My sƒorts 16.04.00 22:18:01 garote/Channel slugs-1: ± ± ± ± ± ± (botlings) 16.04.00 22:18:05 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ¸=*Ÿr%ë6"Aô 16.04.00 22:18:17 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ?BsB 16.04.00 22:18:18 garote/Channel slugs-1: Such language for an Avatar! 16.04.00 22:18:27 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: BDSM 16.04.00 22:18:33 'bot/Channel slugs-1: Ævpp¦?ñ†:h 16.04.00 22:18:41 garote/Channel slugs-1: ?SYNTAX ERROR 16.04.00 22:18:49 garote/Channel slugs-1: ?I/O ERROR 16.04.00 22:18:52 'bot/Channel slugs-1: £?/@?Zy¤n 16.04.00 22:19:10 garote/Channel slugs-1: ¦|¦|¦|¦| 16.04.00 22:19:13 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ¦j£x++c`P¦+˜_ 16.04.00 22:19:25 garote/Channel slugs-1: It's the Über Bot! 16.04.00 22:19:55 'bot/Channel slugs-1: o¦MB+pqrst[\]^__`acl.+ 16.04.00 22:20:11 CloseGame from Milo 16.04.00 22:20:11 Game is quick and dirty 8) 16.04.00 22:20:18 garote/Channel slugs-1: GRONK 16.04.00 22:20:27 Milo/Channel slugs-1: Knork 16.04.00 22:20:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: I like traƒƒic lights 16.04.00 22:20:35 Milo/Channel slugs-1: I like chinese 16.04.00 22:20:35 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ?oWg••G¦¦!y+v¦OÜ-cÊÊ 16.04.00 22:20:43 Milo/Channel slugs-1: They only come up to your knees 16.04.00 22:20:56 garote/Channel slugs-1: Only 75¢ 16.04.00 22:21:02 garote/Channel slugs-1: But they're cute and they're cuddly 16.04.00 22:21:02 'bot/Channel slugs-1: there small and cuddle and easy to please 16.04.00 22:21:10 'bot/Channel slugs-1: what ever 16.04.00 22:21:12 garote/Channel slugs-1: And they're ready to pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze 16.04.00 22:21:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: über bot. Über bot 16.04.00 22:22:01 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i am 31337, i will own j00 16.04.00 22:22:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: Very £ame. 16.04.00 22:22:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: ƒuckin 16.04.00 22:22:19 garote/Channel slugs-1: battle.net bots! 16.04.00 22:22:24 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ••••••••• 16.04.00 22:22:29 garote/Channel slugs-1: Damn! 16.04.00 22:22:31 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i dont want to fuck battle.net bots 16.04.00 22:22:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: That's pretty foul! 16.04.00 22:22:47 Milo/Channel slugs-1: no, chicken is pretty foul 16.04.00 22:22:59 Milo/Channel slugs-1: oops, fowl 16.04.00 22:23:21 'bot/Channel slugs-1: **¬¬¬jcpc?81?t¤¤¤¤¤+888a-11?ƒƒƒ? ? 16.04.00 22:23:22 Milo/Channel slugs-1: lets see how long the bot lasts against 7 computers 16.04.00 22:23:24 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 8) 16.04.00 22:23:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: AAARRROOO000ºººº 16.04.00 22:23:31 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ƒlex 16.04.00 22:23:37 garote/Channel slugs-1: Monsuir Bot = dead meat 16.04.00 22:23:40 'bot/Channel slugs-1: +§ 16.04.00 22:23:53 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: who ia this bot anyway? 16.04.00 22:24:11 Milo/Channel slugs-1: spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam 16.04.00 22:24:13 garote/Channel slugs-1: Da Bot ìs Cºº| 16.04.00 22:24:23 'bot/Channel slugs-1: lovely spam wonderful spam 16.04.00 22:24:41 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ¤•ƒ•?¤¤¤W 16.04.00 22:24:42 garote/Channel slugs-1: Aiiyy!! Que' lastima! 16.04.00 22:24:42 Milo/Channel slugs-1: u know you're never supposed to leave us alone on a channel 16.04.00 22:24:51 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: My mistake....oh, wait... 16.04.00 22:24:55 Milo/Channel slugs-1: we get crazy 16.04.00 22:25:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: 4 % 4 = 16.04.00 22:25:05 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: 1.5! 16.04.00 22:25:05 Milo/Channel slugs-1: 0 16.04.00 22:25:07 garote/Channel slugs-1: 4 ÷ 4 = 16.04.00 22:25:09 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: he I'm just sitting here 16.04.00 22:25:10 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: (Pentium arithmetic) 16.04.00 22:25:12 'bot/Channel slugs-1: 1 16.04.00 22:25:20 garote/Channel slugs-1: ººps! 16.04.00 22:25:24 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Showoff... 16.04.00 22:25:38 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: .04 * 4 = .something 16.04.00 22:25:48 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Sorry; that guy's in my 160 class... 16.04.00 22:26:00 'bot/Channel slugs-1: ¤¤¤¤¤¤••••¦ƒ81£?j??»d 16.04.00 22:26:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: 4% of 4£ 16.04.00 22:26:15 garote/Channel slugs-1: no prob 16.04.00 22:26:15 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: «St. Pepper» 16.04.00 22:26:21 Milo/Channel slugs-1: .4*.4*.4*.4*.4*.4*.4*.4 = some really small number 16.04.00 22:26:26 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: can we play tribes? 16.04.00 22:26:33 'bot/Channel slugs-1: no 16.04.00 22:26:37 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: why no 16.04.00 22:26:39 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: not 16.04.00 22:26:40 garote/Channel slugs-1: I just wish Tºny wºuld shºw Üp. 16.04.00 22:26:47 'bot/Channel slugs-1: cause I do not want to 16.04.00 22:26:51 garote/Channel slugs-1: , dave 16.04.00 22:26:51 Milo/Channel slugs-1: game on 16.04.00 22:26:55 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: come on 16.04.00 22:26:57 'bot/Channel slugs-1: no 16.04.00 22:26:59 New Game from Milo: asdfasdgadsgdsa 16.04.00 22:26:59 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't let you do that..." 16.04.00 22:27:02 garote/Channel slugs-1: Fzzzzzttt! 16.04.00 22:27:20 garote/Channel slugs-1: Starcraƒt! 16.04.00 22:27:31 'bot/Channel slugs-1: I'm going to sit here and typr random asscii 16.04.00 22:27:41 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: idiot 16.04.00 22:27:52 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: yxyz{|}~¦ÇüéâäàåçêëèïîìÄÅÉæÆ?öòûùÿÖÜ7£¥Pƒáº 16.04.00 22:28:15 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Who's 'bot? 16.04.00 22:28:30 'bot/Channel slugs-1: me 16.04.00 22:28:33 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: him 16.04.00 22:28:35 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Hi, Rob 16.04.00 22:28:39 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: hi 16.04.00 22:29:32 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: bye bot 16.04.00 22:29:35 'bot/Channel slugs-1: bye ho 16.04.00 22:29:55 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,Milo Highland Denizens 16.04.00 22:29:55 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,Milo Highland Denizens 16.04.00 22:29:55 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,Milo Highland Denizens 16.04.00 22:29:55 ,44,14,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,Milo Highland Denizens 16.04.00 22:30:45 'bot: /msg garote Hmmmm 16.04.00 22:30:58 garote: /msg bot arrgh 16.04.00 22:31:07 garote: /msg 'bot ARRGH 16.04.00 22:31:28 garote: /msg 'bot HEE HEE! 16.04.00 22:31:43 garote: /msg shithead hrrrm! 16.04.00 22:36:36 garote: /msg milo build something with that probe 16.04.00 23:10:20 GameReport from garote: 16.04.00 23:10:20 Milo PLAYING 16.04.00 23:10:20 garote LOSS 16.04.00 23:10:20 PC_Freak PLAYING 16.04.00 23:10:20 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 16.04.00 23:19:31 GameReport from PC_Freak: 16.04.00 23:19:31 Milo PLAYING 16.04.00 23:19:31 garote LOSS 16.04.00 23:19:31 PC_Freak LOSS 16.04.00 23:19:31 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 16.04.00 23:19:40 Logout of PC_Freak from 16.04.00 23:21:19 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 16.04.00 23:21:19 Milo WIN 16.04.00 23:21:19 garote LOSS 16.04.00 23:21:19 PC_Freak LOSS 16.04.00 23:21:19 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 16.04.00 23:21:23 GameReport from Milo: 16.04.00 23:21:23 Milo WIN 16.04.00 23:21:23 garote LOSS 16.04.00 23:21:23 PC_Freak LOSS 16.04.00 23:21:23 [SluG]Traveler LOSS 16.04.00 23:21:31 CloseGame from Milo 16.04.00 23:21:31 Game is NULL 16.04.00 23:22:12 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 16.04.00 23:23:46 CloseGame from Milo 16.04.00 23:23:46 Game is NULL 16.04.00 23:23:46 Logout of Milo from 16.04.00 23:24:31 CloseGame from garote 16.04.00 23:24:31 Game is NULL 16.04.00 23:24:31 Logout of garote from
Logging started. Version 0.7b65 (Build 733) Windows Built Dec 27 1999 18:09:31. 27.04.00 18:24:06 Initializing Teams. 27.04.00 18:24:07 0 Teams loaded. 27.04.00 18:24:08 Checking vital files. 27.04.00 18:24:08 Checking IX86ver1.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:08 Checking PMACver4.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:08 Checking icons.bni: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:08 Checking icons.ngi: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking star107b.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking sc4-5.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking sc5-6.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking sc6-7b.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking bw4-5.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking bw5-6.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking bw6-7b.mpq: OK. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Checking Userfiles. 27.04.00 18:24:09 47 Userfiles. 27.04.00 18:24:09 Setup Blizzard and Westwood listener 29.04.00 15:23:54 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 15:23:54 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 15:23:57 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 15:23:58 Could not load rincon(C:\star\server\players\rincon) 29.04.00 15:24:04 Login of shithead from (1 Users) 29.04.00 15:24:15 CloseGame from shithead 29.04.00 15:24:15 Game is NULL 29.04.00 15:24:16 Logout of shithead from 29.04.00 19:50:27 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:50:27 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:50:28 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:50:28 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:50:28 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:50:28 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 19:50:34 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:50:34 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:50:42 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:50:42 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:51:34 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:51:34 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:51:36 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 19:51:36 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:51:36 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:51:37 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:51:37 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 29.04.00 19:51:37 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:51:37 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:51:37 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:51:37 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 29.04.00 19:52:03 Login of garote from (1 Users) 29.04.00 19:52:05 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:52:05 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:52:05 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:52:05 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 19:52:34 garote: /msg shithead 29.04.00 19:52:42 garote: /msg shithead arg 29.04.00 19:54:06 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:54:06 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:54:06 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:54:06 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 29.04.00 19:56:12 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:56:12 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:56:13 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:56:13 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:56:13 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:56:13 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 19:56:15 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 19:56:15 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:56:15 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:56:16 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:56:16 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 29.04.00 19:56:16 Could not load EcT(C:\star\server\players\EcT) 29.04.00 19:56:16 Could not load Mcca_3(C:\star\server\players\Mcca_3) 29.04.00 19:56:16 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:56:16 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:56:16 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:56:16 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 29.04.00 19:57:02 Could not load Ti'Anas(C:\star\server\players\Ti'Anas) 29.04.00 19:57:02 New Player Ti'Anas. created from 29.04.00 19:57:02 Login of Ti'Anas from (2 Users) 29.04.00 19:57:05 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:57:05 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:57:05 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:57:05 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 19:58:23 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:58:23 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:58:24 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:58:24 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:58:25 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:58:25 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 19:58:26 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 19:58:27 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:58:27 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:58:27 Could not load oohhahaha(C:\star\server\players\oohhahaha) 29.04.00 19:58:27 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:58:27 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 29.04.00 19:58:27 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:58:27 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:58:28 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:58:28 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 29.04.00 19:58:39 Login of vladTheImpaled from (3 Users) 29.04.00 19:58:41 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:58:41 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:58:41 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:58:41 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 19:58:44 New Game from Ti'Anas: qwerty is cool 29.04.00 19:58:59 CloseGame from Ti'Anas 29.04.00 19:58:59 Game is qwerty is cool 29.04.00 19:59:17 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 19:59:17 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 19:59:17 Filerequest from 29.04.00 19:59:17 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 29.04.00 19:59:18 garote: /msg shithead green monkeys! 