Imagine This: A club atmosphere kind of like The Edge, except
cooler. LOTS of people. The place has an upstairs and downstairs,
and during the opening acts, people are wandering all over the
place. From the first note that Crash Worship plays, EVERYBODY
comes downstairs and CRAMS onto the dance floor in front of the
stage. People with the band are throwing FLOUR, FAKE BLOOD, GALLONS
HOSING EVERYBODY on the floor as they play this Primal, Tribal
kind of music, except including an electric guitar. EVERYBODY
starts moving all over the place, and even if you relax your muscles,
you still get moved all over the place, and you don't fall over
because everyone is crammed in TOO MUCH! If you DO succeed
in falling over, everybody around rushes to pick you up. People
are crowd surfing, people are taking off their clothing.
Then, about a half-hour into the show, some BEAUTIFUL 18-20 year old exotic dancers come out on the stage and start stripping to the music. THIS prompts everyone in the CROWD to strip! Everyone (except for a few feebs who were wearing leather jackets and didn't know what the hell was going on) is almost COMPLETELY NAKED, SOAKED, and SLIPPERY, and we're all SLIDING OFF OF EACH OTHER on this dance floor feeling one another and basically just COMPLETELY LETTING GO to the music! Once the strippers are down to their panties, they get right to the edge of the stage and let the people in the front feel them.. Some of them crowd surf.. One of them CAME on my HAND! :) Everybody naked, dancing around to some really cool music, some feeling sexual, some just there for "human bonding", everybody is completely cool.. People feeling you all over, you feeling other people all over, and NOBODY is in control! The floor of that place was COATED with this evil muck by the time the show ended, Zoggie and I had only our jackets, pants and shoes by the time we were walking out the door, and those were REALLY hard to keep! Next time I go to one of these, I'm just wearing shorts and boots. That's it. If I had the money, I would become a "Crashhead" and just follow them around going to their shows.. ACK@! IT was SO FUCKING COOL!!
I i II I i I J jUSt WISH I could conVEY even A fRaCTIOn of how AWESOME it was! I cannot.. Take everything that I've said here, multiply its coolness by about 1,237,629, and that's not even HALF as cool as it was! I can't believe I had a chick SPUMING all over my hand- AT A FRIGGIN' CONCERT! I would still be there RIGHT NOW if the concert went on for that long! I would LIVE there! I would NEVER SLEEP.. DAMN, I wish life was always that much fun! I wish everyone ALWAYS felt that FREE to just LET GO! Some dude smacked his head into my mouth on accident and cut my lip, and I DON'T EVEN GIVE A SHIT! He could've turned around and TORN MY LIPS OFF, and I STILL wouldn't have cared! It was TOO MUCH INCREDIBLE FUN for me to give a damn about measly things like TORN OFF LIPS!
They had this billowing smoke machine, and, oh yeah, the strippers were also fire-eaters! They kept blowing fire all over the place and tossing huge packages of firecrackers into the crowd, and making these HUGE GOUTS of flame appear right at the edge of the stage, singing everybody's eyebrows and making them move back (for about 2 seconds..) I spent a good half of the show with that one girl, though.. Oh.. OH.... OHH!.!>.. *KABOOM!!*
(Android is glad that he kept his fingernails trimmed before the concert..)
Pipe dreams. :)
SO, all I can do is live it myself.. You were right. Crash Worship HAS changed my life.. I was listening to some music that I really liked today, but it just WITHERED and sounded THOROUGHLY FEEBLE compared to the ALL-AROUND EXPERIENCE of last night! Now I gotta go slave and allow the con to steal my memory of that glorious thing called CRASH WORSHIP.. :(
You know, Zog, I think they had crappy opening acts on PURPOSE to THOROUGHLY CONTRAST what was abou to happen...
Wow... I thought I was going to die of HAVING TOO MUCH FUN. This proved to me that THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE!
Wow.. The only music that I have that gives me any pleasure after that is my DEVO... I'm still bloody RECOVERING.. I'm STILL coming down from that HIGH.. I WILL be for at least the next MONTH...
Crash Worship...
If I have to tie all of you up with barbed wire and drag you there, YOU'RE GOING to the next show, you now have no choice. Too bad, huh!
-- Zoggie