Extra Warcraft Combat Summaries
Day 9
FFA Games
- Three Night Elf players and one Human player. The Human player was an expert, with a complete array of units, and waded in to each of our bases while we were busy fighting each other.
- Yet again, one player quit. A second was dropped with a bad connection. That left it one-vs-one, and a series of poor tactical decisions doomed me.
- Back and forth with the Undead, an even match until he successfully defended an expansion, and destroyed two of mine before they were finished. Then I was starved for cash, and he came in with a victory fleet to smack me down.
- Didn't expand out of fear because an enemy NE player had Chimaeras very early in the game, then got smacked by the Undead player. Starved for gold between two enemies, I was eventually smashed by ground forces.
- Started in a bad spot, and got rushed in a very inexpert manner by an Orc novice. I fought back, kicking his base to the brink of destruction, then left him as cannon fodder for the other players. Meanwhile I found two unmolested expansions. I thought the other two players were engaged in heated battle, but it turns out that the purple player was dominating the map, and the yellow player was hiding in a corner. Orange came at me again, was slaughtered, and then quit. Suddenly the purple player dropped connection. It was down to me and yellow, and I mowed him over. Victory! Sort of.
Day 10
FFA Games
- Had a good spot laid out, started a mine, but then found the Undead player and began to harass him. I ran home, but didn't have a large enough army to kick him out of my base, and he expertly manipulated his heroes to seal my doom.
Day 11
FFA Games
- I was harassed by an Elf player who destroyed my expansions repeatedly, then waded into my base and was about to start demolitions when something made him teleport home. It must have been the Orc army that marched in shortly after to finish the job. When I went searching for quick expansions points to avoid doom, I noticed my rival's entire base had been erased from the map. Then the Orcs destroyed my last home building, and I gave up.
Day 12
FFA Games
- Located early on by yet another Stupid Windwalking Orc player. I set up an expansion in the corner of the map, then he charged me with a paltry looking force and I smacked it so hard he fled. While he was back at home I found his expansion, and when he portaled in to defend it, I clobbered his force down to one hero, then leveled the expansion. Meanwhile, Player 3 had defeated Player 4, and the victor quickly charged my base. I was still rebuilding my army from the assault on the Orcs, so I got trampled.
- Started an expansion, developed a fairly rounded fleet, then went after an Orc player's expansion. He gated in and defended it, and I ran off. He'd planted Sentry Wards all over the map, and could see me coming, so when I charged his base the next time it was no surprise. I'd almost demolished the town hall a second time, when he came around the back and started picking on my warriors. My force got smashed, and as I was rebuilding at home he took out my expansion. Then the human player decided to hit me, and I was sandwiched. End of the game.
Day 17
FFA Games
- A small-map FFA with three NE players and one Orc. The Orc player got smacked down quickly, after I led an enemy NE player's army into his base with a 'fleeing' unit. Then the first NE player clashed with me, and was driven back into his base. The remaining NE player took over the Orc expansions - a good tactical decision - but kept producing the wrong type of army. I kept him at bay while I took over the first NE player's expansion, but shortly after that his Priestess hero learned Starfall and used it to decimate my army. I did well considering I had half the gold supply he had, but after he killed my only good expansion I knew I was done for, and quit the game.
Day 18
FFA Games
- Ran into an amateur NE player who didn't expand and tried to build a victory fleet. While I kicked his base over, the two Orc players fought like wildcats, and finally yellow trumped blue and blue quit. He then ran into me, but his army was in too poor of a shape, and he decided to give up. A fairly managed victory, but it seemed too easy.
- Sandwiched between the Undead and the Orcs, I managed to grab an expansion anyway, but the Orcs expanded twice as fast and built an army I had no chance against. They ate my expansion so I charged them at home, and got smashed. The only way to trump them would have been to switch tactics entirely and create a massive air force, but I just didn't have the cash.
- Smacked down by a brutal Undead player, when I rushed the Human player with a range-based army and got eaten by a bunch of melee troops. Both players were using melee armies, and I tried to shift gears and produce Chimaera, but never recovered.
Day 19
FFA Games
- Went back and forth with a fellow NE player, then got splatted by an Undead force. Clung to life in the corner of the map, but to no avail.
- Spent my time teching up for a big attack on one Human player, only to get invaded by another, who taunted me like a jerk. Then lag dropped us all out of the game.
Day 20
FFA Games
- Fought a NE player again, on the same map - this one tried to expand very ambitiously. I destroyed his third and fourth expansions twice, each time rushed him at home afterwards. Each time I rushed him, the Undead player mysteriously attacked my base and fled. I suspected that the two of them were in cahoots, and neither of them replied, admitting their guilt as far as I was concerned. Finally the Human player quit, and the Undead ran into my base full-tilt, but only after I'd used my entire army beating the crap out of the Night Elf player. I assume the Night Elf's underhanded pleas for help ruined him in the end, since the Undead player was at full strength when I left the game.
- Toyed with the yellow player, who was messing around with towers. Grabbed two expansions and ran back to base, then got charged by Orc player 1. I teleported in and killed his army, then charged his base. Took him out, but Orc player 2 decided that would be a good time to pounce on me with his batrider army, and I didn't create enough trees quick enough to counter the move. From there it was a race to find each others' buildings and destroy them - and he won by a hair.
Day 21
FFA Games
- Sandwiched between Orcs and Humans, I attacked the Humans first and prevented them from expanding. Drove them back into their base, then went back home - but still didn't have any place to expand. The Orc player was running free across the top of the map, and had accumulated so much cash that I couldn't stop him.
- Slammed by two Orc hordes in a row, destroying my expansions and charging me at home. A brutal game with a promising start and a discouraging end.
Day 22
- Third game, I was stuck between two sub-par Orc players. I don't think they ever saw each other. Happily, the first Orc player quit because he had an appointment, and that freed me up to create expansions, and creep my Priestess to level 5 - and soon after that, cast Starfall on the other Orc player's base. He went down in a blaze of glory, and I got an unexpected win.