29.04.00 19:59:21 New Game from Ti'Anas: qwerty is cool 29.04.00 20:01:29 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Ti'Anas Black Hole 29.04.00 20:01:29 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Ti'Anas Black Hole 29.04.00 20:01:30 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Ti'Anas Black Hole 29.04.00 20:03:25 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:03:25 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:03:27 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 20:03:29 Could not load rincon(C:\star\server\players\rincon) 29.04.00 20:03:33 Login of shithead from (4 Users) 29.04.00 20:03:52 shithead: /w garote hey 29.04.00 20:04:01 garote: /msg shithead Howdy! Let's get you in! 29.04.00 20:04:16 GameReport from Ti'Anas: 29.04.00 20:04:16 Ti'Anas LOSS 29.04.00 20:04:16 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 20:04:16 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 20:04:17 CloseGame from Ti'Anas 29.04.00 20:04:17 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:04:19 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 20:04:19 Ti'Anas LOSS 29.04.00 20:04:19 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 20:04:19 garote LOSS 29.04.00 20:04:20 shithead: /w garote yes, indeedy 29.04.00 20:04:22 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 20:04:22 Ti'Anas LOSS 29.04.00 20:04:22 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 20:04:22 garote LOSS 29.04.00 20:04:25 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 29.04.00 20:04:25 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:04:30 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:04:30 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:04:31 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:04:31 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:04:31 Filerequest from 29.04.00 20:04:31 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 20:04:32 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:04:32 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:04:32 Filerequest from 29.04.00 20:04:32 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 29.04.00 20:04:32 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 20:04:33 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:04:33 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:04:33 Filerequest from 29.04.00 20:04:33 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 29.04.00 20:04:33 Could not load tranbaby(C:\star\server\players\tranbaby) 29.04.00 20:04:34 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:04:34 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:04:34 Filerequest from 29.04.00 20:04:34 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 29.04.00 20:04:50 shithead/Channel slugs-1: hey, dudes 29.04.00 20:04:50 Logout of Ti'Anas from 29.04.00 20:04:53 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:04:53 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:04:54 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 20:04:55 Could not load EcT(C:\star\server\players\EcT) 29.04.00 20:04:55 Could not load Mcca_3(C:\star\server\players\Mcca_3) 29.04.00 20:05:00 Could not load SlugBOT(C:\star\server\players\SlugBOT) 29.04.00 20:05:04 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: hey man, how you? 29.04.00 20:05:05 Login of Milo from (4 Users) 29.04.00 20:05:10 Could not load SlugBOT(C:\star\server\players\SlugBOT) 29.04.00 20:05:10 New Player SlugBOT. created from 29.04.00 20:05:11 Login of SlugBOT from (5 Users) 29.04.00 20:05:13 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:05:13 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:05:13 Filerequest from 29.04.00 20:05:13 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 20:05:16 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: got any good drugs man? 29.04.00 20:05:17 shithead/Channel slugs-1: coo 29.04.00 20:05:29 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: BOT BOT BOT BOT! I"M THE FUCKING SLUGBOT!! 29.04.00 20:05:31 shithead/Channel slugs-1: hey, no fair 29.04.00 20:05:32 shithead/Channel slugs-1: l 29.04.00 20:05:38 shithead/Channel slugs-1: look at that cool banner 29.04.00 20:05:43 New Game from Milo: asdfasdfasdf 29.04.00 20:05:44 garote/Channel slugs-1: Heh 29.04.00 20:05:46 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: lucky slugbot 29.04.00 20:05:51 garote/Channel slugs-1: Let's crock. 29.04.00 20:05:59 shithead/Channel slugs-1: yar 29.04.00 20:06:28 garote: /msg shithead the game is called asdfasdfasdf 29.04.00 20:07:14 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:07:14 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:07:14 Filerequest from 29.04.00 20:07:14 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 29.04.00 20:07:40 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Milo Black Hole 29.04.00 20:07:40 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Milo Black Hole 29.04.00 20:07:40 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Milo Black Hole 29.04.00 20:07:41 ,,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,1,Milo Black Hole 29.04.00 20:17:45 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 20:17:45 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 20:17:45 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:17:45 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 20:17:45 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 20:18:01 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 20:18:01 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:18:18 garote/Channel slugs-1: GRRR 29.04.00 20:18:19 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 20:18:19 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 20:18:19 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:18:19 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 20:18:19 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 20:18:34 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 20:18:34 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 20:18:34 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:18:34 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 20:18:34 shithead WIN 29.04.00 20:18:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: what the (@*(_*@ was that all about? 29.04.00 20:18:35 CloseGame from Milo 29.04.00 20:18:35 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:18:39 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 20:18:39 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 20:18:39 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:18:39 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 20:18:39 shithead WIN 29.04.00 20:18:43 CloseGame from shithead 29.04.00 20:18:43 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:19:20 shithead/Channel slugs-1: 'sup? 29.04.00 20:19:47 New Game from garote: BARF 29.04.00 20:19:50 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 20:19:50 Game is BARF 29.04.00 20:20:05 New Game from garote: BARF 29.04.00 20:20:05 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Well garrett got booted so we started over 29.04.00 20:20:12 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: join now please 29.04.00 20:20:30 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: go to BARF in might not be up 29.04.00 20:20:49 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Tony? paging Tony. 29.04.00 20:31:25 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 20:31:25 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:31:25 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 20:31:25 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 20:31:25 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 20:31:43 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 20:31:43 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:31:43 shithead: /w garote what's up with that 29.04.00 20:31:46 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 20:31:47 New Game from Milo: BARF 29.04.00 20:31:59 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 20:31:59 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:31:59 Milo WIN 29.04.00 20:31:59 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 20:31:59 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 20:32:01 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 20:32:01 garote DISC 29.04.00 20:32:01 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 20:32:01 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 20:32:01 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 20:32:03 CloseGame from Milo 29.04.00 20:32:03 Game is NULL 29.04.00 20:32:15 Logout of garote from 29.04.00 20:32:18 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:32:18 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:32:19 Logout of SlugBOT from 29.04.00 20:32:20 Program RATS Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 20:32:22 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 20:32:22 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 20:32:23 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 20:32:24 Could not load tranbaby(C:\star\server\players\tranbaby) 29.04.00 20:32:36 shithead/Channel slugs-1: this is getting real weak, real fast 29.04.00 20:32:38 Login of garote from (4 Users) 29.04.00 20:32:42 Login of SlugBOT from (5 Users) 29.04.00 20:32:52 garote/Channel slugs-1: Freakin' frickity frick frack frock 29.04.00 20:32:52 Milo/Channel slugs-1: hello slutbot 29.04.00 20:33:05 Milo/Channel slugs-1: whats wrong with your frock? 29.04.00 20:33:11 shithead/Channel slugs-1: any ideers? 29.04.00 20:33:24 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: G-man changed computers 29.04.00 20:33:25 Milo/Channel slugs-1: a shotgun and a lot of shells 29.04.00 20:33:31 New Game from garote: BARF 29.04.00 20:33:41 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Viloent Milo aren't we? 29.04.00 20:33:51 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Okay, I can't spell 29.04.00 20:33:52 Milo/Channel slugs-1: no, just anti windows 29.04.00 20:33:54 shithead/Channel slugs-1: why?' 29.04.00 20:34:08 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: BARF is up, everyone go 29.04.00 21:01:45 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 21:01:45 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 21:01:45 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 21:01:45 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 21:01:45 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 21:02:14 New Game from Milo: asdf 29.04.00 21:02:34 ,,,6,1,b,1,4e07da12,6,Milo Blizzard 29.04.00 21:11:46 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 21:11:46 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 21:11:48 CloseGame from Milo 29.04.00 21:11:48 Game is NULL 29.04.00 21:12:00 New Game from Milo: asdf 29.04.00 21:12:14 ,,,6,1,b,1,4e07da12,6,Milo Blizzard 29.04.00 21:37:26 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 21:37:26 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 21:37:26 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 21:37:26 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 21:37:26 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 22:05:51 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 22:05:51 garote LOSS 29.04.00 22:05:51 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:05:51 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 22:05:51 shithead WIN 29.04.00 22:05:52 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 22:05:52 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:05:52 New Game from shithead: BARF 29.04.00 22:05:55 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 22:05:55 garote LOSS 29.04.00 22:05:55 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:05:55 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 22:05:55 shithead WIN 29.04.00 22:05:58 CloseGame from shithead 29.04.00 22:05:58 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:06:39 shithead/Channel slugs-1: that was pathetically slow 29.04.00 22:06:44 shithead/Channel slugs-1: we're rusty 29.04.00 22:06:50 garote/Channel slugs-1: Yes, that _was_ slow 29.04.00 22:06:57 garote/Channel slugs-1: Time to shrink the map a bit 29.04.00 22:07:09 garote/Channel slugs-1: Oh, and by the way: 29.04.00 22:07:11 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 22:07:11 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:07:11 garote/Channel slugs-1: NOW YOU DIE 29.04.00 22:07:12 CloseGame from Milo 29.04.00 22:07:12 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:07:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: 8-) 29.04.00 22:07:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hee heee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! 29.04.00 22:07:50 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: We could do like a 6 person and still have team game 29.04.00 22:08:03 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i was kicking the computer's but, course it helped that he had no money, no scv's and no command center 29.04.00 22:08:43 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i am so 31337 29.04.00 22:08:45 shithead/Channel slugs-1: i was about to call for a draw as you left the game 29.04.00 22:08:45 New Game from garote: UNH we BAD 29.04.00 22:09:15 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: everyone join 29.04.00 22:09:24 garote: /msg shithead Yo yo yo, wooo000rd up! 29.04.00 22:12:26 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Eye of the Storm 29.04.00 22:12:26 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Eye of the Storm 29.04.00 22:12:26 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Eye of the Storm 29.04.00 22:12:26 ,44,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Eye of the Storm 29.04.00 22:14:42 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 22:14:42 garote LOSS 29.04.00 22:14:42 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 22:14:42 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 22:14:42 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 22:14:43 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 22:14:43 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:14:54 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 22:14:54 garote LOSS 29.04.00 22:14:54 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:14:54 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 22:14:54 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 22:14:54 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 29.04.00 22:14:54 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:15:06 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 22:15:06 garote DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:06 vladTheImpaled DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:06 shithead DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:06 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:08 garote/Channel slugs-1: SPACE! THE FINAL SCUM SNEER! 