If the Happy Spot wrote books:
"Happy-Spot to English Illustrated Dictionary"
"I Don't GIVE a Shit!!"
"Cooking With Gas (and other automotive fluids)"
"*CRUNCH!* The Idiot's Guide to PC Repair"
"Zen and the Art of Telling People to Shut the (*&# Up."
"'Android's Guide to Truly Good Music', OR,
'What the HELL was THAT?!'"
"How to Dismantle and Re-assemble Your Car for NO REASON', OR,
'Volkswagens are for Pussies. Volkswagens are for You.'"
"Why Can't Uri Geller Fix My Car?! And other burning mysteries.."
"Android Pet Care Series: Care and Breeding of Zogs"
"The Top 100 Obscenities to Exclaim While Assembling Your Custom PC"
"'Satellite Tuning is Easier Than You Think', OR
'Better Television Through Screwdrivers'"
"If My Music Makes You Feel Creepy Then Get the Hell Out of My Room"
"AAAiyyyaMM CRAP TEE-VAH: Voice Synthesis and Eternal Damnation"
"High-Tech Weaponry in the Aquisition of a UCSC Parking Space"
"You can't open a new box ... until you've feenished the last box!"
"'How NOT To Go About Being Vegan, in Ten Simple Steps', OR
'Blue Garote Needs Food-- Badly!'"
"ATDT4764945: A survivor's tale"
"Where the Red Fern REALLY Grows"
"Living as a Manic-Depressive Passive-Aggressive Hypoglycemic Hypersensitive Bipolar Introverted Masochist Lecher, and Relishing Every Second Of It."
"What the hell are these little squiggly things anyway: A Practical Guide to Kanji"
"Self improvement through IGNORING EVERYONE ELSE"
"Altering time and space for fun and profit: A Photoshop User's Manual"
"Simplicity Made Simple (the way things OUGHT to be)"
"Just Leave Me Alone, I'm Not Like You: A comparative study in cross-cultural personality disorders"
"'GOD DAMN! I JUST FIXED THAT!': Life as a QA Engineer"
"Arekusu's guide to playing the same three chords over and over: Music the Shonen Knife Way"
"MERCIFUL BUDDHA! - 1001 Great Kung-Fu Quotes"
"How to hook up damn near anything to your IIgs monitor (includes free duct tape!)"
"Monkeys Everywhere! A guide to living in modern society"
"You Fucking Dick: A layman's guide to not being an invasive pest every waking moment of the day"
"I Ain't Gots a Quarter for Yo' Bitchazz, or: haven't-bathed-in-five-weeks-odor asphyxiation blackout strategies. (New! Inner urban edition!)"
"Tastes Like Chicken -- one man's first-hand account of eating everything in sight, and more"
"Slobber on My Pants Cyclops Slave: a practical guide to assimilating yourself within the gay-bi-les community"
"Shit Ass Motherfucking Goddamn Christ Piss: a transcribed autobiography"
"'Shit this thing's heavy!' OR
'Disposing of dead bodies in ten fun, easy steps.'"
"From Congo to Antarctica: A case history of people who stay in the shower too long."
"Really Offensive Ways to Pee (BONUS: Includes handy illustrated reference card!)"
"The Cleese Claims It Is Sharp, Right On It's Label, But I Believe It Is Deceiving Me."
Hopefully more will be added here
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