29.04.00 22:15:09 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 22:15:09 garote DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:09 vladTheImpaled DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:09 shithead DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:09 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:15:10 garote/Channel slugs-1: uh 29.04.00 22:15:12 CloseGame from shithead 29.04.00 22:15:12 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:15:32 shithead/Channel slugs-1: hey, it just said "Game ended in a draw> 29.04.00 22:15:36 shithead/Channel slugs-1: never seen that before 29.04.00 22:15:36 Milo/Channel slugs-1: my sister was bitten by a moose 29.04.00 22:15:36 New Game from garote: JOE MAMA(tm) 29.04.00 22:15:47 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: so how bout that local sports team? 29.04.00 22:15:51 shithead/Channel slugs-1: how did it do that? 29.04.00 22:15:56 Milo/Channel slugs-1: no really, she was 29.04.00 22:16:02 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: join in all people 29.04.00 22:16:06 shithead/Channel slugs-1: hey? 29.04.00 22:19:30 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:19:30 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:19:30 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:19:30 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:20:04 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 22:20:04 garote DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:04 vladTheImpaled DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:04 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:04 shithead DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:05 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 22:20:05 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:20:11 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 22:20:11 garote DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:11 vladTheImpaled DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:11 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:11 shithead DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:12 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 29.04.00 22:20:12 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:20:15 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 22:20:15 garote DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:15 vladTheImpaled DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:15 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:15 shithead DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:21 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 22:20:21 garote DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:21 vladTheImpaled DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:21 Milo DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:21 shithead DRAW 29.04.00 22:20:22 New Game from garote: UNH yo BAD BAD SELF YAH 29.04.00 22:20:23 CloseGame from Milo 29.04.00 22:20:23 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:24:18 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:24:18 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:24:18 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:24:19 ,66,,6,1,b,3,4e07da12,5,garote Valley of Re 29.04.00 22:43:19 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 22:43:19 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 22:43:19 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 22:43:19 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:19 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 22:43:27 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 22:43:27 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 22:43:27 shithead PLAYING 29.04.00 22:43:27 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:27 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:31 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 22:43:31 garote WIN 29.04.00 22:43:31 shithead WIN 29.04.00 22:43:31 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:31 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:31 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 22:43:31 garote WIN 29.04.00 22:43:31 shithead WIN 29.04.00 22:43:31 vladTheImpaled LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:31 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 22:43:36 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 22:43:36 Game is NULL 29.04.00 22:43:37 New Game from shithead: UNH yo BAD BAD SELF YAH 29.04.00 22:43:38 CloseGame from shithead 29.04.00 22:43:38 Game is UNH yo BAD BAD SELF YAH 29.04.00 22:43:55 Logout of Milo from 29.04.00 22:43:58 shithead/Channel slugs-1: that was just getting god 29.04.00 22:43:58 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: We will have six people soon 29.04.00 22:44:08 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:44:08 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:44:09 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 22:44:10 Could not load EcT(C:\star\server\players\EcT) 29.04.00 22:44:15 Login of Milo from (5 Users) 29.04.00 22:44:15 shithead/Channel slugs-1: do i have time to stand up again? 29.04.00 22:44:34 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Yes, seige tanks on the ridge, yadda, yadda, yadda 29.04.00 22:44:45 garote/Channel slugs-1: yeah, we got two more people doing installs 29.04.00 22:44:49 Logout of Milo from 29.04.00 22:44:53 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:44:53 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:44:54 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 22:44:55 garote/Channel slugs-1: FOUR AGAINST TWO! 29.04.00 22:45:27 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:45:27 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:45:28 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 22:45:29 Could not load EcT(C:\star\server\players\EcT) 29.04.00 22:45:34 Login of Milo from (5 Users) 29.04.00 22:46:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: Milo and I are going to do the two of us vs. six computers as an exercise in futility 29.04.00 22:46:39 New Game from Milo: slaughter 29.04.00 22:46:43 CloseGame from Milo 29.04.00 22:46:43 Game is slaughter 29.04.00 22:47:11 New Game from garote: MEAT 29.04.00 22:48:36 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: So Tony, what's new? 29.04.00 22:49:27 ,33,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Meatgrinder 29.04.00 22:49:27 ,33,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Meatgrinder 29.04.00 22:50:32 shithead/Channel slugs-1: let's see, baby on the way (3 months and counting) 29.04.00 22:50:39 shithead/Channel slugs-1: busy, busy, busy at work 29.04.00 22:50:49 shithead/Channel slugs-1: trying to get into a little better shape 29.04.00 22:50:56 shithead/Channel slugs-1: and you? 29.04.00 22:51:10 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:51:10 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:51:11 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:51:11 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:51:11 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:51:11 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 22:51:12 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 22:51:13 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:51:13 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:51:13 Could not load HaTcH(C:\star\server\players\HaTcH) 29.04.00 22:51:13 Could not load WHO'SDADDY(C:\star\server\players\WHO'SDADDY) 29.04.00 22:51:13 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:51:13 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 29.04.00 22:51:14 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:51:14 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:51:14 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:51:14 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 29.04.00 22:51:21 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Well two senior seminars. 29.04.00 22:51:33 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: 4 role playing games 29.04.00 22:51:52 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: a boaring class called Differential Equations 29.04.00 22:51:55 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Nothing much 29.04.00 22:51:58 Could not load raziel(C:\star\server\players\raziel) 29.04.00 22:51:58 New Player raziel. created from 29.04.00 22:51:58 shithead/Channel slugs-1: who are the other two folds joining in? 29.04.00 22:51:58 Login of raziel from (6 Users) 29.04.00 22:52:00 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:52:00 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:52:01 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:52:01 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 22:52:05 shithead/Channel slugs-1: 4 role playing games? 29.04.00 22:52:12 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Liz and Niel 29.04.00 22:52:18 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 22:52:18 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 22:52:18 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 22:52:19 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: 4 but not at once. 29.04.00 22:52:34 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: L5R Tuesday 29.04.00 22:52:38 shithead/Channel slugs-1: what happened to Brian? 29.04.00 22:52:44 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: don't know 29.04.00 22:52:53 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Vampire, dark ages Sunday 29.04.00 22:53:04 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: my Shadowrun world Thursdays 29.04.00 22:53:06 shithead/Channel slugs-1: He was humiliated and can't show his face anymore? 29.04.00 22:53:17 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:53:17 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:53:18 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:53:18 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:53:18 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:53:18 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 22:53:20 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 22:53:20 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:53:20 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:53:21 Could not load Phoboy7(C:\star\server\players\Phoboy7) 29.04.00 22:53:21 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:53:21 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 29.04.00 22:53:21 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:53:21 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:53:21 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:53:21 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 29.04.00 22:53:26 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: and AD&D whenever all of us can get together 29.04.00 22:53:26 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Jeez, Kurt. You don't spend much time in reality, do you? 29.04.00 22:53:30 Login of Trisha from (7 Users) 29.04.00 22:53:32 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:53:32 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:53:32 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:53:32 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 22:53:37 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Excellent. 29.04.00 22:53:41 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah! 29.04.00 22:53:44 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: hey toni! 29.04.00 22:53:45 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Math/Philosophy major what do you think 29.04.00 22:53:54 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Hey chickee. 29.04.00 22:54:01 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:54:01 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:54:02 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:54:02 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 29.04.00 22:54:12 shithead/Channel slugs-1: I spell it with a "Y" 29.04.00 22:54:15 shithead/Channel slugs-1: ...by the way 29.04.00 22:54:37 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: well i never claimed to be able to type weel 29.04.00 22:54:38 shithead/Channel slugs-1: howz it? 29.04.00 22:54:44 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: eh 29.04.00 22:55:02 shithead/Channel slugs-1: How's your boyfriend--I forgot his name. 29.04.00 22:55:33 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 22:55:33 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 22:55:33 Filerequest from 29.04.00 22:55:33 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 29.04.00 22:55:34 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: pete..he's cool 29.04.00 22:55:35 shithead/Channel slugs-1: John, I think it is? 29.04.00 22:55:41 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: we just ahd our 2year anniversary 29.04.00 22:55:48 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Pete? What happened to John? 29.04.00 22:56:01 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: ewwww...besides bad bad bad memories...he's an ass 29.04.00 22:56:08 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: and gone as of this time last year 29.04.00 22:56:20 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Two years? Why didn't we meet this guy sooner? 29.04.00 22:56:44 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Wait--two year anniversary, but with John this time last year? 29.04.00 22:57:02 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: he was a side mistake 29.04.00 22:57:22 shithead/Channel slugs-1: oh. sorry to go muck raking like that. 29.04.00 22:57:30 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: pete..well he lives off campus...but you should come back up here and we'll introduce you 29.04.00 22:57:39 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: odn't worry about it 29.04.00 22:57:53 shithead/Channel slugs-1: My lovely will be in town next week. 29.04.00 22:57:58 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yea! 29.04.00 22:58:02 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: how is that going? 29.04.00 22:58:04 shithead/Channel slugs-1: But I have to stay home and work! 29.04.00 22:58:18 Trisha/Channel slugs-1:29.04.00 22:58:20 shithead/Channel slugs-1: We're great. Can't believe fatherhood is only 3 months away. 29.04.00 22:58:28 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: oh my goodness!!!!! 29.04.00 22:58:31 shithead/Channel slugs-1: big changes 29.04.00 22:58:31 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: why didn't you tell 29.04.00 22:58:44 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: my gosh 29.04.00 22:58:46 shithead/Channel slugs-1: could be the end of starbash for me 29.04.00 22:58:56 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: oh my gosh!! 29.04.00 22:58:56 shithead/Channel slugs-1: I thought y'all knew? 29.04.00 22:59:06 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: i didn't...i'm yelling at garrett for not telling me 29.04.00 22:59:25 shithead/Channel slugs-1: That's why we pushed the wedding up a bit and bailed out of SC on such short notice. 29.04.00 22:59:39 shithead/Channel slugs-1: we had planned to stay longer, ya know. 29.04.00 22:59:43 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: well as long as you guys are happy 29.04.00 22:59:54 shithead/Channel slugs-1: we can't complain/. 29.04.00 23:00:07 shithead/Channel slugs-1: i found a nice job adn a great apartment. 29.04.00 23:00:17 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 23:00:17 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:00:17 Milo LOSS 29.04.00 23:00:18 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: i here santa barbara is real nice 29.04.00 23:00:19 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 23:00:19 Game is NULL 29.04.00 23:00:29 shithead/Channel slugs-1: it is, but we're in orange county now. 29.04.00 23:00:45 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: oh..why? 29.04.00 23:00:48 shithead/Channel slugs-1: it's south of LA, FYI 29.04.00 23:00:53 garote/Channel slugs-1: woooooooo!!! 29.04.00 23:01:01 garote/Channel slugs-1: I lived pretty long against six bozos! 29.04.00 23:01:08 shithead/Channel slugs-1: my parents live nearby, and the job connection was there 29.04.00 23:01:09 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: way to go garret 29.04.00 23:01:19 Milo/Channel slugs-1: that was ugly 29.04.00 23:01:20 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: ahhh...well that's a good reason 29.04.00 23:01:51 shithead/Channel slugs-1: good enough 29.04.00 23:01:52 Milo/Channel slugs-1: qwerty keyboards are cool 29.04.00 23:01:59 garote/Channel slugs-1: Lemme set up a map. 29.04.00 23:02:02 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 23:02:02 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 23:02:03 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 23:02:03 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 23:02:03 Filerequest from 29.04.00 23:02:03 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 29.04.00 23:02:05 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 23:02:05 garote/Channel slugs-1: Four of you guys vs. tony and me 29.04.00 23:02:06 Could not load RobTreval{DT}(C:\star\server\players\RobTreval{DT}) 29.04.00 23:02:09 shithead/Channel slugs-1: Get to it, skippy 29.04.00 23:02:10 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (8 Users) 29.04.00 23:02:12 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 23:02:12 File Connection accepted 29.04.00 23:02:12 Filerequest from 29.04.00 23:02:12 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 29.04.00 23:02:15 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: hey 29.04.00 23:02:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: OH DEAR!!! 29.04.00 23:02:18 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: okey dokey smokey 29.04.00 23:02:25 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: hey!! 29.04.00 23:02:34 garote/Channel slugs-1: seven players!? 29.04.00 23:02:34 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: sorry I did not come I was working on a CE project all day 29.04.00 23:02:34 shithead/Channel slugs-1: now there are seven? 29.04.00 23:02:34 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: rob's here!!! 29.04.00 23:02:50 shithead/Channel slugs-1: logged in remotely? 29.04.00 23:02:52 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hey shithead, hit 29.04.00 23:02:55 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: yup 29.04.00 23:02:56 garote/Channel slugs-1: Print Screen 29.04.00 23:03:30 shithead/Channel slugs-1: done 29.04.00 23:03:34 garote reads slugbots description 29.04.00 23:03:42 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: everyone read it 29.04.00 23:03:45 garote/Channel slugs-1: Okay, I'll rack 'em up 29.04.00 23:03:55 shithead/Channel slugs-1: hee hee 29.04.00 23:04:06 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: Reminds me of lain for some reason 29.04.00 23:04:16 New Game from garote: AWW HOW CUUTE 29.04.00 23:04:21 Milo/Channel slugs-1: lets pit the bot against seven computers 29.04.00 23:04:39 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: maybe latter 29.04.00 23:04:56 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: It's set up, y'all 29.04.00 23:05:06 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Funny map 29.04.00 23:05:10 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Good tho 29.04.00 23:05:34 New Game from SlugBOT: DIE 29.04.00 23:05:44 CloseGame from SlugBOT 29.04.00 23:05:44 Game is DIE 29.04.00 23:06:10 New Game from SlugBOT: iu 29.04.00 23:06:25 ,,,6,1,3,1,4e07da12,1,SlugBOT Megalopolis 29.04.00 23:08:34 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:08:34 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:08:34 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:08:34 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:08:34 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:08:35 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:08:35 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,garote Heart Attack! 29.04.00 23:13:14 GameReport from SlugBOT: 29.04.00 23:13:14 SlugBOT DRAW 29.04.00 23:13:36 CloseGame from SlugBOT 29.04.00 23:13:36 Game is NULL 29.04.00 23:41:56 GameReport from shithead: 29.04.00 23:41:56 garote PLAYING 29.04.00 23:41:56 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 29.04.00 23:41:56 Trisha PLAYING 29.04.00 23:41:56 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 23:41:56 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 23:41:56 raziel PLAYING 29.04.00 23:41:56 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:44:15 garote: /msg shithead I'm not long for this world I think 29.04.00 23:45:33 GameReport from garote: 29.04.00 23:45:33 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:45:33 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 29.04.00 23:45:33 Trisha PLAYING 29.04.00 23:45:33 Milo PLAYING 29.04.00 23:45:33 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 29.04.00 23:45:33 raziel PLAYING 29.04.00 23:45:33 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:45:34 CloseGame from garote 29.04.00 23:45:34 Game is NULL 29.04.00 23:46:05 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 29.04.00 23:46:05 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:05 [SluG]Traveler WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 Trisha WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 Milo WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 raziel WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:05 GameReport from raziel: 29.04.00 23:46:05 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:05 [SluG]Traveler WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 Trisha WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 Milo WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 raziel WIN 29.04.00 23:46:05 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:06 GameReport from Milo: 29.04.00 23:46:06 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:06 [SluG]Traveler WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 Trisha WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 Milo WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 raziel WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:06 GameReport from Trisha: 29.04.00 23:46:06 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:06 [SluG]Traveler WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 Trisha WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 Milo WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 raziel WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:06 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 29.04.00 23:46:06 garote LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:06 [SluG]Traveler WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 Trisha WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 Milo WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 vladTheImpaled WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 raziel WIN 29.04.00 23:46:06 shithead LOSS 29.04.00 23:46:09 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 29.04.00 23:46:09 Game is NULL 29.04.00 23:46:20 garote/Channel slugs-1: Time for a FRICKIN ground based map 29.04.00 23:46:28 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: brb 29.04.00 23:46:46 garote drags out his DIABOLICAL CREATION 29.04.00 23:47:01 garote/Channel slugs-1: ANybody wanna try my homemade map? 29.04.00 23:47:05 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: sure 29.04.00 23:47:11 shithead/Channel slugs-1: what's it taste like? 29.04.00 23:47:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: blood 29.04.00 23:47:24 garote/Channel slugs-1: >:) 29.04.00 23:47:24 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Sorry, yah, I not fleet mon, just a annoying stratagy 29.04.00 23:47:27 shithead/Channel slugs-1: oh, i had that already 29.04.00 23:47:44 garote/Channel slugs-1: hey, that's ok vlad, I did the same trick early on 29.04.00 23:48:03 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: I was random and got protoss go fig 29.04.00 23:48:03 shithead/Channel slugs-1: you know, when you 29.04.00 23:48:07 shithead/Channel slugs-1: when you 29.04.00 23:48:24 shithead/Channel slugs-1: when you're getting your ass pounded from so many differend directions... 29.04.00 23:48:35 shithead/Channel slugs-1: you can almost smell your feces 29.04.00 23:48:38 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: mainly from my direction 29.04.00 23:48:41 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: ewwww 29.04.00 23:48:46 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: i fart in your general direction 29.04.00 23:48:51 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: you should ahve left me alone 29.04.00 23:48:56 raziel/Channel slugs-1: monty python eh 29.04.00 23:48:56 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: sorry I shit the hydro, they were stinky 29.04.00 23:49:00 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeppers 29.04.00 23:49:00 shithead/Channel slugs-1: yes, what would a shithead starbash be without a little tribute to poop 29.04.00 23:49:02 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: might of lasted longer 29.04.00 23:49:12 Milo/Channel slugs-1: NOBODY EXPECTS A SPANISH INQUISITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 29.04.00 23:49:14 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: i'm sorry traveler 29.04.00 23:49:25 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: confess! CONFESS!! 29.04.00 23:49:28 shithead/Channel slugs-1: aww, poop...the other nutty substance 29.04.00 23:49:40 Milo/Channel slugs-1: eeewwwww 29.04.00 23:49:43 shithead/Channel slugs-1: doesn't taste quite like ice cream, though 29.04.00 23:49:50 shithead/Channel slugs-1: spreads like peanut butter 29.04.00 23:49:50 Milo/Channel slugs-1: and you would know how? 29.04.00 23:49:54 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: EWWWWWWWW 29.04.00 23:49:57 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: WWWWWWWW 29.04.00 23:49:59 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: W 29.04.00 23:50:06 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 29.04.00 23:50:06 Game is NULL 29.04.00 23:50:06 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 29.04.00 23:50:08 New Game from garote: not so fleety? 29.04.00 23:50:11 shithead/Channel slugs-1: nutty, of course 29.04.00 23:50:14 Connection attempt from 29.04.00 23:50:14 Starcraft Connection accepted 29.04.00 23:50:15 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Join now 29.04.00 23:50:15 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 29.04.00 23:50:16 Could not load RobTreval{DT}(C:\star\server\players\RobTreval{DT}) 29.04.00 23:50:19 shithead/Channel slugs-1: brown...SHIT brown 29.04.00 23:50:21 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (8 Users) 29.04.00 23:50:30 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Come on, join the map 29.04.00 23:50:35 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: or I'll sing 29.04.00 23:50:38 shithead/Channel slugs-1: hey, some guy just got 4 months in prison for saying bad things in a chat room 29.04.00 23:50:50 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: you don't wnat me to sing do you? 29.04.00 23:51:47 New Game from SlugBOT: skfj;afskh 29.04.00 23:52:01 ,,,6,1,3,1,4e07da12,4,SlugBOT New Aegean Sea 29.04.00 23:53:15 garote: /kick Milo 29.04.00 23:53:19 garote: /kick milo 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 29.04.00 23:55:10 ,,17,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Mirage 30.04.00 00:00:36 GameReport from SlugBOT: 30.04.00 00:00:36 SlugBOT DRAW 30.04.00 00:00:57 CloseGame from SlugBOT 30.04.00 00:00:57 Game is NULL 30.04.00 00:17:00 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 30.04.00 00:17:00 garote PLAYING 30.04.00 00:17:00 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 00:17:00 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 00:17:00 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 00:17:00 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 30.04.00 00:17:00 raziel PLAYING 30.04.00 00:17:00 shithead PLAYING 30.04.00 00:27:41 GameReport from raziel: 30.04.00 00:27:41 garote PLAYING 30.04.00 00:27:41 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 00:27:41 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 00:27:41 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 00:27:41 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 30.04.00 00:27:41 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 00:27:41 shithead PLAYING 30.04.00 00:57:17 GameReport from garote: 30.04.00 00:57:17 garote LOSS 30.04.00 00:57:17 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 00:57:17 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 00:57:17 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 00:57:17 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 30.04.00 00:57:17 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 00:57:17 shithead PLAYING 30.04.00 00:57:29 CloseGame from garote 30.04.00 00:57:29 Game is NULL 30.04.00 01:00:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: NOT the same teams this time. uhuh. huhuh. 30.04.00 01:00:11 raziel/Channel slugs-1: ok 30.04.00 01:01:55 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: This is SlugBOT, I think that g-man and vlad and raziel, shit and Traveler, Trish and Milo so we can hit fleets hard. 30.04.00 01:02:00 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: I mean you 30.04.00 01:04:05 shithead: /w garote how you? 30.04.00 01:04:20 shithead: /w gartoe i'm about dead 30.04.00 01:04:29 shithead: /w garote i'm about dead 30.04.00 01:05:04 garote: /msg shithead I AM dead, d00d 30.04.00 01:05:10 garote: /msg shithead Heh heh heh. 30.04.00 01:05:32 garote: /msg shithead Folks here wanna set up somethin else tho -- mix up the teams maybe. 30.04.00 01:05:48 GameReport from shithead: 30.04.00 01:05:48 garote LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:48 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:48 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 01:05:48 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 01:05:48 [SluG]Traveler PLAYING 30.04.00 01:05:48 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:48 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:48 garote: /msg shithead How do you feel about playing with Traveler? 30.04.00 01:05:53 vladTheImpaled: /msg shithead you killed me, I will now haunt you forever. 30.04.00 01:05:53 GameReport from Trisha: 30.04.00 01:05:53 garote LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 Milo WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 GameReport from [SluG]Traveler: 30.04.00 01:05:53 garote LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 Milo WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 GameReport from Milo: 30.04.00 01:05:53 garote LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 vladTheImpaled LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 Milo WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 [SluG]Traveler WIN 30.04.00 01:05:53 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:53 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 01:05:55 New Game from Milo: not so fleety? 30.04.00 01:05:58 CloseGame from Milo 30.04.00 01:05:58 Game is not so fleety? 30.04.00 01:05:59 New Game from Trisha: not so fleety? 30.04.00 01:06:02 CloseGame from Trisha 30.04.00 01:06:02 Game is not so fleety? 30.04.00 01:06:12 garote/Channel slugs-1: gr0nkness 30.04.00 01:06:19 garote/Channel slugs-1: SlugBOT, announce the players! 30.04.00 01:06:19 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: who liked my marine drops 30.04.00 01:06:26 garote throws SlugBOT a bone 30.04.00 01:06:27 shithead/Channel slugs-1: that was fun 30.04.00 01:06:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: I did, I did! 30.04.00 01:06:36 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: very nice slug 30.04.00 01:06:40 Milo/Channel slugs-1: gg 30.04.00 01:06:40 garote/Channel slugs-1: Those were good. Made me realize I wasn't scanning. 30.04.00 01:06:42 Milo/Channel slugs-1: brb 30.04.00 01:06:51 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: the only stragey I have for terran 30.04.00 01:06:56 shithead/Channel slugs-1: what's brb? 30.04.00 01:07:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: Be Right Back 30.04.00 01:07:00 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: be right back 30.04.00 01:07:08 shithead/Channel slugs-1: ah 30.04.00 01:07:11 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: both of you had no defense in the rear 30.04.00 01:07:15 garote goes "MOOOO! 30.04.00 01:07:17 garote/Channel slugs-1: Yup 30.04.00 01:07:21 garote/Channel slugs-1: rather silly I expect 30.04.00 01:07:21 shithead/Channel slugs-1: we like it there ;) 30.04.00 01:07:22 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: slug you've seen the only zerg sratagy I have 30.04.00 01:07:26 raziel/Channel slugs-1: another round 30.04.00 01:07:26 Trisha goes yea!!!!!! 30.04.00 01:07:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: I said, SlugBOT, announce the teams!! 30.04.00 01:07:39 shithead: /r ya 30.04.00 01:07:43 Trisha: /////meeee 30.04.00 01:07:44 shithead: /t ya 30.04.00 01:07:44 vladTheImpaled phneep 30.04.00 01:07:46 garote/Channel slugs-1: Dammit, SlugBOT!! 30.04.00 01:07:47 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: I think I am done for the night 30.04.00 01:07:50 vladTheImpaled phneep 30.04.00 01:07:53 vladTheImpaled phneep 30.04.00 01:07:53 shithead: /c ya 30.04.00 01:07:57 vladTheImpaled phneep 30.04.00 01:07:57 Trisha yawns 30.04.00 01:07:58 shithead: /f f 30.04.00 01:08:07 garote slaps SlugBOT 30.04.00 01:08:09 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: ow 30.04.00 01:08:09 vladTheImpaled: /shithead fart 30.04.00 01:08:09 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: emote blah 30.04.00 01:08:13 Trisha hits the forward slash key 30.04.00 01:08:14 raziel smacks Vlad 30.04.00 01:08:14 shithead/Channel slugs-1: i can never remember how to do cool callouts 30.04.00 01:08:15 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: darn 30.04.00 01:08:21 garote/Channel slugs-1: That's right! Now behave and tell me the teams! 30.04.00 01:08:22 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: how do you do those actions? 30.04.00 01:08:22 shithead: /shits 30.04.00 01:08:25 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: "/me" 30.04.00 01:08:28 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: okay 30.04.00 01:08:30 shithead shits 30.04.00 01:08:33 [SluG]Traveler: /me 30.04.00 01:08:36 shithead/Channel slugs-1: oh yeah 30.04.00 01:08:43 shithead wants more candy 30.04.00 01:08:45 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 30.04.00 01:08:45 [SluG]Traveler: /me ZZZZzzzZZZzzzZZZzzz 30.04.00 01:08:47 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 30.04.00 01:08:48 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: w 30.04.00 01:08:59 shithead likes poo poo 30.04.00 01:09:01 raziel/Channel slugs-1: jeez... 30.04.00 01:09:06 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: teams: [ trav, milo ], [vlad, john, trish], [garote, shithead] 30.04.00 01:09:09 Milo thinks slug is not a *real* college student 30.04.00 01:09:10 Trisha goes ewww 30.04.00 01:09:10 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: votes? 30.04.00 01:09:18 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hmmm 30.04.00 01:09:21 Milo/Channel slugs-1: its only 1 am 30.04.00 01:09:32 [SluG]Traveler: /me is quitting to go play other games 30.04.00 01:09:37 garote kicks SlugBOT 30.04.00 01:09:39 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: :-p 30.04.00 01:09:39 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: ow 30.04.00 01:09:41 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: no, I don't like the teams slugBOT 30.04.00 01:09:48 raziel/Channel slugs-1: me neither 30.04.00 01:09:50 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: Yeah since I am leaving 30.04.00 01:09:50 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: ok 30.04.00 01:09:54 Trisha waves to traveler 30.04.00 01:10:00 raziel/Channel slugs-1: later Rob 30.04.00 01:10:01 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i wanna be on slugbot's team 30.04.00 01:10:07 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: you no leave you stay and play 30.04.00 01:10:26 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: ok. Bye Vlad 30.04.00 01:10:27 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: teams [vlad, garote], [milo, shithead], [trish, john] 30.04.00 01:10:34 Trisha is sad cause traveler is leaving so soon 30.04.00 01:10:40 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: sorry 30.04.00 01:10:42 raziel/Channel slugs-1: hell no 30.04.00 01:10:46 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: it's okay 30.04.00 01:10:46 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: ok I leave now 30.04.00 01:10:49 Trisha sniffs 30.04.00 01:10:52 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 30.04.00 01:10:52 Game is NULL 30.04.00 01:10:53 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 30.04.00 01:10:57 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: oh fine! 30.04.00 01:10:59 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: leave then 30.04.00 01:11:01 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: se if I care 30.04.00 01:11:03 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: fine 30.04.00 01:11:15 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: teams [vlad, garote, milo], [trish, shithead, john] 30.04.00 01:11:31 garote/Channel slugs-1: hmmmm 30.04.00 01:11:41 garote kicks SlugBOT 30.04.00 01:11:42 shithead/Channel slugs-1: not even 30.04.00 01:11:44 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: ow 30.04.00 01:11:45 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: okay slugBOT 30.04.00 01:11:52 raziel/Channel slugs-1: not fair still 30.04.00 01:12:03 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: oay 30.04.00 01:12:12 garote kicks slugbot 30.04.00 01:12:13 shithead/Channel slugs-1: let's draw straws; fuck fair; war is not fair 30.04.00 01:12:14 SlugBOT beeps 30.04.00 01:12:14 garote/Channel slugs-1: heheh 30.04.00 01:12:31 garote/Channel slugs-1: hohoho 30.04.00 01:12:32 garote/Channel slugs-1: hahaha 30.04.00 01:12:34 Milo/Channel slugs-1: who here got sick with that intestinal thing? 30.04.00 01:12:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: huhuhuhu 30.04.00 01:12:38 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Trisha get off Garote 30.04.00 01:12:38 garote/Channel slugs-1: hihihhihi 30.04.00 01:12:41 SlugBOT got sick 30.04.00 01:12:43 garote/Channel slugs-1: i did i did 30.04.00 01:12:50 garote/Channel slugs-1: prevert 30.04.00 01:12:52 SlugBOT is sick all oer Trish 30.04.00 01:12:54 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: pervet 30.04.00 01:12:55 Milo gets on garote 30.04.00 01:13:01 SlugBOT gets on Milo 30.04.00 01:13:03 raziel/Channel slugs-1: You sick bastard 30.04.00 01:13:09 garote gets on vlad 30.04.00 01:13:17 shithead gets on shit 30.04.00 01:13:20 vladTheImpaled runs fast 30.04.00 01:13:22 garote garotes 30.04.00 01:13:23 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: Woohoo! group sex! 30.04.00 01:13:30 shithead throws shit at vlad 30.04.00 01:13:31 garote/Channel slugs-1: errrrrrr, 30.04.00 01:13:32 Milo/Channel slugs-1: TIMEWARP!!! 30.04.00 01:13:34 vladTheImpaled gets impailed 30.04.00 01:13:42 Trisha trishes 30.04.00 01:13:48 garote/Channel slugs-1: howbout me + shithead vs. everybody else AGAIN!??!? >:) 30.04.00 01:13:50 Milo is apaled 30.04.00 01:14:02 shithead does this :) 30.04.00 01:14:02 garote/Channel slugs-1: that's "apalled" 30.04.00 01:14:16 Milo/Channel slugs-1: damn pedantic 30.04.00 01:14:19 shithead/Channel slugs-1: yeah, we want a rematch 30.04.00 01:14:26 garote does this: -?~--?ºƒT?~£ƒ 30.04.00 01:14:26 shithead/Channel slugs-1: we almost had you guys 30.04.00 01:14:33 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: okay okay I'll remach you 30.04.00 01:14:36 shithead/Channel slugs-1: shame on you 30.04.00 01:14:42 garote/Channel slugs-1: £ovely 30.04.00 01:14:52 vladTheImpaled hits shithead in the nose then runs away 30.04.00 01:14:53 Milo/Channel slugs-1: key word being "almost" 30.04.00 01:15:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: I'm not ½ as good as you think I am! >:) 30.04.00 01:15:15 shithead/Channel slugs-1: ow, bitch 30.04.00 01:15:17 garote/Channel slugs-1: Not ¼ even! 30.04.00 01:15:20 vladTheImpaled runs into Garote 30.04.00 01:15:24 garote/Channel slugs-1: OW** 30.04.00 01:15:26 garote falls down 30.04.00 01:15:35 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: I'm winning 30.04.00 01:15:36 Milo/Channel slugs-1: vlad the impaled impails garote 30.04.00 01:15:39 Trisha feels left outr 30.04.00 01:15:44 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: no one runs into me 30.04.00 01:15:48 shithead runs up to vlad, hits him in the stomach, then crams shit down his throat 30.04.00 01:15:48 garote/Channel slugs-1: Aii¡i¡iiiyee!! 30.04.00 01:15:49 Trisha pouts 30.04.00 01:15:56 Milo/Channel slugs-1: me/ offers to run into trisha 30.04.00 01:16:00 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: ghack 30.04.00 01:16:05 Milo offers to run into trisha 30.04.00 01:16:09 garote sits on milo 30.04.00 01:16:15 garote/Channel slugs-1: how's this instead?\ 30.04.00 01:16:18 garote farts 30.04.00 01:16:18 shithead also shits down vlad's throat 30.04.00 01:16:20 vladTheImpaled prays to the porcilin god 30.04.00 01:16:25 Milo dies of asphyxiation 30.04.00 01:16:27 garote/Channel slugs-1: Get a mop! 30.04.00 01:16:36 Trisha is glad it wasn't her 30.04.00 01:16:40 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: uncle, uncle 30.04.00 01:16:42 raziel agrees 30.04.00 01:16:45 garote/Channel slugs-1: O0hhh ƒuuuuck! 30.04.00 01:16:47 Milo/Channel slugs-1: see, sometimes its good to be left out 30.04.00 01:16:50 raziel/Channel slugs-1: now what 30.04.00 01:16:54 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: i agree 30.04.00 01:17:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: ALright, alright. 30.04.00 01:17:03 Milo/Channel slugs-1: now lets get it on for real 30.04.00 01:17:07 garote racks 'em up 30.04.00 01:17:11 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: woohoo get it on!!!!! 30.04.00 01:17:20 raziel/Channel slugs-1: Bring em on 30.04.00 01:17:23 shithead/Channel slugs-1: yeah, baby 30.04.00 01:17:30 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah 30.04.00 01:17:34 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: woo 30.04.00 01:17:35 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah 30.04.00 01:17:36 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: woo 30.04.00 01:17:41 Milo/Channel slugs-1: everyone turn and stare at the other person in the lab 30.04.00 01:17:44 shithead/Channel slugs-1: calm down, sister 30.04.00 01:17:45 Trisha pretneds shes a bad techno song 30.04.00 01:17:51 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah 30.04.00 01:17:52 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: woo 30.04.00 01:17:52 New Game from garote: Whoops! (splat) 30.04.00 01:17:53 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah 30.04.00 01:17:53 shithead pretends he's in the lab 30.04.00 01:17:54 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: woo 30.04.00 01:17:55 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah 30.04.00 01:18:10 SlugBOT beeps trisha 30.04.00 01:18:11 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: I don't think I'll do that good, I fell too good after shithead's shit 30.04.00 01:18:13 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: game is ready 30.04.00 01:18:17 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: okay 30.04.00 01:18:18 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: okay 30.04.00 01:18:30 Milo: /milo pretends to be a *GOD* at Starcraft 30.04.00 01:18:34 SlugBOT beeps 30.04.00 01:18:35 raziel/Channel slugs-1: what the fuck? too good? 30.04.00 01:18:38 SlugBOT sings 30.04.00 01:18:48 Trisha claps 30.04.00 01:18:49 Milo pretends to be a *GOD* at Starcraft 30.04.00 01:18:51 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: everyone should run to the game I'm singing 30.04.00 01:19:01 Milo/Channel slugs-1: im good at pretending 30.04.00 01:19:02 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: oh. okay 30.04.00 01:19:11 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: move dumb asses or I shall taunt you a second time 30.04.00 01:19:18 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: go now and leave me 30.04.00 01:19:23 SlugBOT sings some more 30.04.00 01:19:32 Milo/Channel slugs-1: go compile yourself slugbot 30.04.00 01:19:46 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads ... 30.04.00 01:19:49 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: La la la laaaaaaaaaa 30.04.00 01:20:16 vladTheImpaled dances a jig 30.04.00 01:23:25 ,64,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Thin Ice 30.04.00 01:23:25 ,64,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Thin Ice 30.04.00 01:23:25 ,64,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Thin Ice 30.04.00 01:23:25 ,64,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Thin Ice 30.04.00 01:23:26 ,64,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Thin Ice 30.04.00 01:23:26 ,64,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Thin Ice 30.04.00 01:42:50 vladTheImpaled burp 30.04.00 02:03:31 GameReport from shithead: 30.04.00 02:03:31 garote PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:31 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:31 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:31 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:31 raziel PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:31 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:32 GameReport from garote: 30.04.00 02:03:32 garote LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:32 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:32 shithead PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:32 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:32 raziel PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:32 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 02:03:33 CloseGame from garote 30.04.00 02:03:33 Game is NULL 30.04.00 02:03:36 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 30.04.00 02:03:36 garote LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 vladTheImpaled WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 raziel WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 Milo WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 GameReport from Milo: 30.04.00 02:03:36 garote LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 vladTheImpaled WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 raziel WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 Milo WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 GameReport from raziel: 30.04.00 02:03:36 garote LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 vladTheImpaled WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 raziel WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 Milo WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 GameReport from Trisha: 30.04.00 02:03:36 garote LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 vladTheImpaled WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 shithead LOSS 30.04.00 02:03:36 Trisha WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 raziel WIN 30.04.00 02:03:36 Milo WIN 30.04.00 02:03:37 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 30.04.00 02:03:37 Game is NULL 30.04.00 02:03:39 New Game from raziel: Whoops! (splat) 30.04.00 02:03:48 CloseGame from raziel 30.04.00 02:03:48 Game is Whoops! (splat) 30.04.00 02:04:03 shithead: /w garote we don't win, butit sure it fun 30.04.00 02:04:50 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hmmm!! 30.04.00 02:04:58 garote/Channel slugs-1: Okay, against bad odds, I am 30.04.00 02:05:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: NOT 30.04.00 02:05:01 garote/Channel slugs-1: terran!!! 30.04.00 02:05:06 garote/Channel slugs-1: NOT NOT N0T 30.04.00 02:05:13 shithead/Channel slugs-1: yeah, that was dumb on your part 30.04.00 02:05:13 garote kicks StarBOT 30.04.00 02:05:19 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: o 30.04.00 02:05:20 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: e 30.04.00 02:05:21 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: ow 30.04.00 02:05:22 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: fucker 30.04.00 02:05:26 SlugBOT kicks garote 30.04.00 02:05:31 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: now now! play nice 30.04.00 02:05:31 garote/Channel slugs-1: HEY!!! 30.04.00 02:05:40 garote/Channel slugs-1: StarBOT's not allowed to do that!!! 30.04.00 02:05:42 garote: /kick StarBOT 30.04.00 02:05:44 Milo is happy that he whomped on garote 30.04.00 02:05:45 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: Hey watch it no violecne this is starbash 30.04.00 02:05:50 garote: /kick SlugBOT 30.04.00 02:05:58 garote/Channel slugs-1: oh HO! 30.04.00 02:06:02 shithead/Channel slugs-1: garote is a moron for playing terran 30.04.00 02:06:02 Milo/Channel slugs-1: you should kiss and make out now 30.04.00 02:06:14 garote/Channel slugs-1: er 30.04.00 02:06:16 shithead: /w garote you aren't reallya moron, but it helps you save face 30.04.00 02:06:20 garote slaps Milo, hard 30.04.00 02:06:21 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: ewwwwwww 30.04.00 02:06:26 raziel/Channel slugs-1: Don't ya mean make up 30.04.00 02:06:35 garote: /msg shithead *nod* 30.04.00 02:06:42 Milo/Channel slugs-1: make out, make up, whats the diff? 30.04.00 02:06:45 garote/Channel slugs-1: er, 30.04.00 02:06:48 garote/Channel slugs-1: BIG diff 30.04.00 02:06:52 shithead: /w garote oh well, we try 30.04.00 02:06:56 Trisha: /to garote hello 30.04.00 02:06:59 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: damn 30.04.00 02:07:00 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: dman 30.04.00 02:07:01 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: dman 30.04.00 02:07:01 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: dnam 30.04.00 02:07:03 shithead/Channel slugs-1: me tired; go sleepy now 30.04.00 02:07:07 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: oh well you know what i mean 30.04.00 02:07:16 garote/Channel slugs-1: awwwwwwwww 30.04.00 02:07:29 shithead/Channel slugs-1: thanks for the wonderful evening, gang 30.04.00 02:07:31 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: this is silly 30.04.00 02:07:35 Trisha: /whisper Trisha fref 30.04.00 02:07:35 Trisha: /whisper Trisha re 30.04.00 02:07:38 garote/Channel slugs-1: yer quite welcome! 30.04.00 02:07:42 shithead/Channel slugs-1: any idea when the next one will be? 30.04.00 02:07:53 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: look i am whispering 30.04.00 02:07:57 raziel/Channel slugs-1: That was fun... Maybe I can get in on that one 30.04.00 02:07:59 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: or not 30.04.00 02:07:59 garote/Channel slugs-1: Dunno... in two weeks I should be in Santa Barbara as this time, right? 30.04.00 02:08:04 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: gvfgregreg 30.04.00 02:08:07 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: jtrhb ethbnkjnsvd 30.04.00 02:08:18 garote: /msg Trisha "Boo!" 30.04.00 02:08:24 shithead/Channel slugs-1: i tink so. we have to try to get BOB up and running 30.04.00 02:08:30 Trisha: /whisper garote okay? 30.04.00 02:08:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: Agreed 30.04.00 02:08:36 shithead/Channel slugs-1: bring the spare parts! :) 30.04.00 02:08:37 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: yeah!!!! 30.04.00 02:08:39 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: No, not B0B!!! 30.04.00 02:08:39 garote/Channel slugs-1: (: 30.04.00 02:08:39 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: opps 30.04.00 02:08:44 garote/Channel slugs-1: Remind me closer to the deadline 30.04.00 02:08:45 shithead/Channel slugs-1: we might need a new motherboard 30.04.00 02:08:47 Trisha: /whisper garote yeah!!! 30.04.00 02:08:49 shithead/Channel slugs-1: i will 30.04.00 02:09:02 garote/Channel slugs-1: B0B or BOB, all da same 30.04.00 02:09:02 shithead/Channel slugs-1: unless we can figure out what's wrong with the serial ports 30.04.00 02:09:03 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: b0b looks funny 30.04.00 02:09:07 shithead/Channel slugs-1: and the hard drive 30.04.00 02:09:13 garote/Channel slugs-1: and everything else 30.04.00 02:09:13 shithead/Channel slugs-1: and other misc. shit 30.04.00 02:09:23 shithead/Channel slugs-1: exactly 30.04.00 02:09:33 raziel/Channel slugs-1: What's wrong with that 30.04.00 02:09:39 shithead/Channel slugs-1: OK, goodnight folks 30.04.00 02:09:46 Trisha/Channel slugs-1: night! 30.04.00 02:09:48 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: night Tony 30.04.00 02:09:48 garote plans to team up with Vlad against Trish, Raziel, and Milol 30.04.00 02:09:48 Trisha waves 30.04.00 02:09:55 CloseGame from shithead 30.04.00 02:09:55 Game is NULL 30.04.00 02:09:56 Logout of shithead from 30.04.00 02:09:57 garote/Channel slugs-1: nightynighty, shithead 30.04.00 02:10:00 vladTheImpaled grins 30.04.00 02:10:07 Trisha frowns.... 30.04.00 02:10:15 Milo/Channel slugs-1: nighty night, dont let the zerglings bite, unless you want them to of course 30.04.00 02:10:17 garote/Channel slugs-1: rack it up, vlad! Small-to-medium map. 30.04.00 02:10:26 garote does a mexican hat dance 30.04.00 02:10:28 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: sounds good 30.04.00 02:10:32 raziel/Channel slugs-1: You're gonna slaughter us! 30.04.00 02:10:35 Milo bends over and tries to relax 30.04.00 02:10:36 garote/Channel slugs-1: Not so. 30.04.00 02:10:39 Trisha notices that no one notices her 30.04.00 02:10:40 vladTheImpaled does Macarana 30.04.00 02:11:06 Trisha seems to prove her own point 30.04.00 02:11:07 raziel smacks Vlad again 30.04.00 02:11:18 Milo/Channel slugs-1: it'll be a slaughter 30.04.00 02:11:22 garote has a gread picture of Vlad giving his dead plane kite an "honourable burial" 30.04.00 02:11:22 Milo/Channel slugs-1: thats the spirit 30.04.00 02:11:27 Trisha rambles on with herslef until people notice her 30.04.00 02:11:28 Milo/Channel slugs-1: no, my slaugter 30.04.00 02:11:38 Milo/Channel slugs-1: one ship against the armada 30.04.00 02:11:41 Trisha realizes that it doens't matter anyway 30.04.00 02:11:44 garote/Channel slugs-1: Well, Slaughter is just Laughter with more SSSS 30.04.00 02:11:55 Trisha deals with this sad, sad fact 30.04.00 02:12:00 raziel/Channel slugs-1: nah, we can take em down yeah right 30.04.00 02:12:05 Milo gives trisha a hug 30.04.00 02:12:10 raziel comforts Trisha 30.04.00 02:12:11 New Game from vladTheImpaled: PHNEEP 30.04.00 02:12:11 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i care 30.04.00 02:12:23 Trisha states that no one cares 30.04.00 02:12:23 garote rolls his eyes 30.04.00 02:12:25 SlugBOT doesn't care 30.04.00 02:12:33 Trisha is sad 30.04.00 02:12:35 garote/Channel slugs-1: jeez! 30.04.00 02:12:35 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Join the game now 30.04.00 02:12:41 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: now or I will sing 30.04.00 02:12:43 Milo thinks slugbot is a POS 30.04.00 02:12:52 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: Don't force me to sing 30.04.00 02:13:02 SlugBOT sings badly 30.04.00 02:13:22 ,44,15,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,vladTheImpaled Rosewood 30.04.00 02:13:22 ,44,15,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,vladTheImpaled Rosewood 30.04.00 02:13:22 ,44,15,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,vladTheImpaled Rosewood 30.04.00 02:13:22 ,44,15,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,vladTheImpaled Rosewood 30.04.00 02:13:22 ,44,15,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,4,vladTheImpaled Rosewood 30.04.00 02:40:57 GameReport from raziel: 30.04.00 02:40:57 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 30.04.00 02:40:57 garote PLAYING 30.04.00 02:40:57 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 02:40:57 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 02:40:57 Trisha PLAYING 30.04.00 02:41:53 GameReport from Trisha: 30.04.00 02:41:53 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 30.04.00 02:41:53 garote PLAYING 30.04.00 02:41:53 Milo PLAYING 30.04.00 02:41:53 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 02:41:53 Trisha LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:02 GameReport from Milo: 30.04.00 02:42:02 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 30.04.00 02:42:02 garote PLAYING 30.04.00 02:42:02 Milo LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:02 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:02 Trisha LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:06 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 30.04.00 02:42:06 vladTheImpaled WIN 30.04.00 02:42:06 garote WIN 30.04.00 02:42:06 Milo LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:06 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:06 Trisha LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:06 GameReport from garote: 30.04.00 02:42:06 vladTheImpaled WIN 30.04.00 02:42:06 garote WIN 30.04.00 02:42:06 Milo LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:06 raziel LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:06 Trisha LOSS 30.04.00 02:42:15 CloseGame from vladTheImpaled 30.04.00 02:42:15 Game is NULL 30.04.00 02:42:15 New Game from garote: PHNEEP 30.04.00 02:42:19 CloseGame from garote 30.04.00 02:42:19 Game is PHNEEP 30.04.00 02:42:32 Milo/Channel slugs-1: lkdslkdfslkjskljfdsjlkfdslkjfdslkjfdsalkjdsaflkjfds 30.04.00 02:42:51 Logout of garote from 30.04.00 02:42:55 Logout of vladTheImpaled from 30.04.00 02:43:01 Logout of Trisha from 30.04.00 02:43:11 Logout of Milo from 30.04.00 02:43:52 Logout of raziel from 30.04.00 02:43:55 Connection attempt from 30.04.00 02:43:55 Starcraft Connection accepted 30.04.00 02:43:57 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 30.04.00 02:43:58 Could not load HaTcH(C:\star\server\players\HaTcH) 30.04.00 02:43:58 Could not load WHO'SDADDY(C:\star\server\players\WHO'SDADDY) 30.04.00 02:44:06 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: good bye all, now I am all alone 30.04.00 02:44:09 Logout of SlugBOT from 30.04.00 02:44:12 Connection attempt from 30.04.00 02:44:12 Starcraft Connection accepted
Logging started. Version 0.7b65 (Build 733) Windows Built Dec 27 1999 18:09:31. 03.05.00 13:51:15 Initializing Teams. 03.05.00 13:51:15 0 Teams loaded. 03.05.00 13:51:17 Checking vital files. 03.05.00 13:51:17 Checking IX86ver1.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:17 Checking PMACver4.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:17 Checking icons.bni: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:17 Checking icons.ngi: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking star107b.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking sc4-5.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking sc5-6.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking sc6-7b.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking bw4-5.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking bw5-6.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking bw6-7b.mpq: OK. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Checking Userfiles. 03.05.00 13:51:18 50 Userfiles. 03.05.00 13:51:18 Setup Blizzard and Westwood listener 06.05.00 19:50:12 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:50:12 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:50:14 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 19:50:15 Could not load RobTreval{DT}(C:\star\server\players\RobTreval{DT}) 06.05.00 19:50:20 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (1 Users) 06.05.00 19:55:14 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:55:14 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:55:16 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:55:16 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:55:16 Filerequest from 06.05.00 19:55:16 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 06.05.00 19:55:18 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 19:55:19 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:55:19 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:55:19 Filerequest from 06.05.00 19:55:19 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 06.05.00 19:55:19 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:55:19 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:55:20 Filerequest from 06.05.00 19:55:20 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 06.05.00 19:55:29 Login of Milo from (2 Users) 06.05.00 19:55:31 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:55:31 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:55:31 Filerequest from 06.05.00 19:55:31 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 06.05.00 19:55:39 Milo/Channel slugs-1: hola 06.05.00 19:55:44 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: Greetings. 06.05.00 19:55:54 Milo/Channel slugs-1: everyone else is installing 06.05.00 19:56:07 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: I am onl;y here until my clan scrimage starts 06.05.00 19:56:14 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: which is in a few mintues 06.05.00 19:56:18 Milo/Channel slugs-1: grrr 06.05.00 19:56:21 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: just thought I would say hello 06.05.00 19:56:30 Milo/Channel slugs-1: ok, telling everyone now 06.05.00 19:57:08 Milo/Channel slugs-1: neils saying stuff in a really scary voice 06.05.00 19:57:32 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 19:57:32 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 19:57:33 Filerequest from 06.05.00 19:57:33 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 06.05.00 19:57:45 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: cool. 06.05.00 19:58:07 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: well i have to go. Sorry I could not make it buy I have other things to do tonite 06.05.00 19:58:13 Milo/Channel slugs-1: ok, laters 06.05.00 19:58:15 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 06.05.00 19:58:15 Game is NULL 06.05.00 19:58:16 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 06.05.00 20:01:17 New Game from Milo: asdfadsf 06.05.00 20:01:23 CloseGame from Milo 06.05.00 20:01:23 Game is asdfadsf 06.05.00 20:01:59 New Game from Milo: asdfasdf 06.05.00 20:12:31 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:12:31 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:12:33 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:12:33 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:12:33 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:12:33 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 06.05.00 20:12:35 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:12:36 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:12:36 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:12:36 Could not load tranbaby(C:\star\server\players\tranbaby) 06.05.00 20:12:36 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:12:36 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 06.05.00 20:12:36 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:12:36 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:12:37 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:12:37 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 06.05.00 20:13:09 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:09 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:10 No Socket for udp from 06.05.00 20:13:10 No Socket for udp from 06.05.00 20:13:15 Timeout waiting for UDP. Fallback to old on 06.05.00 20:13:15 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:15 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:15 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:15 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 06.05.00 20:13:17 Program PXES Version - 000000BB 06.05.00 20:13:18 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:18 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:18 Could not load EcT(C:\star\server\players\EcT) 06.05.00 20:13:18 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:18 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 06.05.00 20:13:19 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:19 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:19 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:19 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 06.05.00 20:13:25 Login of garote from (2 Users) 06.05.00 20:13:28 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:28 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:28 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:28 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 06.05.00 20:13:38 garote/Channel slugs: OOf! 06.05.00 20:13:39 Could not load Speik(C:\star\server\players\Speik) 06.05.00 20:13:41 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:41 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:42 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:42 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:43 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:43 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 06.05.00 20:13:45 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:13:45 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:45 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:45 garote/Channel slugs-1: Slartibartfast!! 06.05.00 20:13:46 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:46 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 06.05.00 20:13:46 Could not load Speik(C:\star\server\players\Speik) 06.05.00 20:13:46 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:46 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:47 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:47 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 06.05.00 20:13:53 Login of moxyfruvous from (3 Users) 06.05.00 20:13:56 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:13:56 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:13:56 garote/Channel slugs-1: MOOO!! ƒarts on my pickle! 06.05.00 20:13:56 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:13:56 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 06.05.00 20:14:01 Could not load Speik(C:\star\server\players\Speik) 06.05.00 20:14:01 New Player Speik. created from 06.05.00 20:14:02 Login of Speik from (4 Users) 06.05.00 20:14:06 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: I hate it when thast happens 06.05.00 20:14:08 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:14:08 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:14:09 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:14:09 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 06.05.00 20:14:18 Speik/Channel slugs-1: g'day 06.05.00 20:14:33 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: I've got an idea, lets kill each other! 06.05.00 20:14:37 garote/Channel slugs-1: g'day! 06.05.00 20:14:41 garote/Channel slugs-1: Oooooooo 06.05.00 20:14:43 garote gets out a stick 06.05.00 20:14:59 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: what will you do with that stick, sir? 06.05.00 20:15:09 garote cleans his fingernails with the stick 06.05.00 20:15:29 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:15:29 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:15:29 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:15:29 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 06.05.00 20:15:56 garote/Channel slugs-1: £iƒe sucks when you got dirty ƒingernails. 06.05.00 20:15:57 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:15:57 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:15:57 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:15:57 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 06.05.00 20:16:08 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:16:08 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:16:09 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:16:09 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 06.05.00 20:18:13 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: I hate waiting 06.05.00 20:19:18 Logout of Speik from 06.05.00 20:19:31 garote/Channel slugs-1: Me too. 06.05.00 20:22:09 garote/Channel slugs-1: Hrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 06.05.00 20:22:18 garote racks one up 06.05.00 20:22:54 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:22:54 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:22:55 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: something is afoot, I can feel it 06.05.00 20:22:55 No Socket for udp from 06.05.00 20:22:56 No Socket for udp from 06.05.00 20:22:56 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:22:56 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:22:58 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:22:58 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:22:58 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:22:58 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 06.05.00 20:23:00 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:23:00 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:23:01 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:23:01 Timeout waiting for UDP. Fallback to old on 06.05.00 20:23:01 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:23:01 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 06.05.00 20:23:01 Could not load oohhahaha(C:\star\server\players\oohhahaha) 06.05.00 20:23:01 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:23:01 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:23:01 Program PXES Version - 000000BB 06.05.00 20:23:02 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:23:02 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 06.05.00 20:23:04 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: it sounds like someone else loading up 06.05.00 20:23:07 Login of Speik from (4 Users) 06.05.00 20:23:09 Login of PC_Freak from (5 Users) 06.05.00 20:23:12 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:23:12 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:23:12 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:23:12 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 06.05.00 20:23:13 New Game from garote: FLOOFY 06.05.00 20:23:14 Speik/Channel slugs-1: wassup? 06.05.00 20:23:16 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: ah, here someone is 06.05.00 20:23:29 garote: /msg PC_Freak Got a game here 06.05.00 20:23:33 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: garote has left us 06.05.00 20:23:37 garote: /msg Milo got a game here 06.05.00 20:23:38 Speik/Channel slugs-1: hi, i'm someone and i'm an alcoholic 06.05.00 20:23:45 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: you too? 06.05.00 20:23:51 GameReport from Milo: 06.05.00 20:23:51 Milo DRAW 06.05.00 20:23:52 CloseGame from Milo 06.05.00 20:23:52 Game is NULL 06.05.00 20:23:55 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: lets go drink tequila 06.05.00 20:23:57 Speik/Channel slugs-1: what, this isn't AA? i've gotta go 06.05.00 20:24:00 garote: /msg moxyfruvous Got a game here. "FLOOFY". 06.05.00 20:24:11 garote: /msg Speik Game is "FLOOFY" 06.05.00 20:24:59 Speik: /stats PC_Freak 06.05.00 20:25:17 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:25:17 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:25:18 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:25:18 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 06.05.00 20:25:23 Speik: /stats PC_Freak 06.05.00 20:26:44 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:26:44 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:26:45 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:26:45 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:26:45 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:26:45 Sending C:\star\server\data\IX86ver1.mpq Size 6963 06.05.00 20:26:47 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:26:48 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:26:48 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:26:48 Could not load captainjapan(C:\star\server\players\captainjapan) 06.05.00 20:26:48 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:26:48 Sending C:\star\server\data\icons.bni Size 23196 06.05.00 20:26:49 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:26:49 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:26:49 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:26:49 Sending C:\star\server\data\tos.txt Size 350 06.05.00 20:27:00 Login of SLUGbot from (6 Users) 06.05.00 20:27:02 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:27:02 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:27:03 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:27:03 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000001.pcx Size 18887 06.05.00 20:27:05 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: :) 06.05.00 20:27:08 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: I am the happy 'bot! 06.05.00 20:28:09 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:28:09 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:28:10 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:28:10 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:28:10 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:28:41 GameReport from PC_Freak: 06.05.00 20:28:41 garote DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:41 Milo DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:41 moxyfruvous DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:41 Speik DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:41 PC_Freak DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:45 GameReport from moxyfruvous: 06.05.00 20:28:45 garote DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:45 Milo DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:45 moxyfruvous DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:45 Speik DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:45 PC_Freak DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:50 GameReport from garote: 06.05.00 20:28:50 garote DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:50 Milo DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:50 moxyfruvous DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:50 Speik DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:50 PC_Freak DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:51 CloseGame from garote 06.05.00 20:28:51 Game is NULL 06.05.00 20:28:55 GameReport from Milo: 06.05.00 20:28:55 garote DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:55 Milo DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:55 moxyfruvous DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:55 Speik DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:55 PC_Freak DRAW 06.05.00 20:28:58 Logout of Speik from 06.05.00 20:29:03 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:29:03 File Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:29:04 Filerequest from 06.05.00 20:29:04 Sending C:\star\server\banner\ad000002.smk Size 28444 06.05.00 20:29:30 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: kick the slugbot! 06.05.00 20:29:37 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: thump, thump 06.05.00 20:29:37 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: TOBgluS 06.05.00 20:29:41 garote/Channel slugs-1: Spew! Fratz! 06.05.00 20:29:57 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: !peenhp 06.05.00 20:30:05 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: chic, chica chicaa 06.05.00 20:30:15 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: phleebut 06.05.00 20:30:31 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:30:31 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:30:33 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:30:35 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "This tagline is umop episdu." 06.05.00 20:30:41 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: oops... 06.05.00 20:30:52 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "This tagline is umop episdn." 06.05.00 20:30:52 CloseGame from Milo 06.05.00 20:30:52 Game is NULL 06.05.00 20:31:18 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:31:18 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:31:19 garote/Channel slugs-1: That is very cool, PC :) 06.05.00 20:31:19 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:31:24 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Thanks....it's ooooold... 06.05.00 20:31:25 Login of Speik from (6 Users) 06.05.00 20:31:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: As old as ASCII, right? 06.05.00 20:31:34 Speik/Channel slugs-1: honey, i'm home 06.05.00 20:31:34 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: alrighty 06.05.00 20:31:37 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: (And I had to took at it for a while before I got it.) 06.05.00 20:31:43 garote racks it up again 06.05.00 20:31:46 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Not as old as ASCII, but close... 06.05.00 20:31:52 New Game from garote: GREEN FIZZY 06.05.00 20:31:55 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: 8 ball, corner pocket 06.05.00 20:32:05 Milo/Channel slugs-1: dont u mean packet? 06.05.00 20:32:11 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: oye! 06.05.00 20:32:26 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: map's up y'all 06.05.00 20:32:29 Milo/Channel slugs-1: if the packet hits a pocket on the socket on the port 06.05.00 20:32:34 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Pretty fly (for a rabbi!)" 06.05.00 20:34:53 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:34:54 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:34:54 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:34:54 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:34:54 ,44,,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,1,garote Orbital Death 06.05.00 20:43:24 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 20:43:24 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 20:43:25 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 20:43:27 Could not load RobTreval{DT}(C:\star\server\players\RobTreval{DT}) 06.05.00 20:43:30 Login of [SluG]Traveler from (7 Users) 06.05.00 20:43:45 [SluG]Traveler: /bonk 06.05.00 20:44:29 [SluG]Traveler/Channel slugs-1: NI!!!! 06.05.00 21:03:25 CloseGame from [SluG]Traveler 06.05.00 21:03:25 Game is NULL 06.05.00 21:03:26 Logout of [SluG]Traveler from 06.05.00 21:11:15 GameReport from garote: 06.05.00 21:11:15 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:11:15 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 21:11:15 Speik PLAYING 06.05.00 21:11:15 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 21:11:15 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.05.00 21:11:20 CloseGame from garote 06.05.00 21:11:20 Game is NULL 06.05.00 21:12:04 garote/Channel slugs-1: Awwwwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeah! 06.05.00 21:14:12 GameReport from PC_Freak: 06.05.00 21:14:12 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:14:12 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 21:14:12 Speik PLAYING 06.05.00 21:14:12 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 21:14:12 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:09 GameReport from Milo: 06.05.00 21:15:09 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:09 moxyfruvous WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 Speik WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 Milo WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:09 GameReport from Speik: 06.05.00 21:15:09 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:09 moxyfruvous WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 Speik WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 Milo WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:09 GameReport from moxyfruvous: 06.05.00 21:15:09 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:09 moxyfruvous WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 Speik WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 Milo WIN 06.05.00 21:15:09 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 21:15:12 New Game from moxyfruvous: GREEN FIZZY 06.05.00 21:16:02 garote/Channel slugs-1: Alright. This time I won't pull any punches. >:) 06.05.00 21:16:13 Milo gives SlugBOT a boot to the head 06.05.00 21:16:16 CloseGame from moxyfruvous 06.05.00 21:16:16 Game is GREEN FIZZY 06.05.00 21:16:39 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: again? 06.05.00 21:16:46 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: I told you I suck eggs 06.05.00 21:16:49 garote/Channel slugs-1: heehee 06.05.00 21:16:51 garote/Channel slugs-1: You did pretty well 06.05.00 21:17:03 Milo/Channel slugs-1: i really sucked eggs on that one 06.05.00 21:17:03 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: I lovem my reavers 06.05.00 21:17:08 Milo/Channel slugs-1: brb 06.05.00 21:17:11 garote/Channel slugs-1: good layout, good tactic. 06.05.00 21:17:21 garote/Channel slugs-1: Reavers = expensive tho. ... yow! 06.05.00 21:17:30 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: yah, but so are carriers 06.05.00 21:17:39 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: and/or loads to draggies 06.05.00 21:17:51 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: they made short work of your hydras 06.05.00 21:18:22 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: guardians would have taken me by the short hairs, though 06.05.00 21:18:23 garote/Channel slugs-1: True, but I wasn't prepared for 'em. 06.05.00 21:18:46 garote/Channel slugs-1: Yeah. I wasn't playing up to spec. I swear I shall improve! :) 06.05.00 21:18:57 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: and if you go guardian, Ill go corsair ;) 06.05.00 21:19:24 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: what do the stars by the names mean? 06.05.00 21:19:25 garote/Channel slugs-1: AH but the assistant to the guardian is the devourer. .... sslshhsspsslslsrrrppp! 06.05.00 21:19:30 garote/Channel slugs-1: Number of wins. 06.05.00 21:19:35 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: true that 06.05.00 21:19:39 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "My format: Guardian; to mend and defend." 06.05.00 21:19:47 garote/Channel slugs-1: Aaaaaaaaaah reboot! 06.05.00 21:19:57 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: eh? 06.05.00 21:19:58 garote suggests another game? 06.05.00 21:20:05 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: yes pleez 06.05.00 21:20:10 garote/Channel slugs-1: larger map or smaller? 06.05.00 21:20:18 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Take two or more, and call me if you get off the computer." 06.05.00 21:20:18 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: don't make no never mind to me 06.05.00 21:20:51 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Stay good, Sam! Don't go to the dark side!" 06.05.00 21:20:53 garote/Channel slugs-1: happy tip: if you double-click on yer name, you can enter a description 06.05.00 21:21:03 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: the funny thing is I get my ass whooped on b-net 06.05.00 21:21:22 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: crazy-ass rushes and all 06.05.00 21:21:41 garote/Channel slugs-1: Yeah, well, all the b-net'ers are probably 12 year old no-gooders with map hacks who play online 24-7. 06.05.00 21:22:00 Milo/Channel slugs-1: and rush up the ass 06.05.00 21:22:07 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: the map hack shit drives me crazy 06.05.00 21:22:07 garote/Channel slugs-1: UP THE A§§! 06.05.00 21:22:07 Milo/Channel slugs-1: eww. that would be painful 06.05.00 21:22:18 garote racks up another map 06.05.00 21:22:23 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: a canadian band in your rectum? no thanks! 06.05.00 21:22:44 Milo/Channel slugs-1: map hack? 06.05.00 21:22:52 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: ?? 06.05.00 21:22:55 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: most often a reveal all kind of thing 06.05.00 21:23:03 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: thats how they know where you are so fast 06.05.00 21:23:08 Milo/Channel slugs-1: oic 06.05.00 21:23:14 Speik/Channel slugs-1: oh, suck 06.05.00 21:23:18 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Didn't know a hack like that was available. Oh, well. 06.05.00 21:23:20 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: there are detectors out there, but they're no good 06.05.00 21:23:32 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: hack detectors, I mean 06.05.00 21:23:47 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: they're always detecting hacks when I'm not even on b-net 06.05.00 21:24:00 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "They're no good, they're no go, they're no good, baby they're no goooooooooooooooo-ooooood." 06.05.00 21:24:08 Milo/Channel slugs-1: you, scv, build that, you, other scv, build something else 06.05.00 21:24:14 moxyfruvous/Channel slugs-1: nice high note there 06.05.00 21:24:18 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Thanks 06.05.00 21:24:20 New Game from garote: BRRR, and stuff 06.05.00 21:24:31 Milo/Channel slugs-1: you, drone, become this, you, other drone, become something else 06.05.00 21:24:40 Logout of SlugBOT from 06.05.00 21:25:16 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: Warp those stargates, and one....two....three....four...now the other side...one....two....three...four, very nice... 06.05.00 21:25:18 Milo/Channel slugs-1: you, probe, warp this, you, other, wait, the first one is done, first one, warp this, second one start mining stuff 06.05.00 21:25:54 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: You, sniff this; you, shoot up on that....you, make sure the cops aren't comin'... 06.05.00 21:26:14 PC_Freak/Channel slugs-1: "Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to ME?" 06.05.00 21:30:21 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 21:30:21 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 21:30:23 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 21:30:24 Could not load captainjapan(C:\star\server\players\captainjapan) 06.05.00 21:30:35 Login of vladTheImpaled from (6 Users) 06.05.00 21:31:28 Milo runs away screaming 06.05.00 21:32:49 PC_Freak knows the /me command... 06.05.00 21:32:54 PC_Freak knows the me command... 06.05.00 21:34:32 ,33,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Avalanche 06.05.00 21:34:32 ,33,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Avalanche 06.05.00 21:34:32 ,33,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Avalanche 06.05.00 21:34:33 ,33,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Avalanche 06.05.00 21:34:33 ,33,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Avalanche 06.05.00 21:34:33 ,33,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,garote Avalanche 06.05.00 21:38:53 GameReport from Speik: 06.05.00 21:38:53 garote PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:53 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:53 Speik LOSS 06.05.00 21:38:53 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:53 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:53 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 GameReport from moxyfruvous: 06.05.00 21:38:58 garote PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 moxyfruvous LOSS 06.05.00 21:38:58 Speik LOSS 06.05.00 21:38:58 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 GameReport from garote: 06.05.00 21:38:58 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:38:58 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 Speik LOSS 06.05.00 21:38:58 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 06.05.00 21:38:58 garote PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 Speik LOSS 06.05.00 21:38:58 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 PC_Freak PLAYING 06.05.00 21:38:58 vladTheImpaled LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:00 CloseGame from garote 06.05.00 21:39:00 Game is NULL 06.05.00 21:39:02 GameReport from PC_Freak: 06.05.00 21:39:02 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:02 moxyfruvous LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:02 Speik LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:02 Milo WIN 06.05.00 21:39:02 PC_Freak WIN 06.05.00 21:39:02 vladTheImpaled LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:04 GameReport from Milo: 06.05.00 21:39:04 garote LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:04 moxyfruvous LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:04 Speik LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:04 Milo WIN 06.05.00 21:39:04 PC_Freak WIN 06.05.00 21:39:04 vladTheImpaled LOSS 06.05.00 21:39:21 New Game from garote: ALRIGHTY'ALL 06.05.00 21:40:06 CloseGame from Milo 06.05.00 21:40:06 Game is NULL 06.05.00 21:41:02 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote Outbreak 06.05.00 21:41:02 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote Outbreak 06.05.00 21:41:02 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote Outbreak 06.05.00 21:41:02 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote Outbreak 06.05.00 21:41:03 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote Outbreak 06.05.00 21:41:03 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,,garote Outbreak 06.05.00 22:15:06 GameReport from PC_Freak: 06.05.00 22:15:06 garote PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:06 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 22:15:06 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:06 Speik PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:06 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:06 Milo PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:10 GameReport from Milo: 06.05.00 22:15:10 garote PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:10 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 22:15:10 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:10 Speik PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:10 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 06.05.00 22:15:10 Milo LOSS 06.05.00 22:15:49 Milo: /msg garote kick em' in the tail 06.05.00 22:16:23 Milo: /msg vladtheimpaled DIE DIE DIE DIE 06.05.00 22:17:39 New Game from Milo: asdfsdaf 06.05.00 22:18:13 GameReport from garote: 06.05.00 22:18:13 garote LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:13 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:13 moxyfruvous PLAYING 06.05.00 22:18:13 Speik PLAYING 06.05.00 22:18:13 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 06.05.00 22:18:13 Milo LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:14 CloseGame from garote 06.05.00 22:18:14 Game is NULL 06.05.00 22:18:16 GameReport from moxyfruvous: 06.05.00 22:18:16 garote LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:16 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:16 moxyfruvous WIN 06.05.00 22:18:16 Speik WIN 06.05.00 22:18:16 vladTheImpaled WIN 06.05.00 22:18:16 Milo LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:17 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 06.05.00 22:18:17 garote LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:17 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:17 moxyfruvous WIN 06.05.00 22:18:17 Speik WIN 06.05.00 22:18:17 vladTheImpaled WIN 06.05.00 22:18:17 Milo LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:17 GameReport from Speik: 06.05.00 22:18:17 garote LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:17 PC_Freak LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:17 moxyfruvous WIN 06.05.00 22:18:17 Speik WIN 06.05.00 22:18:17 vladTheImpaled WIN 06.05.00 22:18:17 Milo LOSS 06.05.00 22:18:19 New Game from moxyfruvous: ALRIGHTY'ALL 06.05.00 22:18:21 CloseGame from moxyfruvous 06.05.00 22:18:21 Game is ALRIGHTY'ALL 06.05.00 22:18:26 GameReport from Milo: 06.05.00 22:18:26 Milo DRAW 06.05.00 22:18:27 CloseGame from Milo 06.05.00 22:18:27 Game is NULL 06.05.00 22:18:46 garote demands a rematch :) 06.05.00 22:19:55 New Game from garote: EEEK! 06.05.00 22:19:56 CloseGame from moxyfruvous 06.05.00 22:19:56 Game is NULL 06.05.00 22:19:56 Logout of moxyfruvous from 06.05.00 22:20:23 Milo thinks garote is right 06.05.00 22:20:46 Logout of vladTheImpaled from 06.05.00 22:20:50 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 22:20:50 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 22:20:52 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 22:20:53 Could not load captainjapan(C:\star\server\players\captainjapan) 06.05.00 22:21:26 Login of SLUGbot from (5 Users) 06.05.00 22:24:59 Connection attempt from 06.05.00 22:24:59 Starcraft Connection accepted 06.05.00 22:25:01 Program PXES Version - 000000C1 06.05.00 22:25:10 Login of vladTheImpaled from (6 Users) 06.05.00 22:26:24 ,84,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,1,garote Friends in Space 06.05.00 22:26:25 ,84,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,1,garote Friends in Space 06.05.00 22:26:25 ,84,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,1,garote Friends in Space 06.05.00 22:26:25 ,84,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,1,garote Friends in Space 06.05.00 22:26:25 ,84,,6,1,a,1,4e07da12,1,garote Friends in Space 06.05.00 22:37:29 PC_Freak smokes crack 5 days a week... 07.05.00 00:00:26 GameReport from Milo: 07.05.00 00:00:26 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:00:26 PC_Freak DRAW 07.05.00 00:00:26 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:00:26 Speik DRAW 07.05.00 00:00:26 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:00:45 Milo/Channel slugs-1: erged 07.05.00 00:01:23 GameReport from PC_Freak: 07.05.00 00:01:23 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:23 PC_Freak DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:23 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:23 Speik DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:23 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 GameReport from Speik: 07.05.00 00:01:35 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 PC_Freak DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 Speik DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 GameReport from garote: 07.05.00 00:01:35 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 PC_Freak DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 Speik DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 07.05.00 00:01:35 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 PC_Freak DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 Speik DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:35 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:01:37 New Game from garote: EEEK! 07.05.00 00:01:46 CloseGame from garote 07.05.00 00:01:46 Game is EEEK! 07.05.00 00:02:53 Logout of PC_Freak from 07.05.00 00:04:09 CloseGame from Speik 07.05.00 00:04:09 Game is NULL 07.05.00 00:04:09 Logout of Speik from 07.05.00 00:04:33 garote/Channel slugs-1: I LIKE BEEF for BREAKFAST MMMMMMMMM 07.05.00 00:04:37 garote/Channel slugs-1: no I dont. 07.05.00 00:11:49 Milo feels like garote's beef for breakfast 07.05.00 00:14:50 SlugBOT/Channel slugs-1: YEEECH 07.05.00 00:15:31 garote/Channel slugs-1: NOOK NOOK NOOK NOOK NOOK NOOK NOOK (etc) 07.05.00 00:16:00 garote/Channel slugs-1: Let's ROCK! 07.05.00 00:18:09 garote does the "chicken dance" 07.05.00 00:18:44 New Game from Milo: gr8 computer cuisinart 07.05.00 00:19:40 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,Milo Blizzard 07.05.00 00:19:40 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,Milo Blizzard 07.05.00 00:19:41 ,,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,6,Milo Blizzard 07.05.00 00:26:52 GameReport from garote: 07.05.00 00:26:52 Milo PLAYING 07.05.00 00:26:52 vladTheImpaled PLAYING 07.05.00 00:26:52 garote LOSS 07.05.00 00:27:08 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 07.05.00 00:27:08 Milo PLAYING 07.05.00 00:27:08 vladTheImpaled LOSS 07.05.00 00:27:08 garote LOSS 07.05.00 00:27:20 GameReport from Milo: 07.05.00 00:27:20 Milo LOSS 07.05.00 00:27:20 vladTheImpaled LOSS 07.05.00 00:27:20 garote LOSS 07.05.00 00:27:21 CloseGame from Milo 07.05.00 00:27:21 Game is NULL 07.05.00 00:27:33 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: new on 07.05.00 00:27:36 New Game from garote: OUCHIE! 07.05.00 00:27:39 vladTheImpaled/Channel slugs-1: new one 07.05.00 00:28:01 ,86,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Indigo Waters 07.05.00 00:28:01 ,86,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Indigo Waters 07.05.00 00:28:01 ,86,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Indigo Waters 07.05.00 00:28:13 GameReport from garote: 07.05.00 00:28:13 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:13 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:13 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:14 CloseGame from garote 07.05.00 00:28:14 Game is NULL 07.05.00 00:28:15 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 07.05.00 00:28:15 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:15 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:15 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:19 GameReport from Milo: 07.05.00 00:28:19 garote DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:19 Milo DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:19 vladTheImpaled DRAW 07.05.00 00:28:23 CloseGame from Milo 07.05.00 00:28:23 Game is NULL 07.05.00 00:28:33 New Game from garote: DORKonator 07.05.00 00:29:04 ,86,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Indigo Waters 07.05.00 00:29:04 ,86,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Indigo Waters 07.05.00 00:29:04 ,86,16,6,1,2,1,4e07da12,7,garote Indigo Waters 07.05.00 01:09:39 GameReport from vladTheImpaled: 07.05.00 01:09:39 garote PLAYING 07.05.00 01:09:39 vladTheImpaled LOSS 07.05.00 01:09:39 Milo PLAYING 07.05.00 01:09:50 GameReport from garote: 07.05.00 01:09:50 garote LOSS 07.05.00 01:09:50 vladTheImpaled LOSS 07.05.00 01:09:50 Milo PLAYING 07.05.00 01:09:51 GameReport from Milo: 07.05.00 01:09:51 garote PLAYING 07.05.00 01:09:51 vladTheImpaled LOSS 07.05.00 01:09:51 Milo LOSS 07.05.00 01:09:51 CloseGame from garote 07.05.00 01:09:51 Game is NULL 07.05.00 01:10:31 Logout of vladTheImpaled from 07.05.00 01:11:02 Logout of garote from 07.05.00 01:11:19 Logout of Milo from 07.05.00 01:12:58 Logout of SlugBOT from
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Server and page maintained by Lt. Cprl. J.W. "Nobby" DeNobbes Esq. and his ragtime band. |